Hello there members of the fantastic guild, "Age of Heroes"

Before you get started, you have to read these rules first. Breaking these rules can result in termination, so please don’t break them. Thanks!!!

General Rules:

1. Have fun! There's no point in being here if you're not having fun, or you're ruining other peoples chances of having fun.

2. Please be active: Nothing's worse than when somebody just disappears. If you are going to be absent, then please post in the "Absence" topic. Anyone who is inactive for more than a week without warning will be removed.

3. Be kind towards others: This guild is not against newcomers. In fact we welcome them. If you have an issue with somebody's style, then talk to me, or another crew member. Do not publicly humiliate or put down another guild member. Those who break this rule run the risk of being banned. If somebody has treated you poorly, then please consult me or a crew member, and we will take care of it.

4.No Sex: No describing it, no talking about it, no having it happen with NPC characters, and if it just so happens to happen between your characters, just skip it. YOU WILL BE BANNED IF YOU BREAK THIS RULE!!

5. Swearing and rude language: Please don't overdo it when it comes to nasty talk. If you go too far we will let you know, but please try to avoid it. Swearing is ok, but we will keep it at a low level. The swears and rude words listed below are the only accepted ones so far.
1. Damn
2. Hell
3. a**
4. b*****d
(Please, no intense verbals in your RolePlays)