[[OOC: just posting this here so I can stop fishing through the old October Customs contest this form is from OTL and play him in Scarentines. ]]

Name: Miach Medb mac Fianna
Nicknames: Valiant
Gender: Male
Age: Given the Tylwyth typically live quite long, Valiant is the equivalent of 16.

Faction: Demon
Race: Tylwyth Teg

Natural Ability: Fleet of Foot; The Tylwyth Teg, with their love of revelry, are marked by a swiftness that allows even the clumsiest Tylwyth Teg to move quickly enough to appear graceful. Most of them prefer to use this skill in dancing, but it has general application.

xxxPositive Traits
xxxxxSincere:: No matter how much Valiant changes his mind, when he said something in the first place, he did mean it... too bad he doesn't remember. However, everything he does is what he really means to do, so if he does something good then he really cares for you. Basically, there's no need to doubt his motivation... unless you used a gift to bribe him, of course.
xxxxxLively:: The party never needs to end if Valiant is around; he'll make light of almost any situation, quite contentedly, no matter how grave. He can really brighten up a room with his demeanor.

xxxNegative Traits
xxxxxFickle:: It runs in the bloodline, but Valiant tends to change his mind all the time, and not usually as a result of particular thought. He doesn't think his problems through so much as operate based on whims, which can make him hard to predict, and very frustrating to deal with. Told you he'd help you study? Well, turns out he also told someone he'd rather go out for a walk around campus, and he is not answering his eyePhone. Probably should not have counted on him.
xxxxxCareless:: Because he's ruled primarily by emotional urges, Valiant doesn't often consider the effect it will have on others. He has done and said some truly hurtful things, just because he meant them at the time, and though he can regret what he's done later, he seldom learns from his mistake and will probably keep doing the same thing again and again. Sometimes it can be a toxic relationship, to try to stay close to Valiant.

xxxxxValiant, like his predecessor Victory, does not use his full name. To give away a Tylwyth's full name is thought to offer complete power over them, however much that is true or untrue. He's been given the one instruction, which is not to give out his name to anyone, and that's going to be the most difficult imperative through his time with others.
xxxxxAlthough Valiant is fickle, he does share Victory's love of gifts; bribing Valiant with a gift of any sort, even something you yourself might consider useless or uninteresting, might ensure that Valiant does your bidding. He's pretty easy that way.
xxxxxHis "True name," with its "mac Fianna," identifies Valiant as being of unsure descent. No one amongst his people knows exactly who fathered him, in general. As such, he was given a catch-all name, son of the Fianna.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Well, no one knows specifically where Valiant came from, and they believe that he'd be better brought up with a community that has a little more structure, since he was displaying some strange traits. Basically, he seemed too serious for the other Tylwyth Teg to want to raise him; that's kind of an uncomfortable duty. Valiant would really like to feel a sense of belonging, which he hasn't quite achieved so far.

FEAR Ability: Dirge Step; Tainted Fang; Normally the Tylwyth Teg love a good revelry, but for whatever reason, Valiant's abilities reveal a more sinister nature. His FEAR manifests through his voice, through song, augmenting his normal attack with a FEAR-based damage over time effect.

Physical Description: A descendant of Victory, they share much in common with their physical appearance, though Valiant has small signs on him that he's not quite as happy as the Tylwyth Teg that shipped him off. Sometimes that's bones braided into his hair amongst the bells, sometimes he has darker shadows under his eyes.

Eye Colour: His eyes, when open, are a very bright and light colour-- green, if the artist doesn't want to choose, but for his appearance I'm really open to any possibilities based on Victory.
Hair Colour/Style: White, long; can be straight or curly, or incorporate cream tones as well. He tends to braid things into it, baubles, bells or bones.
Skin Colour: Similar to the reference of Victory.
Clothing Style/Colours: Weird layers, more formal than Victory's clothing; Valiant appears to be wearing sombre hand me downs though with splashes of colour here and there. He kind of looks, at times, like he may have pilfered his outfit wholesale off a dead butler and combined it with some rather strange feminine accents like a lace train or a feathered hat. Doesn't wear shoes. The white foot thing in Victory's reference can be on Valiant as well, though.
Extra: Similar to Victory's reference, Valiant has white horns and his white tail; the actual way that his horns and tail look can be up to the artist.
References: His predecessor, Victory, which I did already link but here it is again for ease of access xD;[