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[JRP] The Dying Place (Ekwueme, Anuli, Pumbaa'Mlinzi)

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moineau bavarde

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:29 pm
User ImageEkwueme had always comforted himself with the knowledge that even though Añuli followed him, he could never hurt her. He was her protector, her guardian, her friend. No matter where she went, he would find her, protect her, hunt for her. Talk her into eating, no matter how bad she felt for the gazelle. And always, always be there for her.

You failed. Just like you failed your sister.

He hung his head. I failed. He glanced towards the back of the den, where Añuli was sleeping. The healers had said she needed to rest, but would recover. They also said he needed to rest, but how could he? They were surrounded by lions!

How could you bring her here? You are such a fool.

I had no choice! The wounds got infected, the fever-

The wounds from when she got attacked by a lion. The wounds from when you didn't save her.

Ekwueme growled and resumed his pacing at the entrance to the den. The binding on his head wound was starting to slip over his eyes again, but he didn't care. So far the healer lions had helped them, saved Añuli, but that didn't mean he had to trust them. No! He would keep an eye out and he'd die fighting before he let anyone hurt Añuli ever again.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:14 am
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Añuli had never been a cautious sort of individual. Peculiar, even a little strange, but careful? Never. She tended to think on the outer spectrum of things; the spectrum that only she was a part of. For a while, that had worked out just fine, but now her mind was no longer safe. It was as dark as Ekwueme's fur, and not nearly as comforting. The fever only made it worse.

The petite female would moan and groan, toss and turn before she was able to find some relief. Moving too much would cause her wounds to flare up again, so it became a vicious cycle. However, nothing could compare to that thing. Añuli's nightmares consisted of that lioness chasing her down, but she was never attacked. It was always Ekwueme, which always made it worse.

When her tired eyes finally opened to the world she quickly realized she was alone. Before panic set in she caught of a whiff of a comforting scent mixed with so many other things. Death? Illness? That sweet, acidic scent of infection wouldn't leave her alone! "Ekwueme?" She croaked. Añuli licked her lips and spoke again in the loudest, clearest voice she could muster, which really wasn't much at all. "Ekwueme? Where are you?" Surely he wouldn't have left her.....would he?

She saw something at the entrance of the den, something that looked vaguely familiar, but for once in her life she couldn't be sure.

moineau bavarde

Celestial Requiem

Painted Moose

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:31 am
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He'd been pacing in front of his den for some time now, unsure of when to enter, but knowing he couldn't hold out much longer. Hanging from his jaws were the roots and leaves of various plants, that had only just arrived. He had thanked his leopon aid endlessly before the moans started up again. When it happened, his aid knew it was time to slip away, leaving Mlinzi alone once again. This was always the hardest part of the job for him, the awkward silence part, the part where there is no new news to tell the family, but it is all they expect.

Sighing he could hear a faint voice form within and knew it was time to enter the den. Carefully pushing aside the moss he had placed for her privacy, Mlinzi stepped inside and nodded slightly at the darker male. He was partially in need of medical attention as well, but would survive without it. Whereas his female companion might not.

"Shhhh you mustn't strain your voice, it will sap your strength." He offered the female a tender smile and placed his paws gently upon his nose, paw pads, and forehead. She was still warm, much much warmer than she needed to be.

"I've brought you some herbs, I need you to agree to take them willingly ..." He paused a moment, debating a chuckle, and then went ahead with it. "These herbs, aren't the best tasting ones out there, but they will do the job required of them."

Placing the herbs down beside the female, he awaited an answer. "A simple nod or shake will do. No need to overexert yourself my dear."

Painted Moose

moineau bavarde
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:46 am
"Añuli." Abandoning his pacing, Ekwueme hurried to her side. "Añuli, I'm right here."

He stiffened as the lion entered the den, but refrained from growling. No matter how much he hated the situation, Añuli needed the healers' help. Which didn't mean he had to like having the strange lion touching Añuli. In his mind's eye all he saw was the lioness attacking Añuli over and over again.

"None of this is funny," he snapped.

But if the herbs were important... "Añuli," he begged, "eat the plants. They'll make you better." He rested his head beside her paw and let out a low whine, even the lion forgotten in his anxiety over Añuli.

Painted Moose


moineau bavarde

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Painted Moose

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:11 pm
Añuli sniffled back tears of fear as soon as she laid eyes on Ekwueme. At first, she didn't notice the lion. Her eyes were for Ekwueme and Ekwueme alone. If she hadn't been in so much pain she would have pulled herself to his side, but as it was the slightest movement jarred her.

