Log between Pinch and I]

Months had gone by since Liraz had passed, though it didn't seem that long. He remembered her as if she were lying next to him at that very moment. But he wondered if the children were helping with that. He thought about her every day, when he looked into the faces that looked so much like her own. He wondered how much she had seen of them, if she had given them each a farewell before she had gone. He knew she would have wanted it that way, and he could only hope she had been given the blessing of knowing the bundles he had grown attached to.

The cubs were juveniles now, slightly bigger than they were when they had been brought here. They were adjusting well, from what he saw. The corsairs raised them in the day while he was out, and when he returned they retired to the den where he would tuck them in and promise to keep the monsters away.

He had been meant to be a father. He knew it, deep down in his bones.

Miela and Ricco
Ricco did his best to be a Very Good Brother - especially when it came to his littlest sister. Littlest - such a literal term. She was so small, so frail. Healthy, yes, but perhaps not as healthy, nor flourishing as well as her brothers and sisters did. Where Ricco could walk and talk and run and play, climb trees and swim, Miela spent most of her time watching him, enjoying the things he did - but through him, and through all of her other siblings, as well.

"And then, Mia, okay, are you watching?"

The midday sun was hot on her pale head, but Miela let out a soft tinkle of laughter as she watched her brother swish around in the sand near the beach.

"I'm watching, Ricco!"

"Okay, so then I was like blam! - and the bird fell out of the tree and then I was like blam, blam!"

Miela laughed again, bright green eyes giddy with laughter as she watched Rocco entertain her. They were close - perhaps closer to one another compared to their other siblings - but they were sweet to everyone around them, just as their siblings were. Most especially, though, to their papa.

It was in that moment that Miela caught sight of her number one favorite lion in the world.

"Ricco! It's papa!"

Miele being so tiny, hadn't gone unnoticed from the male. He knew she was small, and he hoped she was healthy. Someone had suggested taking her to Oceane' to be looked at. He quickly brushed the idea off. He knew he could care for his cubs without the help of the seer.

He heard their voices, or at least two of them, and a smile left his maw. They held so much of him when he had been younger. Full of spirit and joy. They were so innocent in their ways.

He had been content to just watch them play, now that he had a free time from the rest of the crew. He hadn't wanted to disturb them. But when that cheery little face had spotted him, and called out excitedly, he knew that his intentions had changed.

"My Miela. What trouble be you and your brother gettin' into?" He asked as he approached them, his paw gently rubbing the top of her head.

Miela and Ricco
"Ricco is showing me how he knocked a bird straight out of a tree, papa. I didn't see it, but it sounds as if he had the grandest time, and it's so hot today, too, papa."

The last bit held a slight tone of exhaustion, her smile lessening just slightly. She despised the heat so desperately. It made her feel so tired, listless - but she would never let Ricco see her tiredness.

He was not as oblivious as she would have liked. He could tell when she felt overtly tired, and he was always careful to make sure she had plenty of rest.

"I been watchin' her real good, papa."

Miela rolled her eyes. Ricco caught the action, mimicking it blatantly though his muzzle stretched in a smile from ear to ear.

It made Miela giggle.

"I helped Mia swim a little bit too - but don't worry, papa, the corsairs were close." He sounded disgruntled, almost as if he couldn't be trusted to watch after his sister.

"I had fun, papa," she assured the black and white lion, purring softly as she butted her head against his leg. "Ricco is a very good swimmer, and a very good swimmer-teacher!"

Ricco beamed.

Catfish wondered if maybe his son really had knocked a bird out of a tree. It was a hard task to be sure, but it wasn't impossible. And if anyone was going to be good at it, well, why not his own son? Ricco was advanced in his ways, from what he could tell, anyway. Though the last sentence had him smile, and he laughed that deep, friendly laugh that was all his own.

"Is that so, sweetheart? Well I suspect we shall have to be goin' to the watering hole later. For some swimmin' practice. Would ye like that?" He asked with another smile. He had not introduced them to swimming in the ocean. Even advanced swimmers had a difficult time sometimes. And they hadn't been born anywhere near water. He wanted to make sure htey were safe.

