(back log around Sols' adol)
Sol was frustrated, more than usual. Everything seemed to be falling apart around him. He began to feel like he was weak. Seeing Rada rise in ranks while he was stuck in the same positions confused him. They were twins after all, shouldn't they stick together, be in the same rank. He had always thought he was stronger than her anyways. Then there was the time he thought he saw his sister with Ajani. Ajani, an entertainer.

He had never liked entertainers much and usually kept his distance. Sure they were beautiful, but beautiful things distracted him. He saw entertainers as cunning and manipulative. Much like other pride members, but they had more control and he didn't like that. Today, however, he made his way threw to the entertainers den. Today he wanted to be entertained by Ajani. He had been saving up for the situation. His jewels he had gathered were in his pouch around his neck.

He wanted to see if Ajani was with his sister or if it was just a simple fling. Both pissed him off, but he did not want his sister with an entertainer. That would lead to nothing but trouble. “Currency Ajani, I would like to speak to you.” He called out in his relatively calm voice.

Out of the shadowy dens, Ajani appeared. He had watched Sol approach the entertainers den. The young cheetah had never been here, Ajani thought. It was even odder he called for Ajani. “Hello Sol-Lucius.” Ajani said with a pur. “How may I help you?”

Ajani was always willing to help others. He didn't mind others using him and he loved to dance and sing for others. However he could guess that Sol was not here to be entertained, at least not fully. There was something else he wanted. Ajani noticed how he, like his sister, had grown up so much. Sol had become a fighter, one with a temper apparently. He argued with his trainers, as well with other fighters. He was only civil to his siblings, or so Ajani heard.

“I am free right now, though I have a meeting later.” He informed, not wanting to waste any of their time. The meeting was with Rada, he was meant to see her again, alone far away from the eyes of the pride. Their relationship was something he enjoyed, something he wanted to keep protected.

Sol watched the older cheetah carefully. He began to circle around him. If they had a fight, Sol was certain he would win. Ajani didn't look like he had much fighting experience. However, despite how much he wanted to fight, he knew that it wouldn't be the right thing to do. Not yet anyways. He could get into some serious trouble, especially since Ajani was at a higher rank then him. For now he would be civil and wait for his moment to attack.

“What do you think I want with you? I want you to entertain me.” He pulled out a jeweled necklace out of his pouch. He didn't have enough credits to earn some entertainment, but he did have his stash of treasure that he kept hidden away. Most of it he had stolen from his missions into the rogue lands, though some he had won in fights. He never spent any of it, nor had he given any away. This was the first time he was going to use it.

He tossed the necklace toward Ajani. “Take it and entertain me.” He sat down, his cool eyes watching the entertainer. His thoughts were on how he would react. Would he get upset and refuse or something else?

Ajani stepped forward and admired the necklace. He than picked it up and walked over to Sol and placed the necklace around him. “I would be honored to be the first entertainer who entertained you. You do not owe me anything.” He narrowed his eyes and grinned. Sol probably wanted to anger him. It wasn't a secret that he disliked all entertainers. Instead Ajani decided to play it cool. If Sol did know about Ajani and Rada's relationship, Ajani knew that could cause problems.

He wanted to try something knew. Usually he would dance and sway, but this time he thought he would sing. It was rare for him to sing, but it was probably one of his better attributes. He began to sing and dance slowly around Sol, his movements mimicked the waves in the ocean. The song he same was slow and sincere. He came closer to Sol, but drew away, then he went even closer to Sol before once again moving back.

He felt warm inside. The dance and saw made him feel, important. The way Ajani watched him caused him to feel as if he were someone desirable. He wondered if Ajani looked at his sister with those eyes. It wouldn't be a surprise if she had fallen for him because of them. He didn't mind the closeness Ajani got, in fact he rather enjoyed it. Occasionally he would lean forward to allow him to brush Ajani's fur.

It was so soft, so gentle. Why hadn't he let himself be entertained before? Was it usually like this or was Ajani making him feel special because he actually did care for him. Sol kept telling himself that he was there for his sister, and that was it. He told himself that he did not like to be entertained, that entertaining was a weak art form the he detested. An art form that made him feel warm inside.

At last he looked away. “Please stop.” He said through gritted teeth. His attention did not go back to Ajani till Ajani stopped dancing.

Ajani stopped when asked. “Did I do something wrong Sol?” He asked innocently. Ajani stood next to Sol and draped his tail over Sol. He had noticed the look Sol gave him. Had he melted away some of the ice around the cold fighters heart? He hoped Rada wouldn't be upset with him for messing with her brother. There was no harm to be done of course, he just wanted to play with Sol, that's all.

“I could always entertain you a different way. If you would like we could just talk. I have been told that I am a good listener. You can tell me anything and it will stay between us.” he promised. Even if he didn't particularly like Sol, he wouldn't betray any trust between them. He would take any secrets Sol told him to his grave.

“You did nothing wrong other than being an entertainer,” Sol said with a sigh. “I would like to talk. There are a lot of things that have happened since I got here, and something that have occurred before I even got here.” He hesitated to continue. He had never talked about these things to anyone else. Not his siblings, not his fellow fights. No one.

Here was the cheetah he trusted the least amount. He had to decide if he wanted to share with him. He promised not to tell, but he could never trust another words. However he knew he could keep him quiet. “I know about you and Rada. You want to keep it a secret so you can protect her and yourself am I right? Well if you blab to anyone about anything I am about to tell you than your little secret will be told as well.”

Ajani was surprised by what Sol was saying. He didn't need to resort to black mail, yet the cheetah was. “I am sorry if you don't trust me Sol, but you do not have a right to do that. I would never tell your secrets to anyone. That isn't who I am. I prefer to respect those around me, something you ought to learn.”

He let out a sigh. For now he would forgive the young cheetah, though if he tried anything like that again he would never forgive Sol. “Follow me, I will take us somewhere private, where we can discuss the matters at hand. We do not want anyone over hearing what we have to say.” He lead Sol deeper into the entertainer den. Most of the others were out doing their job at the moment, so it was nice and quite.

Sol followed, though hesitantly. Had he made a mistake. Should he have trusted Ajani to begin with. No, he reminded himself that entertainers could not be trusted. He was sure that Ajani would stay quiet though. There was so much on his mind that he needed someone to talk to. An entertainer would be the best to talk to. They had to listen to him, it was part of their job.

“Everything we talk about will remain between us right. You can't even tell Rada.” Sol said. That was what worried him the most. The idea that his sister would find out about his secrets worried him. He found a spot in the den and curled up. He wondered if this was how it was like to have a friend, someone you could tell you secrets too. It was different of course, but maybe a bit similar. He couldn't imagine Ajani ever wanting to be his friend after this, but that didn't worry Sol. As long as he listened they would get along alright.

“I will not tell a soul. No one will know your secrets except for me and you.” Ajani wanted to gain Sol's trust, even if it would be a long road. He would start with this, this awkward situation. It was obvious neither of them were fond of the other. Sol disliked him because of Rada and now Ajani could never fully trust him for attempting to black mail him.

“But lets make one thing clear. If you even try to black mail me or Rada I swear that will be the only thing that will pry your secrets from me. You will lose my trust and gain my hatred. I will not tolerate petty acts like that. Now feel free to tell me what you need to. My ears are open for you.” He said gently, sitting next to the cheetah. As much as he was prepared to listen, he would soon find out he wasn't ready to hear what he was bout to listen to.

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