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Reply [IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]
[PRP] Seeking Potential (Mwanyambi & Kerra)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:57 am
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He was of age!! At last, apprenticeship was within his sights! Now, all that young Kerra needed to do was find a teacher and his road into the military could officially begin! It was, to say the least, an exciting time for him.

Since making the decision to follow his father and grandfather into the career of 'guarding', Kerra had been pondering on whether to ask one of his family members to become his master or whether to look elsewhere for his studies. Eventually, the young male had decided that he wanted to break away from his family in this. He loved them all dearly and knew they possessed talents in their craft, but perhaps by learning from someone else, he could pick up new traits that his family lacked. It made sense, right? That way they could be better balanced and pull on a larger number of experience.

Still, the problem Kerra now had was that he didn't really know many other guards. He'd met Ute a few weeks ago but he hadn't seen her again since and she'd seemed rather distracted. She was always an option, though, and he'd certainly keep her in mind if need be. But, with no other names in mind, the juvenile had been haunting the training grounds, looking for adult guards who might just want a little tag-along to teach.

Unfortunately, today, the training grounds looked a little sparse. Probably the patrols were switching over which meant that fresh guards were being rallied out to relieve those who had been out on the borders. Still, there were some lions around. He just wasn't too sure about who was a guard and who was a soldier and who was just 'playing' at being in the military due to the possibility of war. His dad had told him that some hunters and other civilians were turning their paw to battle-craft in preparation. It was honourable of them to do that, but they wouldn't be great teachers.

And then, a dark shape caught his eye. Hm. Perhaps he should start with him?

"H-hey! 'Scuse me!"
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:18 pm
User ImageIt was always the same for Mwanyambi. Quiet nights, cold dunes, and then dawn harkening the end of another successful patrol.

For some, this would make the job, at least where he often found himself wandering, a less than desirable one. Most sought the thrill of rouge hunting and yearned for the excitement of drama and the rush of adrenaline that came with it! It was in the firekin blood! But he was no fire born lion, and for the black cat who now strode onto the training grounds looking lively from his nightly watch; that was a fact most obviously seen.

Work was as a great of an escape as dreaming; not that Mwanyambi had a whole lot to run from. It kept him busy, gave him something to look forward to, and....gave him the breathing room he needed from a certain, particularly annoying, little jackal. Rambo made being a guard that much more compelling, for every morning when the male would slip into his den with only the thought of slumber on his mind; sure enough the tiny orange canine would bound over with something to say. "We have a lot of chores to do you know. Being a guard doesn't just consist of creeping along the fringes of the pride and then sleeping until the next creep-time rolls around!" The reminders never ended. What's more, Rambo was always right.

It worked more nerves than one could ever know within Mwanyambi.

"H-hey! 'Scuse me!"

Startled by the voice outside his own, Mwanyambi stiffened for but a moment; and then turned his head over a shoulder. Had he been so deep in thought to overlook the brightly colored approach?

And one of the juveniles, no less. A child. What fun.

"Uh--are you lost?"

Shia bean



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:05 pm
Lost? Ha, Kerra didn't get lost. Babies and dumb lions got lost and he wasn't either of those. Not any more.

He skidded to a halt a stride away from the dark lion's front paws and peered up at him through the bangs of his growing mane. "Nope! I don't get lost." He proclaimed with pride. "I'm here looking for someone. You're a guard, aren't you?" He really hoped he was. If not...he supposed he could find someone else, but this male looked big and strong and full of energy. Surely he'd want to have an apprentice like him? Right? Right? "My name is Kerra. My dad is Heti. He's a guard too. You might know him? Or my grandpa, Azar'bijan? He's a corporal." He waved a paw suddenly as if dismissing himself. He was going off tangent. He hadn't come here to talk about family.

This was about him!

"If you are a guard, Sir, then you're who I'm looking for!"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:55 am
Oh god, this was it. The part of the job he had never really looked forward to. The part when...

He would become a teacher.

It hit him even before Kerra said it, his features falling into a deep frown; his entirety sagging in place. The youth of the pride often sought out the guidance of certain ranks for their desired role. It was tradition; A well known fact. And up until this day, the black lion had never been anyone's first choice for apprenticeship.

Not because Mwanyambi was a horror at his job. Not because he was disliked by the higher ranks. It was simply due to the fact that in the larger scheme of things, the pride as a whole, Mwanyambi was not a well known name.

He liked keeping things that way.

