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Giving contests for Skinwalkers a second, non-evil, option is a good idea.
 17%  [ 4 ]
I think this would just cause more confusion and work for the staff.
 82%  [ 19 ]
I have another idea [posting in thread].
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 23


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:16 am

So . . . I was following the Skinwalker thread, but I never commented on it. Mostly this was because, while I think Skinwalkers are beautiful, I don't think I could RP one.

I understand their restrictions and have no problems with those restrictions. I fully believe that such things should be enforced. And I completely understand the desire for a breed to truly be evil. This does not bother me. I just know I am not comfortable role playing an evil character.

My problem is that most of the time, when a Skinwalker is offered, it is in an exclusive event. And, I'll admit, I still have a small enough herd that I don't want to pass up any opportunity to get another Soquili. I'm not sure I'd ever want to pass up an opportunity, regardless of herd size. They are amazing and beautiful and with such a high demand the chances are few and far between for most of us. So I always enter, but with the knowledge that if I win, I'll likely find a co-owner who can RP it for me.

What I would love to see, is in the occasional 'we're giving away skinwalkers' contests, there are other option available as well.

Sort of an 'angels and demons' idea. You can enter to win a skinwalker, or you can enter to win an angeni [or other rare soquili - either breed or edit level]. So that those of us who are not comfortable playing evil, don't have to lose out on the opportunity, and we aren't competing with those who do really want a skinwalker.

I think this could cut down a lot on some of the issues with the breed. Too often it seems as though our options are very limited. If those options are opened a bit, I think people might filter toward what is better suited to them.

In Skinwalker contests add non-evil rare options for those who are interested in winning a beautiful new Soquili, but are not comfortable RPing evil.

If an rp contest is opened with one Purewalker and two Cursed Skinwalkers, an Angeni is added to the contest for those who want to enter but are not interested in role playing an evil breed.

This thread is not to open a discussion on the RP rules for the various breeds. Those are set and we should observe and abide by the shop in this.

However, discussion on the idea/suggestion is welcome.

Thank you.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:17 am

/personal opinion/

I must say that I am not really able to agree with this.... while I think it would be great to have equivalent Angeni contests or something sometime; I don't think they should be merged to be "good or evil" in the same game thread. Mostly because, a) It gets confusing for both customers and staff. b) It opens the contest up for more mistakes etc. c) If you don't like a pet... you just don't enter. This has always been a soquili rule, and has applied to all their games and such, if you didn't like a particular pet then you didn't try for it.

Part of me feels like this might open up discusions were other breeds are also fired at, so maybe there is a game were there are all kelpis but Person A doesn't like kelpis, instead they want to enter and have the chance at winning a pet that doesn't yet exist that is more to their liking. ((Sorry Kelpi's I love you really!))


Enduring Werewolf

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Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:49 am

There have been Skinwalker contests I haven't entered. And some I have, but felt bad about it because I know I won't do the breed justice. But they are stunning, and I would love to have one as sig candy. But I hate the feeling that the soquili is almost wasted if it isn't RPed.

Most breeds it isn't an issue, they are more open and less restrictive for RP. And as was just mentioned in the other thread, Skinwalkers have the highest incident of people playing them wrong. I don't feel it would open up for other, or any, breeds to be fired at. I don't feel like I'm firing at Skinwalkers, just trying to address a discussion towards the idea that perhaps other options might help with some of the issues seen in RP with the breed.

I do think Angeni and Ulun'suti contests would be good.

Perhaps you are correct, it's as simple as not entering. But to not enter when the odds are so poor in attaining a soquili in any given month and that might be the only opportunity to gain a new pony for a couple months . . . It's hard to justify not trying.

I am well aware of the constraints of time on the colorists and staff. I understand that their real life will and should ALWAYS come first. I know that it is easy to get burned out when there is constantly something more that has to be done. I don't want to add to their burdens. But I think adding one additional soquili [or switch out one option] for variety might help in the long run.

I have willingly forgone breedings when I felt it wasn't right for the character. I have passed up on contests I didn't feel I had a good RP concept for. I have made that choice, and hated having to make it. But known that it was the better choice.

I don't believe something should be changed just so I get a chance at something. At the same time, I think there are some changes that would make things easier on many levels. And this is one of them.

Not everyone will pass on a contest, and they will try and bend and find loopholes or work on getting away with a rules violation because they want the pretty and think 'I can get around the rules this way'. If there was a second option, I would like to think those same people would go for the character/breed that better suits them. Angeni are almost as rare as Skinwalkers, for all that they can be customed and pures can't. Ulun'suti are even more rare, being a new breed. And I think that if given an option between a Skinwalker someone doesn't want to RP as evil, and another breed that is also rare and beautiful and which can be RPed in a manner more suiting to that person's play style, people will gravitate towards what is more comfortable for them, even if they really want the look of a skinwalker in their herd.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm oversimplifying things. But I wanted to try and come up with something that might help. And this idea makes sense to me.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:18 am

I personally don't understand why they'd have to be in the same contest? Wouldn't it just be better to have them in separate contests if it were to happen?

