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Size Chart? [Answered!] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Would you like to see an official size chart for Soquili species?
That would be really useful.
 72%  [ 37 ]
I think I have it figured out without a chart.
 7%  [ 4 ]
I like making the sizes up on my own.
 17%  [ 9 ]
I would rather see . . . [post in thread].
 1%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 51


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:23 am

I haven't ever stumbled across an official size chart for the relative sizes for the different species. I know the rp guide says some are 'larger' or 'smaller' than others, but it doesn't really give an actual indication of size.

Sometimes the files I get of my uncerted Soquili are larger than other uncerts, but that seems to have more to do with who colored it or how detailed it is than the relative size of the species.

I, personally, like to make couple, family, and herd images using uncerts and often find myself resizing the images so they look right together. But when I do this, I only pay attention to 'female slightly smaller than male' type of thing. I would love to see an official [or near official] size chart so that I can maintain appropriate relative sizes.

I appreciate any feedback or suggestions on this.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:05 pm

I second this idea.... I have always wondered what the specifics are.


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Eloquent Raider

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:05 pm

Would love to see this! Would be helpful for RP as well as group pics and the like =-)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:22 pm

This is by no means an official answer, just my thoughts and two-bits.

It's something to think about, for sure, and something I wouldn't mind designing so everyone can have a generality for the typical sizes. I think the reason we never made one, though, was because we like to keep it up to the individuals to decide what size their soquili are -- as some lineages are larger or smaller depending on a whole variety of RP scenarios.

That being said though, if this is something people would like though, I would have no problem fixing one up.

/two bits


Shy Mage

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:30 pm

A general size chart comparing all the species would be nice. It would give a nice visual reference, but like Uta says some people like to make their Soquili larger or bigger than most of that breed. I know some of mine are large compared to others of the same breed but it might be nice to see an actual chart for people to work off of in general, especially with so many new breeds it a bit hard to keep track of what is bigger/smaller that what these days.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:20 pm

I always kind of assumed that there were two standard sizes between the minis and the non-mini soquili (barring mers and flutters).

Beyond that, I think I personally like the idea that it's more individuality, just like horses. Some might be closer to pony size, some might be big drafts (also might have something to do with if they're on the draft/warhorse lines or not).

But yeah, filesizes mostly is the colorists - sometimes if I was working with a soquili that was going to have a lot of little details, I'd size it up - but that has more to do with detailing and not the IC size of the pony.

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:41 pm

I think I size chart would be useful....I have a general size chart I go by in my head but there are some species I'm not sure of...like are regs, unis, and winds all the same size? I know cerynei and hippos are on the small end like flutters. I think it would be nice to see the standard since it is already there in the rp guide.

That being said I individualize my Soq quite a bit. Most of my soquili have flutter genes so the tend to be on the smaller side. I don't think have a general guide will stop people from doing that. It actually helps me do that better.

Also I think having a size chart would make a quick reference for rp too. Knowing that your hippogryph is probably not going to be looking down on a kalona.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:35 pm

I have been told by Niss that mine seems to have the most accurate 'range' of what is acceptable since I based much of it on actual horse breeds, with the Purewalker at the largest a full size can get and my little mares at the smallest a fullsized can get...

Standard Template
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Mini's and Familiars
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
*note: hawks/eagles are based on Harpy Eagles which are huge >_> So not the best size ref for birds. Though it does show an example of a average sized flutter in an average sized small form 8'D*

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Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:07 pm

Thank you.

That is both awesome and terribly confusing.

I love seeing the relative sizes, but . . . and partially because I can't fully tell what all of those are, there seems to be no consistency. Some breeds seem to be hitting at two or three distinct sizes. And there are a lot of obvious mutants in there making it more difficult to figure out where things really fit.

I was kind of hoping for something along the lines of this. Generic breed silhouettes labeled to be identifiable and on a height chart to give reference lines. Something easy to look at and understand without a lot of 'but there's an angeni there and there and I don't know what that mutant counts at between them and . . .

I love your images, they are very lovely. And I'm sure they are a great representation for your herd, but they don't really answer the question of breed average.

What I would love to see is a few charts. One that gives relative difference in size between male and female, with war and draft variants included [possibly include a human height for reference]. One for the assorted 'standard' size breeds, one for the 'small' size breeds [with flutter appearing on both] and one that shows all familiars in relation to a basic soquili.

I know it's maybe asking a lot of work and I understand if no one wants to put that together. But I think it would be helpful and could become part of the RP Guidebook complete with a disclaimer denoting that there are variations within every breed and cross breeds, mutations, and owner choice can cause differences from the breed standard size.

I really do appreciate the look at those soquili and their relative sizes to each other. Unfortunately seeing what look to be hippogryphs in three or four different places doesn't really tell me what a hippogryph's size should be in relation to an angeni, that show up twice, one near the front and another near the end.

Seeing the sizes for the familiars is interesting. But both goats and raccoons seem to have two distinct sizes. I appreciate personal variance for individual characters. But it just confuses the matter for me on what breed standard actually falls into.

