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Name; Taehyun
NickName; Taehyunnie.

Age;Eighteen. I blew those candles out May19th.

Inspiration; I'm home schooled - So I get bored easily. I've been craving a ONExONE.

What am I doing?Online/Offline/Busy/Role playing/Sleepy/ Homework/ Off at work/REALLY wanting to role-play.

My Name is Taehyun or Taehyunnie, Which ever you prefer.

I am guessing since you clicked the title and seen that I am looking for a RP partner ? I am guessing you are too and that is perfect for me! ( =

So yes with that being said, Welcome - Welcome! Hello, Hello!<3

I really honestly don't ask for MUCH in a role- play, Just please don't leave me. (If you want to leave the role - play just tell me and we can end it.) Please have literacy and at-least post once a day. Since I am home schooled I am on ALL the time... Like seriously, It makes NO type of sense. (Wait no unless I am at work which is normally from 4-9:30 - But other than that, I am FOREVER one! (: ]

I will play any type of sexuality RP'S. (I am not that good at them, But hey! I can try!?(:] I like them because they are FUN! Unlike being straight all the time, sometimes you have to live a little right? Okay so on that note, I have nothing else to say.

What else? I REALLY like playing girl, Since I am girl - It is like my natural state. ^_^ Yes, Yes! I also double - up!(: Because I usually get paired up with girls and yeah, neither of us want to play boys, so we usually double up.^_^ Everyone is happy, yayyy!

When it comes to role - playing, I'm very flexible and if you have any idea - Be more than free to tell me your wants, I am open to alot of thing. (: I have a few plots, But I'm sure you all have something better than me.

If you are interested PM or QUOTE me, Have a cool day! ^_^

Here are some plot's, throw some of your own into here.

Step Brother X Step Sister.
School Teacher X Student.
Jerky Douche Bag X Miss Innocent.
Oldest sibling friend X Younger sibling.
Warrior X Princess.
Fruits Baskets.
Step Father X Step Daughter
Friends with benefits.

That's ALL I got. SO come one , Let's Role - Play!