I am currently questing a few members of the Dark Brotherhood from the Bethseda, Elder Scrolls games.
Cicero from Skyrim
Severa Magia, my character who is loosely based on the Night Mother
and eventually Sithis, a Shadow Suti
What I want to know is if there are any Dark brothers and sisters who would be interested in joining. or if there is already something like this that i am not aware of.
And with my luck in customs, I probably wont get Cicero for a while, but i just wanted to generate some interest for potentially developing a Dark Brotherhood herd/sanctuary.
looking for any sinister soq, who would make good assassins. poisons, knifes, magic, mutations, all are welcomed. if your character has a knack for killing things, this might be a fun herd for you!
all characters must follow the five tenants
Tenet 1: Never dishonor the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis .
Tenet 2: Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Tenet 3: Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Tenet 4: Never steal the possessions of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Tenet 5: Never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
The Night Mother is the matriarch, and Sithis is their ever guiding father. Sithis guides the souls of the assassinated dead, and protects his dark children.
link to Sanctuary (under construction)
Cicero from Skyrim
Severa Magia, my character who is loosely based on the Night Mother
and eventually Sithis, a Shadow Suti
What I want to know is if there are any Dark brothers and sisters who would be interested in joining. or if there is already something like this that i am not aware of.
And with my luck in customs, I probably wont get Cicero for a while, but i just wanted to generate some interest for potentially developing a Dark Brotherhood herd/sanctuary.
looking for any sinister soq, who would make good assassins. poisons, knifes, magic, mutations, all are welcomed. if your character has a knack for killing things, this might be a fun herd for you!
all characters must follow the five tenants
Tenet 1: Never dishonor the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis .
Tenet 2: Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Tenet 3: Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Tenet 4: Never steal the possessions of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Tenet 5: Never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
The Night Mother is the matriarch, and Sithis is their ever guiding father. Sithis guides the souls of the assassinated dead, and protects his dark children.
link to Sanctuary (under construction)

[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23496235&page=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/sheenadoll/Original Characters/brotherhoodITbannery.jpg[/IMG][/url]
In order to be initiated into the brotherhood, your character will have had to have killed someone, or be willing to kill someone. (This does not have to be RP'd because i understand not everyone is looking to have their soq assassinated, so just in character is fine.) Even if the killing was accidental, the brotherhood can help them cope with their deeds and convert to the nightmother and the ways of Sithis.