I love having them based on actual horse breeds, it makes total sense for me. But a draft of a regular seems like it ought to be the size of a Clydesdale while a regular would be around Quarter horse size. From there you get into the idea of different breeds and some of them are larger or smaller and each draft size should be proportionally larger than each regular lines size. I'm not sure where war horse falls in the rage, I would think between draft and regular but slightly closer to regular.

Then you get into Angeni versus Cerynei versus Kalona and the regular, draft and war variants of each of those . . .

And I just realized I'm rambling and shouldn't be typing when it is two am.

I really do appreciate seeing your herd sizes mind. It just doesn't quite tell me where a standard Kirin falls in relation to a standard Hippogryph. They are all lovely. Thank you for sharing.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:35 am

My personal opinion would be that beyond whether or not the soquili falls into the regular template or the draft or war templates (barring minis/flutters) - it's based on individual or family lines, not species.

They're all horse based, and theoretically regular soquili could be based on Arabians, Quarter Horses, Morgans, or smaller pony-horses (not miniature horses, but ponies). Ditto for all the other breeds. A hippogriff inspired in the player's mind by a mustang might be smaller than a regular soquili inspired by an Arabian. But in another situation, a mustang-inspired regular would be smaller than an Arabian-inspired hippogriff.

All in all, there's such a long history of the shop, a lot of people have a size in mind for their soquili, and I think putting down X breed is bigger/smaller on average than Y breed would just be too limiting on players.

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:40 am

2 cents

I dont see an issue with creating a generalized guideline/silhouette image for sizes, as some people are more visual and have issues getting a ball park idea the size of their soq is compared to others. (Should my soq be looking up, down or eye level to speak to this other soq?)

I dont think it'd be limiting at all actually since nothing is changing. :3 The image would not be saying "You have to make your soq this size," but only giving some players who wish to use it a visual reference to go by, "On average this breed is a bit larger or smaller then this one but I know each soq is different." Some breeds were created to be naturally larger or smaller (like flutters) then others but that doesn't mean "naturally" has to be all the time. I think people will understand that. C:

If people want to make a herd of smaller or larger x-breed then that's fine! No one is stopping them. 8D
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:27 pm

I come from a background of table top role playing games. And the books give indications that a standard dwarf is between 4' and 5'2" in height, a standard halfling is between 3' and 3'8" in height, a standard elf is between 4'5" and 6' in height . . . And if I want a tall dwarf I put it at 5'4" - above standard but still reasonable, which can put it up near an average elf height - but it would never reach the height of a tall elf.

I fully believe in there being ranges and options according to individual owner and character. I love having choice and being able to give a little bit uniqueness to a character based on size. But it's hard to say 'my Cerynei is tall for it's breed which means it is looking the Angeni in the eyes' when it could very well be that the standard Cerynei is typically larger than the typical Angeni.

Personally, having a 'standard' gives me more freedom in playing outside that standard. It gives me a basis from which to vary. Otherwise, there is no way to know if my soquili character is or isn't larger or smaller than another. If they should be, if they are a breed outlier . . .

Nothing is set, this must be x height in relation to that. But it does let me see about where things should fit.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe that structure isn't needed for others. But then, when someone says 'his mutant blood makes him larger than normal' I just have to accept that larger than normal means . . . towering over my character? Because that other player says their character is big, I have nothing to base if that is five inches difference, a foot, four feet . . .

I don't mind if someone wants a larger or smaller character - but I don't know how to respond to it. Especially as I don't know what the relative breed sizes are.

I'm probably just over thinking things.


Nebula Dragon


Mewling Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:41 am

I made myself a size chart for my soquili with human silhouettes to compare. I think that's what I'd like to see most. A range in soquili sizes as compared to a human.

Like, in Mind's, how would a human compare to the smallest and tallest of them. I imagine the top of a 6 ft man's head would be at eye level with the average size stallion.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:26 am

Also although most of us like horses not all of us are as familiar with breeds to connect a Soq's size to a breed inspiration. I like horses from a distance, close up however I get nervous and that isn't good for me or the horse. So yeah it's hard for me to wrap my head around relative sizes without a reference. I don't think that would limit those that have specific sizes in mind, but would actually help those of us that don't have a personal frame of reference for horse sizes. I'd love to see a size chart especially with an average human in there for that frame of reference.

Tygress Dream

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:28 pm

OK SO... With some Effort, Niss and I created some rough sizescales. (More added as finished)

User Image

User Image

Larger Breeds

User Image

Average Breeds
User Image

Medium Sized breeds
User Image

Smaller breeds

User Image


User Image

Flutter's Shrinking ability
Flutters can't shrink to a size larger than an Usdia Foal, nor smaller than a Butterfly, the transformation between their natural and their small sizes taking less than and up to two seconds to make.
User Image

However My private sizescale shows a good bit of the overall range of what is acceptable for pretty much all the 'fullsized' breeds, from Mutant big/shirehorse/clydesdale to the smallest range they can get, while this is just the 'average' of the individual breeds that can be played with as each soquili is an individual: You can have a big Clydesdale sized flutter or a Smaller River Mer. P
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