Who was speaking...? Añuli tensed almost immediately, hissing as she did so. Lions were bad. Very bad. A lioness had done this to them, but why was he helping? Was it only the females that were bad? When he touched her, she closed her eyes on a reflex, bracing for the awaited attack. However, when it didn't come, she allowed her exhausted body the break it deserved.

Herbs? But why? She stared at him, the fever making it harder for her to process all the information being tossed at her, but in the end it was Ekwueme that convinced her. She hated to see him this way. Her body trembled, and a thin stream of tears slipped down her face as she nodded. Añuli shifted her body to snatch one between her teeth and give a sorry attempt at chewing.


moineau bavarde
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:40 pm
Mlinzi allowed room for a slight frown at the male's words, but quickly erased it, replacing his upset with a bit of a joking comment. "I hardly think you'd agree if you had to eat them! They're not as tasty as they once looked." His eyes darted slowly from the female to the male, watching with hopeful as eyes as the male begged his companion to sample the bitter herbs. It was with great relief that he exhaled his breath, she was going to eat them. But she didn't seem to be having an easy time of it. Sighing he turned to the rather abrupt male and handed him the facts.

"She needs to eat these herbs rather quickly or they won't be of any use. She doesn't seem to enjoy them, or have ease with chewing them." Another pause, giving the male ample time to take in his words. "Now I can make them into a liquid form, though she'll have even less time to eat them. It will be your responsibility to give them to her ..." His frown returned with distaste as the next words escaped his lips, "Based on her wounds, I am not at all surprised by your hostility, which is why it would be safer for you to issue the herbs." Nudging his head back towards the male he smiled, "A salve is also an option, though the liquid is still required.

I'll leave the decision to the two of you, but please choose quickly."
Dipping his head in respect to the two of them, he allowed himself to slip out of the den as easily as he had entered, now all there was to do was wait.

Painted Moose

moineau bavarde


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moineau bavarde

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:27 am
Ekwueme felt a stir of relief when Añuli ate the herbs, but lost the feeling as quickly as he gained it. He listened to the healer's words, torn between anger and gratitude. Most of all he felt a terrible anxiety that sat in his chest like a stone. The healer's news was... not good. Añuli had to get better, she had to! He waited for the healer to leave the den before turning to Añuli and nudging her paw.

"Can you drink?" he asked softly. "It's important. I'll be here, I'll pour it down your throat, all you have to do is swallow... Añuli, please. Please do this one thing. And we'll do the salve, it'll be okay, I promise."

((Sorry for the delay, job hunting stress ate my muse.))

Painted Moose

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:42 pm
Añuli rolled her head back with an exhausted whine. She really didn't want to eat anymore of the herbs, but she didn't have a choice. If it was what Ekwueme wanted, then she had to. What little bit of the plant that was still in her mouth dropped out; as if it too were to tired to deal with the process anymore.

A liquid? Drink? That sounded better; easier. Añuli nodded softly, her eyes drooping with the action. Her energy was better spent sleeping and resting, and she knew it, but if she did there would be a good chance she wouldn't wake up again. "...Can.." She nodded again, her voice a raspy whisper. This time, instead of Ekwueme, she looked to the lion. "...help...him...too...worried.."


moineau bavarde

Painted Moose

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:23 pm
Ah good news for the pair, the female had agreed to drink the liquid, now all he had to do was prepare it. It was simple enough, in fact his helper just outside should already have it prepared. With a small nod to the couple, he slipped form the den but for a moment, returning rather quickly with both a salve and a murky liquid, resembling something nearer to dirt than a drink.

"I know it doesn't look appetizing, but my helper added a small bit of flavoring to it. It won't be all that sweet, but it will curve your distaste, if only slightly." He smiled faintly at the female, before turning his attention back to the male, being sure to make his expression more sincere.

"If you would be so kind as to help her drink the liquid, I can begin applying to salve to her wounds. I promise I will be as gentle as possible. No unnecessary harm will come to her."

Looking back at the female once again, he left her with one final comment. "This medicine will help to fight infection, it should also help your pain." Finishing up his statement, he nearly missed Anuli's words.

Bending down to her level, he whispered right back to her in as soothing a voice as he could provide. "I will help him in any way I can my dear, he need only tell me what ails him." Patting her lightly across the forehead he returned his attention to the male.

"There's no need to panic so easily, the stress will only effect her state further. I know its hard, but what she needs most - other than these medicines, is for a calm den." He paused, staring deeply into the male's eyes. "Believe me, I know its hard. But can you do that for her?"

Painted Moose

moineau bavarde
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:44 pm
Ekwueme let out a silent prayer of thanks to whatever gods might be listening. Añuli would drink the liquid, it would be okay.