I guess I'm a little confused since... If there is a skinwalker contest, wouldn't people want an evil concept and not a... "I'm not sure if this is evil enough so I'd like the Angeni instead".

So I'm genuinely confused by this suggestion.

I understand the want for more skinwalker contests; Mind and Uta have been developing a way to contest them off.

I guess I'm also confused since, more often that not, a lot of the games/contests held are normally not skinwalkers or angeni, so... I don't really understand why another breed would have to be added to a skinwalker/angeni giveaway. Yes, a person not interested in a freebie event doesn't have to participate and they may have passed at a chance of winning. There other chances to get different soquili, either the same month or another. With a shop this size, I doubt one person can get a Soquili every month of the year.

ATh e a r t


Romantic Lunatic

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:24 am

I have to say that I disagree, but I don't have a better idea other than echoing Sya in saying people shouldn't enter if they don't like the pet or the rp/personality restrictions that come with it.

What I see happening if the shop gave this idea a chance is people simply entering for BOTH the pets available, because of reasons you just stated. They want the chance at a pretty, whether or not it will end up being just some more sig candy, or nothing more than a bump to their overall herd count.

I know they could just restrict entry into the 'good' or 'evil' category, but in those types of contests they have typically said that you can create an entry for all of the prizes as long as it is in a seperate post.

Even if they did restrict entry to just one or the other, it would mean that a colorist has to make one extra pet and you would still be missing one or the other chances to win another pet. Honestly, as a person who aspires to own a skinwalker someday, I would rather that 'one more pet' if it is made at all, be another skinwalker I have a chance to obtain.

My two cents out of the way, I totally feel your pain, not quite knowing if I have what it takes to rp a truly evil character. I -want- a skinwalker, cursed or not, because I tell myself that it will be a challenge for me as a writer and roleplayer, and I figure that if I start getting OOC, that someone will poke me and point out what I'm doing wrong.

edit: Also, I like your avi! It reminds me for some reason of the blond woman on the cover of the old/original EQ game box. <3
PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:59 pm

ATh e a r t
I guess I'm a little confused since... If there is a skinwalker contest, wouldn't people want an evil concept and not a... "I'm not sure if this is evil enough so I'd like the Angeni instead".

The thought is - not everyone has an evil concept. Most people come up with a concept for the character after they see it. So in a contest for multiple skinwalkers each one is generally given it's own distinct personality by the person entering. But some of us are not comfortable playing evil.

So having an Angeni [or something else] in the contest gives those who don't want to play evil something to enter for. Not 'this concept doesn't work for that character so I'll try it for this other' but 'I don't want that, but I'd love this'.

Just to give an option that isn't quite to RP restricted.

-[The Spoof]-
I know they could just restrict entry into the 'good' or 'evil' category, but in those types of contests they have typically said that you can create an entry for all of the prizes as long as it is in a seperate post.

Even if they did restrict entry to just one or the other, it would mean that a colorist has to make one extra pet and you would still be missing one or the other chances to win another pet. Honestly, as a person who aspires to own a skinwalker someday, I would rather that 'one more pet' if it is made at all, be another skinwalker I have a chance to obtain.

Just because they don't normally restrict to one or the other doesn't mean they couldn't.

And I understand you wanting an extra chance at a skinwalker.

I just know most of the time something like that happens, it is the only thing that happens that month - sometimes for a couple of months. And if it is something only a few people are interested in or feel capable of, it would be nice if there were other options.

[[And thank you - I changed avis a couple times in there, so I'm not sure which one you were talking about, but I appreciate it.]]


At this point it is obvious no one wants this option.

That's fine, not all suggestions are going to be ones that are going to fly.

I'm sorry if I confused anyone. Honestly, I would love to see more opportunities for everyone and everything. I am also aware of the limited time and opportunities and would love to see those limited opportunities used in a way that benefits the most people.

In my time here at Soquili, I can only remember one Angeni contest. And I can remember several Skinwalker contests. I would love to see more options at Soquili of all rarities, but because one is limited from being customed it seems to more often have contests - contests not everyone is comfortable with.

I'll just keep mostly not entering, unless I feel particularly compelled. And I'll keep hating that I missed an opportunity because I know that someone else will gain more from it than I do and I don't want to take that chance from them. But that doesn't mean I have less desire for a rare and beautiful Soquili.

I love the skinwalkers - when I first saw them I had amazing ideas of what I wanted customed for them. But I looked at the RP restrictions and realized that wasn't something I would be able to play. With all the talk of people not playing them right, of trying to get more opportunities for them out there . . . I know ever opportunity for a skinwalker is one less for something I do want. Especially with the load on colorists. I don't want opportunities to be removed from those who do want them. I just would love to see those same opportunities given to other super rare breeds and other alignments. And I was hoping to give a suggestion that might help to keep those who don't feel up to playing the evil from feeling the need to try anyway.

I think I'm rambling at this point. I understand people aren't interested in the idea. It was worth a shot. Have a great day.


Nebula Dragon

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