Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:26 pm
I don't know how well y'all are going to receive this. I know there's going to be lots of discussion about this being unfair to newbies...but...there are also lots of other ways for a newbie to receive his/her first soq and if this was going right along with a CYO event who's to say it wouldn't be fair. I'm not saying to add this to the current CYO. I'm well aware staff have their hands full with this one.
So...on with my suggestion...what about having a raffle where the plushes of the past get to brought back for reevaluation and maybe another shot at a plush conversion. I know there are alot of us who have plushes that are our favorites and we would love to see soqs...but questing them and customing...well that just wouldn't be in the spirit of a plush conversion. Ya know? If you're thinking like I am.
I'm not saying we should allowed to post all past plushes into a raffle. If that was allowed -bonus- but it does sound a bit extreme. Maybe four or five of our all time favorites. Something like that?
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:46 pm
I don't see anything wrong with this idea, personally, but that kind of takes away from the reason why there are CYOs... If you're doing plushies that are already colored, there's kind of... No point in the CYO?
Not sure how I really feel about having an event just for that though.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:14 pm
I dont see any reason why you couldnt recreate your plush (and even get to add or subtract some things) for a new cyo event, especially if you can color for yourself
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:38 pm
I somewhat like this idea....
but i would rather just be able to post ONE plush from past plushes. not multiple
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:21 pm
I tend to agree that remaking the plush would work. There's no need to have them come back from past events. For me, the best part of a CYO is getting new plushies and giving them a chance. Besides - it leads to hard feelings for those who colored the ones that you aren't putting back up and even for those you passed over from this event's bunch in favor of old ones. I think current even plushies should be enough. And if you really do have an absolute favorite idea, re-do it or quest it in customs.