Tilting his chin to meet with the boys eyes, flicking an ear as Kerra spoke, Mwanyambi did his best to reassert some sort of dignity in his stance. "I--" Failing miserably. It was only when Kerra mentioned two familiar names that the lion seemed tickled by intrigue. Seemed being the operative word.

Heti, huh? And Azar'bijan. Mwanyambi had seen them around, heard of them, but had never spoken to either of them. He wasn't looking for fame or attention, if anything the opposite. The thought going through his head was not one of excitement at knowing who this young tyke belonged to. What seemed to be newly found interest was really Mwanyambi worrying that if he didn't address this situation tactfully, Kerra might return to them with word of his...disagreeable nature. His inability to complete every task, not just the obvious one, that was given to guards as a whole.

And Mwanyambi loved his job. He wouldn't know what to do without it.

"I am guard." He confirmed.

Sometimes, one must to suck it up and be a man. Whether Kerra was the type to go tattle-tale on others or not, it would be wise of him to play along. Help where help was needed. Do his job. All of it.

"The name's Mwanyambi...uh...what can I do for you?"


Shia bean



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:01 pm
Mwanyambi's expression and body language didn't instil much confidence in Kerra. What was he going to do if this lion turned him down? What would he say to his brothers and sisters when they asked him how his teacher hunt had gone? He'd never been great at lying and they'd see through him the moment he attempted to babble excuses. No, he wouldn't let it happen. He wouldn't let this lion say no. There had to be some way to persuade him and if there was then he'd find it. He was stubborn like that. Once he'd set his mind on something he wasn't the type to just let it go. Not without a lot of fierce tugging. That was a trait that had certainly been handed to him through the generations.

So, when Mwanyambi confirmed that he was, indeed, a member of the guards, he put on his brightest smile and took another step forwards, his tail curling with innocent excitement. At least he'd not messed that bit up. He'd found himself a guard! Now for the next part...

The convincing.

"Hello Sir Mwanyambi!" He replied. "I was just here to see who was training today and thought that you looked pretty tough and knowledgeable." It was always good to start with flattery, right? He was sure that was the best way. "So...I was wondering whether you might be free to take on an apprentice?" And without pause for breath, he continued: "I'm ready to start my training now and I want to become a guard like my dad. Buuut, I didn't want a family member to teach me." He didn't go into the reasons about that. There were a few; some of which made sense and others that probably didn't. "And I was just wondering, Sir, whether you might want to be my teacher? I won't be no trouble, I promise. I'm already pretty tough and I've already taught myself a few things, so I won't be a difficult student."

He paused at last and smiled up hopefully at the dark-pelted lion. He said no more, but the wide eyes he cast up at the adult were filled with one word:


Shia bean
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:32 pm
"Ahhh..." The male muttered, shifting on his paws. Mwanyambi was a...distrusting soul. Not even the youth were spared when it came to his doubt and vague approach; particularly when compliments were involved. The dark lion, although having settled on giving apprenticeship a try, stalled for as long as he could, mind still racing, eyes everywhere but on the widened silver of this 'Kerra'.

What if he failed? A worse fate would await him, far worse than simply walking away from the juvenile right? No...

What if it was just a trick! A sham! What kind of fool would that make him? Not a fool! A lesson learned...perhaps...

And...what if something happened to the boy. If he were to take him on, Kerra would become his responsibility.

The young male was speaking far too quickly when Mwanyambi returned his gaze to reality. Forced into a corner with no where to run, uncertain about his decision but unable to reroute his direction, the guard muttered a few broken syllables before shouting, "YES!" only loud enough to startle...well, himself mostly and only seconds after Kerra had summed up his plea. Breathless for a moment, the male gave off a few pants before continuing. This time, his tone had leveled some.

"I'll teach you what I, um, know. If that is really what you want."


Shia bean



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:13 pm
And all of Mwanyambi's unspoken worries went straight over Kerra's head. Kerra was not great at reading expressions yet and was too caught up in what this meeting now meant. As far he was concerned this was possibly the most exciting day of his life and he couldn't wait to get started. His enthusiasm was bubbling and it showed in the way he danced from one paw to the other, seeming unable to stay still. What would they do, first? Go out on the borders? Fight bad guys? Meet up with all the other guards? Learn how to flip an opponent and pin them by the throat! That totally sounded like something he could do.

"It is. It is what I want, Sir Mwanyambi!" And he bobbed his head so rapidly that he made himself dizzy. "I won't let you down."