"That's my lad! Best make sure she is safe and sound, and ye will be okay." He said, and dragged his son to him, giving him a noogie with his paw.

Then he had heard that they had been swimming. For a moment, he wondered if anyone had been supervising them. Though the corsairs being around were enough for him. He couldn't coddle his cubs forever, now could he?

"Well then, instead of swimming, we can just sit in the cool water. Then ye won't be so hot, eh?"

Miela and Ricco
Miela gave her father a grateful look. Sitting in cool water sounded absolutely fantastic to the little female. While the sun was nice when she was chilly, it was unbearable when she was too warm.

Both of the cubs were silent for a long moment, sharing a strange, long look between them before Ricco finally spoke up.

"Dad, me and Mia was wondering - do you think Auntie Orla is ever gonna visit again? We had that real long walk, and then she gave us to you but then she left again, and well. We was just wonderin' if she was gonna come see us again."

Miela smiled softly at her brother before glancing upwards to her papa.

"She told us a lot of stories about our mama, but.. maybe you could get married to auntie Orla, and then she could be our mama."

Ricco gave Miela A Look before he peered up at his dad.

"Miela's juss' bein' silly, dad. But. You know - I mean. Well."

Ricco shrugged.

Miela gave him a pitying look before glancing up at Catfish.

"Maybe someday we could have a mom."

"Yeah, dad. Maybe someday."

They both sounded so hopeful. It was obviously something they spent much time talking about.

When Ricco mentioned Orla, Catfish found himself thinking of Liraz once again. He sighed, though he offered a soft smile. He didn't want to tell his children to lose hope. They knew Orla, and perhaps one day she would visit again.

"She may, lad. She may. And when she does, you will have adventures and so much stuff to tell her!" He said, poking to boy with a wink.

His eyes widened a bit when Miela made her suggestion, and stammered.
"Uh- I- Lass." He sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately I don't think that would work. But she would love you just the same." He said with confidence. Then she looked at him again, those eyes full of innocence and hoping. She wanted a mom? Why hadn't he once thought of that..

"Is that what you two be wantin'? A mom?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

Miela and Ricco
Miela gave her father a rather winsome look. "Well, yes, papa. We don't have one, and so we need one. Don't we?" Didn't everyone have a mama to go with their papa? She knew that their mama was gone, because their auntie Orla had made it clear that she was gone to some place that they couldn't visit. She'd also made it clear that their mama had been one of the most gentle and loving lionesses on the planet, and that made Miela feel pretty good. It was still sad, but it made it easier to cope with the loss of a lioness they'd never really known.

Ricco didn't sound as happy. He'd really liked his auntie Orla. She'd been fun, and she'd taken really good care of them. It was kind of sad that he'd never be able to see her again unless she visited. Ricco was young, but he wasn't dumb. He knew the chances of his auntie coming to visit were slim.

"You shoulda just married her," he grumped, looking sour.

"Maybe they weren't in love, Ricco." Miela was always a bit more level-headed.

"I guess maybe they weren't." He sounded resigned. "But maybe papa doesn't want a wife."

Ricco squinted at his father.

"Do you?"

"You don't have to have one, love, no. Take a look at me. I didn't have a father. I had a mother that loved me a'helluva lot." He looked at the two of them warmly.
"You have a father who loves ye a helluva lot. It's almost the same." He wasn't sure what to do about the idea of having a mother figure for htem. Did that mean he needed to take a mate? Suddenly he had a new goal. If they wanted a mother, he had to try to bring them one. He may have done well without a father.. But perhaps it was easier to go without a father than it was a mother. WHo was he to judge.

"Oh Ricco.. Marriage wasn't even on the table. I barely knew your Aunt Orla." He sighed, wishing he hadnt soured his son's happy expression.

Though his daughter spoke up, and he smiled softly. "We weren't in love. Love be a treasure all it's own. Best not to waste it." He responded.

Then he was put on the spot. Damn it. Damn it. Fine, he would just do it.
"If that is what ye both be wanting. I could maybe see if I could find me a wife. But I'd only see ones that would be acceptable mothers. Nothing less." He said, a firm look as he looked at the two. He wouldnt just take anyone. She'd have to be responsible, and trustworthy.