He still didn't care for the healer, but Añuli's life was in his paws. Like it or not, he had to trust him. He had to stay calm. With a pang he realized that the healer was right about panic doing little to help Añuli. "I can do that," he said, keeping his voice even.

He gave the liquid a cautious sniff before turning to Añuli. "Are you ready?" He asked. "I'm going to pour the medicine in your mouth, drink as much as you can."

Painted Moose


moineau bavarde

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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:07 pm
Life had a funny way of lightening in the heart of darkness. This lion, with his gentle words and firm paws had made time to keep her in the world of the living. Not only that, but he listened to her as an equal, not like the prey the lioness had made her out to be. Añuli took a shaky breath, and murmured a thank you. Words wouldn't be able to convey her thoughts; not that she had the strength to spare on them, anyway.

The little canine shook her head and turned towards Ekwueme. As ravenous as her thirst was, she dreaded having to drink. Despite the healer's efforts to assure her, if it tasted as bad as it looked she didn't know that she could hold it in.


moineau bavarde
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:48 pm
Mlinzi tried to hold a cheerful smile in the face of the love sitting before him, but he felt terrible for the female. So sickly and ill, he knew she would recover, but he also knew she was in no condition for it anytime soon. The two needed a safe haven, a place to rest their bones. But to stay here, where she needed to be. He knew of only one thing that could happen. The two would have to stay, forever. It was hard for him to stay cheerful knowing the two were now doomed to a life he himself would wish on no one.

Clearing his throat he nodded at the male that it was OK to begin giving her the liquid.

"It will be over sooner than you think, and once you are done I will bring you all the fresh water you can drink." He patted her paw gently before dipping his paw into the salve near his feet.

"Now i'll be as gentle as possible, but you my feel a sting. I apologize for that, I wish there was more I could do." Frowning he placed the cold salve to her wounds and gently began the process of rubbing it in.

"Now you will have a long recovery time, these type of wounds don't heal overnight. The pain will, but your ability to recoop won't be quite as strong. My best advice to the two of you is to remain here. Our pride is very welcoming, and would not object to two new members." He paused for a moment wondering whether he was truly doing the right thing. "If it isn't something you wish to do, I can not stop you. But as an apothecary I couldn't bare to see you leave in such a condition."

Painted Moose

moineau bavarde


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moineau bavarde

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:03 am
Ekwueme carefully poured the liquid a little at a time in Añuli's mouth, adjusting the flow as needed. He didn't care for the lion touching Añuli, but he tolerated it. This lion was also a healer; apparently his urge to heal came before his urge to kill.

His hackles raised at the thought of staying in such a place. A solitary healer lion was one thing, but an entire pride of them!

And yet... he lay his head down next to Añuli, the one light in his life. She needed to rest and heal. He couldn't protect her the way she wanted to. When she was strong again, then they could leave, the could find a safe haven with only wild dogs. No more lions. But in the mean time...

"We'll stay until she's better," he grudgingly allowed.

Painted Moose

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:27 pm
Mlinzi let out a sigh of relief at the male's acceptance. He could tell by his tone that something more was bothering him, but considering the male's hostile attitude he felt it best not to pry.

"I think that's a fine choice. Good on you for sticking near to her, when she needed you most." Nodding his head he stepped closer to the male and patted him gently on the back. "I've seen many a lion abandon those weaker than they, but i've also seen my share of heroes. And you my friend, are a hero." He smiled gently, a little nervous to allow his full green to come out. He was forced to restrain himself.

"I think she's going to be just fine. For now, we should let her get her rest. I will check back as often as is needed." He paused briefly, realizing the male might want to stay by her side. "If you're going to stay, just remember to be silent, she needs the rest. If anything happens while i'm away, I won't be far. Just ask for "Mlinzi" I will come running."

Dipping his head once more to the male, he slowly turned and proceeded to leave the den.

moineau bavarde
I thought this might be a good place to end. Everyone gets one more post and we can wrap it up! Or did you guys want to stretch things out a bit more?

If so let me know, i'll edit my post :3

Painted Moose


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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:55 pm
Words were like whispers of spirits on her ears as Añuli struggled to stay conscious. Her very core craved rest, and yet she would not go into it; could not. Whether it was the effects of the sampling of herb in her system, or just a resigned hope that she would be alright, the small wild dog was able to finally settle. The liquid was horrid, but it was a small price to pay if it meant that she would still be by Ekwueme's side.

As she settled in beside her, Añuli turned her head to nestle beside him. She wanted to thank this lion; to show him in her own way how she felt, and decided that she would, when the time was right. For now, it took all of her energy to move even her muzzle to the darker fur around her. All it took was a reassuring scent, and she was out.

moineau bavarde
So sorry for the delay! D: This sounds like a good place to end. :3

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