And he puffed up his chest and held up his head a little higher because he was an apprentice now. No longer a child.

"When do we start?" He asked, clearly eager to begin as soon as possible. He was ready to become a guard. Eager to prove himself. Now that he had found a teacher at last, he didn't want to waste another moment.

Shia bean
PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:12 am
"Good." He muttered, jerking his head in a short nod before shifting in place; as if to walk back the way he had come. "See to it that you don't."

It was hard for Mwanyambi to be firm and resolute with his words, this evident in this brief conversation now had with Kerra. It was difficult for him to even form concrete sentences, to talk to others on a regular basis...At some point the juvenile would come to understand that. Whether he would accept it or not, the black cat couldn't be so sure; but if Kerra was serious about an apprenticeship and if Mwanyambi was up for the job...

They would understand one another someday.

Now, in his actions Mwanyambi had a way of being very convincing. Even if the male was not verbally confident, so long as his lips stayed pressed together the act of confidence would prevail. He spun on his heels to now, clearly, face in the direction of which his shift had ended; unfortunately giving his back to Kerra for but a moment.

"We can..." Realizing that this might be a rude way of going about speaking, Mwanyambi looked over his shoulder and gestured for the cub to right himself at the large feline's side. "Right, well we can start whenever, I guess. I would rather you, um, learn the basics before we take to my usual areas." Which were, as mentioned before, at nightfall some distance away. A maw-wrinkling snort and a look about the area later, Mwanyambi was again at a loss of what to do next.

So he put it all on Kerra.

"What do you want to know first?"

Shia bean



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:34 am
Perhaps, then, the pair would have a good influence on one another - given time. Maybe Kerra would learn that he didn't need to fill every silence with words and perhaps his teacher might find confidence enough that he was able to do so more often.


Kerra watched with interest as the dark lion turned on his heels and peered past him in an attempt to see what he was looking at. He quickly determined that whatever it was that had caught Mwanyambi's attention was only for taller lions, because he couldn't see anything and, before he could ask, his new mentor was turning back to look at him.

And it was exciting to be given the chance to choose what to do - except that it was a little hard to make up his mind! He wanted to know everything and all at once, too. But uh, okay, sticking with basics...maybe he could narrow it down a little. It took him a good deal of time to come to something and when he did his posture became upright and confident again.

"Tell me about the borders!" It would be good to know what he was looking for before they actually went out to see them in case he ended up making a mistake and walking right past them! "How do you know where they are and...what do you do if you see someone approaching? Do you act all tough and yell at them?" He did his best to strengthen his posture. "Like this!" And he tried to deepen his voice so that he sounded more like a tough adult. "Hey you!! We're Firekin! You better go away or else we'll beat you up!"

Yeah, Kerra was your typical A-class badass.

Shia bean
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:07 pm
It would be an excellent exchange of influences...an unimaginable result of Kerra's apprenticeship under Mwanyambi's teachings presently...but possible nonetheless.

It was, however, not yet a thought within the black feline's mind. No, his now wandered across the expanse of the pride territory, to the very fringes of what had become their portion of the desert. To be frank, Mwanyambi was a bit embarrassed by the youngsters interest in the bare bones of a guards operation. In the fact that he had not thought to bring it up first. Promptly Mwanyambi turned his cheek away from Kerra and gave forth a heavy sigh. When his yellow gaze found the juveniles once again, they did not leave the others silver stare. His lips formed a soft compilation of words, while his hind slowly sank to the cracked earth. "Ahh, yes. The borders..." He swallowed the laughter that threatened to burst, humored just enough by the youths efforts to offer a fleeting smile. "Alright then."

"There are no dots in the sands for us to follow." The joke felt as dry as it had come out, and so the lion continued with only a breaths pause. "The borders here, closest to center of the pride, can only be seen by the natural markers for which we assign and thus, associate. Um...As a guard you will come to know of them and to know them well. At some point you will be able to visualize the edge of our territory and the beginning of the wastes...as if there was a line to be crossed." The fluency of his words were as if everything had been practiced. For such a stammering lion as Mwanyambi was, talk of work seemed to spill from his mouth effortlessly.

