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[SUGGESTION] One more perk for people who RP/Elders Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Do you thing earning one more breeding slot as an RP perk is a good idea?
 34%  [ 16 ]
 46%  [ 22 ]
Possibly, but...
 19%  [ 9 ]
Total Votes : 47

Kirowyn Love

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:28 pm

Now, I know that the staff here work really hard, and give us SO many things. This is just a suggestion I thought might be worth considering.

I'm not one who usually RP's - but I know there are a lot of people out there that do. My suggestion is that (possibly) with a Soquili reaching elderhood, they could earn one more breeding slot.

(Or 100% stats or whatnot - still not quite sure how eldership works and if EVERY Soquili can get it)

I think the only problem I see with this is it being retro-active... and there being a flood of new couples.

I also know about the wishing star events and the ability to grant an additional basket - but at least in my eyes, it's not quite the same as the feeling you get when one of your couples gets a breeding slot.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:37 pm

I really don't think it'd work as an 'RP perk;. If it was done it'd only be done for Elders since it goes with some of the things the information says about elders.. *is remaining neutral on this cause I'm more curious to what everyone else thinks and can understand both sides.*

In otherwords... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:46 pm

I am probably the least knowledgeable person when it comes to RP perks/elderhood but the only way I'd see this as feasible other than for Elders would be for it to be achieved through RP that occurs after your third slot is used. So you use all three slots, then have additional RP to call for th enext, showing there is a plot reason for it.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:50 pm

I am probably the least knowledgeable person when it comes to RP perks/elderhood but the only way I'd see this as feasible other than for Elders would be for it to be achieved through RP that occurs after your third slot is used. So you use all three slots, then have additional RP to call for th enext, showing there is a plot reason for it.

Ah!! This is a good suggestion. Although I would think it would need to be a bit lengthier and more involved that just a simple 2 page RP.

Kirowyn Love

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:37 pm

This might work nicely for those who would like to have plots where their Soqs have large families... or a Soq that really gets around. So long as they can justify it with oodles of RP, I think it is a nice idea to allow a heavily RP'd Soq and extra breeding slot.

And this is so weird, because just the other day I had a conversation with someone about some kind of perk for heavy rp'd Soqs.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:06 pm

I like the idea of if all your breedings are used up nwn.

Seeing as, in retrospect, you wouldnt really need a fourth breeding in less all of them were used.

Also, knowing there is a possibility of a fourth breeding would allow people to plan ahead.

I know in Marnie's plots, she has a breeding with four soq. But I have to save her breeding with Phosgene for wishing stars and any other chances that are unofficial breedings xD.

Jackariah Beckett

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:13 pm

Personally I don't like the idea of having more breeding slots. There are so many people trying in breedings already. So I'm worried it would make the chances of getting a breeding harder. But then again it is probable that those that RP enter 2 couples every time anyways. So maybe it would be alright but I don't think it would be much of a perk for me.

I honestly would prefer a different sort of perk...like scars or items that were received through RP. As I don't really see many of my couples getting through all 3 of their breedings. I'm not sure how many couples have completed all their breedings. I also know that the wishing star events seem to kind of work in expanding families too.

I know elders can get scars and such added but not all of my Soq are elder material. My most rp'd character will always be a follower and my usdia can't be elders.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:15 pm

I could see a 4th slot being an option as Viable...make it X amount of completed RP's after your last breeding slot is used and you can 'earn' a 4th breeding.


Eloquent Raider

Kirowyn Love

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:32 pm

Personally I don't like the idea of having more breeding slots. There are so many people trying in breedings already. So I'm worried it would make the chances of getting a breeding harder. But then again it is probable that those that RP enter 2 couples every time anyways. So maybe it would be alright but I don't think it would be much of a perk for me.

I honestly would prefer a different sort of perk...like scars or items that were received through RP. As I don't really see many of my couples getting through all 3 of their breedings. I'm not sure how many couples have completed all their breedings. I also know that the wishing star events seem to kind of work in expanding families too.

I know elders can get scars and such added but not all of my Soq are elder material. My most rp'd character will always be a follower and my usdia can't be elders.

Yeah, that was my thought on it as well. (as for the flooding of breedings.) But there are ways to remedy that if it did happen. For example having breedings for the fourth slot happen once every 6 months from those colorists who feel like doing them - that would be outside of normal breedings. Where normal breeding slots wouldn't include the 4th slot. (although these are just ideas - not saying that's how it SHOULD be.) And yeah, a lot of people already enter 2 couples into breeding slots already, and I'm guessing that people who have taken the time to get even 1 of their Soquili do own more than one.

I think there's actually a list somewhere that has all of the Soquili who are maxed out on breeding slots.

And the thing about elders - I thought there was something about obtaining elderhood that wouldn't be for EVERY soquili, so I also put the suggestion of just having stats maxed out, or fulfilling a different RP requirement or something like that.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:32 pm

Just adding my .02!

