I was Doc MFN and changed my username, I like being called Doc or Strider, my Pesterchum handle is carnvinorousGallantry after my fantroll who was killed and fed to Vriska's lusus after losing a FLARPing campaign. I like all kinds of stuff and I really mean all kinds of stuff. Just finished writing a Slenderman story and am working on a story sort of inspired by a dream and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Despite my avi, I'm a binary female that's genderfluid. I'm normally into guys, but I can find attraction to others that identify as any or no gender as well.
I was born in the year of the sheep/goat and Terezi is my patron troll although I have a special love of Sollux as well. I like pretty much all of the trolls except for Gamzee and Kurloz. Nothing against them really, just no...
I haven't come up with an intro for my fantroll. sweatdrop
Uhh.............. Anything else, just ask? Yeah, that should cover it.