"For those who are unfamiliar with the territory, scent alone warns of the prides presence. I have come across only a pawful of strangers on my duties and..." Mwanyambi considered being honest. He really did. He didn't want to fail Kerra or the juvi's military family and he most CERTAINLY did not want to give them any reason to question his ability on his own..."Each and every one ran off before I could fully engage them in combat! You've got to be tough with the rogues or else they'll trick you! They'll lead you astray! I...uh...You avoid trouble that way." But lying and being a hardass seemed more pertinent to the situation at hand. He really tried to be honest okay.

And that was totally hardass...of him...to say.

Mwanyambi then began to sputter. "Trouble...that is...for them! It is hard to distinguish between those interested in doing the pride good, and, um, those who wish us harm. So...being tough all of the time saves you the worry....................Okay.................What else?"

And just like that, his confidence was shot.

Shia bean



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:45 am
He wriggled with eager anticipation and shuffled forwards, planting himself down in front of his teacher. Already the signs of adoration were showing in the gleam of his eyes. This was an experienced guard! Someone who knew stuff. Someone who was going to show him how to be badass awesome. If that wasn't amazing, Kerra didn't know what was.

And as excited as he was, it took him a moment to settle down to listen, though once he did he hung on every word, bobbing his head in a sign that he was absorbing everything - or as much as a young mind could, anyway. "I've got a good memory!" He chattered happily as Mwanyambi explained about memorising key points on the borders. "You can ask my friends! And my mum! And my dad!" He trailed then to listen to the rest. His eyes widened when he spoke of running rogues, his mouth forming a silent 'wow' that didn't quite make it into existence.

Could he ever be as tough as Mwanyambi? He wasn't quite sure, but he really hoped he could be! How impressed would his parents be if he could send an intruder scampering with a single look or a threatening posture? Maybe he could even scare his friend Shula and get his own back on the time she had scared him!

"I want to be tough like that, too!" He blurted. "Can you show me your 'tough face' next?" He widened his eyes a little. "Then I can practise and scare everyone!"

If he had noticed the sputtering and the sudden dip of confidence, there was no sign at all. He was far too engrossed in the excitement of his first lesson for that.

Shia bean
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:24 pm
"Ahhh haha," The feline chuckled, simultaneously shaking his head. "No, no I couldn't! I reserve the 'look' for special occasions. Critical ones." He considered going on about its secrecy and power, but chose to remain silent and resolute in his standing. Mwanyambi's firm, yet brief look was meant to keep Kerra from challenging his answer...but as he was one without any children of his own, not yet a seasoned disiplinarian, the gesture might as well have done the opposite.

He continued with a whisper off the side of his mouth anyway, and once again shook his head. "You never know who could be watching." Then, as he fell silent to formulate his next move, a soild nod.

"But you, my apprentice, should definitely practice in the mean time. It might take your months, if not years to master the fierce look of the Guard....smen. Come."

Mwanyambi took to a hurried trot, distancing himself from both Kerra and the few lions who had since gathered in the area. Deeper into the pride territory itself, yet secluded in its own right, the black feline collapsed into a seated position once satisfied and waited.

"Kerra, show me...anger."

((Sorry for spelling errors if there are any!))

Shia bean



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:39 pm
"Ah," Kerra breathed. "So that's how it works. Save it for the best occasions. Got'cha." He'd have to remember that. Practice his 'look' in the pool and then use it when the bad guys came sniffing around their home.

"I'll practice," he promised with a wide smile. "I promise. Every day." And he trotted after the black lion, laughing with joy and utterly tiring himself out in the process. So much so that by the time Mwanyambi arrived at his designated spot, he was quite out of breath. Still, when set a challenge by his new master he could hardly say no. Taking a moment to compose himself, the oddly-marked male drew in a long breath--held it--and then released it again. Nice and slow. He felt the tension ease a little and, with a small shake, prepared himself for the most fierce face (and accompanying roar) of his life.

To be fair, the sound that eventually uttered from his little maw wasn't too bad. It was high-pitched and squeaky and didn't reverberate in his chest or throat, but it certainly had enthusiasm and passion behind it. His tail whipped back and forth, his ears flattening as he best tried to mirror his grandfather's expression.

And so it would go, for another hour at least, that he would practice and try his best to impress his master--for this day and all the days to follow until it was his turn to rise as a fully-fledged guard of the Firekin.

Shia bean
I am so sorry for the delay, Shia. Life has been pretty horrible recently and that's putting it lightly. I'm slowly working my way back into Gaia again, though. I hope you don't mind me bringing this RP to a close and also must say that I am more than happy to do another one whenever you are ready <3 hope you have been keeping well!
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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