What if it was not tied to elders at all, and more to the 100% stats. This way the fourth breeding gives those that RP the opportunity... It means that owners have to work really hard to get it. It could be worked so that both Soq must be at 100%, that way it shows that the "family" has built up to it... This way those that are unable to gain elder status, either by breed or by RP (such as a follower) could get a perk of their hard work.

It could also be classified as another slot for those that have obtained that status, so the 4th breeding would open up similar to when elder positions open up. This keeps it something a bit more special, and as a perk, rather than just an extra breeding slot.

In all honesty though, I'd like to see normal RP slots more available before we expand to more breeding slots.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:43 pm


Just adding my .02!

What if it was not tied to elders at all, and more to the 100% stats. This way the fourth breeding gives those that RP the opportunity... It means that owners have to work really hard to get it. It could be worked so that both Soq must be at 100%, that way it shows that the "family" has built up to it... This way those that are unable to gain elder status, either by breed or by RP (such as a follower) could get a perk of their hard work.

It could also be classified as another slot for those that have obtained that status, so the 4th breeding would open up similar to when elder positions open up. This keeps it something a bit more special, and as a perk, rather than just an extra breeding slot.

In all honesty though, I'd like to see normal RP slots more available before we expand to more breeding slots.

Although, I said I wasn't goign to give an opinion...I am. Oops! LOL

I agree with Taz. Let it be a perk for a FAMILY that works hard, nto necessarily elders. If both parents are 100 percent and used all their breeding (possibly stipulate for lifemates only instead of flings since it would be more for family or not, doesn't matter just a thought).

Keep it to once or twice a year as a special thing. Or even make a special thread where they can be listed and picked at will--no active trying.

But I agree with Taz about this. And Jet has the right idea, there should be a certain number of Rp's to qualify for the 4th breeding that happens after the 3rd.

If it's a perk it should be worked hard for.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:16 pm

I think it would be a neat perk if feasible.

To be honest, a lot of people who have had at least three breedings anyway (and usually then three new soquili) have other couples they're trying for in raffles. It would just be a matter of having more options to pick from. I don't think it would necessarily make breedings harder to get/increase the number of couples trying. I have a few maxed out soquili who I have RPd quite a bit and adore and would love to be able to have the chance to have them breed once more - or be added incentive for me to RP some one or two of my maxed out soquili I haven't RPd as much but I absolutely love.

But it wouldn't mean I'd be entering in any extra couples - just giving preference to some of my older favorites rather than newer couples smile

Sabin Duvert

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:27 pm

/personal opinion/

I must say I don't like the idea. From a point of view of putting it into actions I feel it will be messy. The opinion of 'heavily' RPed varies.... just because you have say, six+ RPs for your pet going doesn't mean that any of them are actually of any substance, finished or character building, or anything more than three posts. Plus it's not that hard to get to 100% stats, you just have to be dedicted to making a couple of wordy posts for your pet each month.... so in actual fact you don't have to do more than one RP to reach it. How can such a soquili be compared with say... my boy Maion who has a ton of lengthy and completed RPs? (I say this since I have several soquili who only have one or two RPs but are maxed). Then there is the fact that if it was held as a 'special' slot... well, most don't have a maxed out couple (by this I mean someone who has used all three breedings), so there wouldn't be that many entering the slots (currently at least)... even if you did happen to have a couple with two 100% stats. If I am honest, right now I would love to just see more and more breedings full stop. The competition is already insane and gets more and more so with all the new newbies that get in around Christmas (or rather Halloween this year). [[Yay! Welcome Newbies]]

I don't personally see the need for elders having four breedings either. They already get a chance at four baskets, and so can achieve the 'big' family fairly easy this way. Plus we have the wishing star events, that was a huge success with two baskets a piece... so that's like an extra breeding really. Enter a couple of them and get lucky and BAM you have your big family.

As someone who does RP a lot.... I must say I RP because I enjoy RPing, not because of 'perks' and the likes.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:03 am

I have to say I disagree with this idea. I do RP (not as much lately due to school) but as Puu said, I do it because I like to, not because I get something more out of it. As also mentioned, it's not that hard to obtain 100% stats and the amount of RP's you have doesn't mean they are quality. Then again, I also don't think everyone needs to write novella's for RP's. Everyone has their own level, ect when it comes to RP so in my opinion this would be a really bad idea. It would allow only a very small amount of people to obtain extra breedings and in the end might push more people away rather then drawing them in.

In terms of this being for Elders, I once again agree with Puu. They get the chance at four baskets and I think it's more then enough. c:


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Roarie Desu

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:01 am

Soquili have the potential for between 6 and 9 offspring as non elders and between 9 and 12 as elders (if your willing to do the work). How is that suddenly not enough?
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