Name: Caethes
Nicknames: Jingle
Gender: Male
Age: Looks to be about 18

Faction: Reaper
Race Necromancer

Weapon: He uses his FEAR through a good sized bell, though also wears a bandolier of bells (with 7 pouches) on his front side, draped over his left shoulder and coming down around on the right side. When his weapon is summoned and he wants to keep it out, he will place it in the bandolier where only he knows - its his way of keeping it safe and secure.

Natural Ability:

Summon Dead - Like other Necromancers, he is able to reanimate skeletons or corpses to do his bidding for a short amount of time.


Caethes has probably gotten you in trouble before. Or if he hasn't, he probably will. Through his love of pranks, pulling stunts and general trouble-making behavior he has a pension for having great fun - but more often than at the expense of others. Though with this love he has a habit of alienating people, he enjoys having others to have such adventures with and thus can be a bit forceful with people, despite how friendly he may be with them.

On the subject of others, he has a strong dislike towards people who try to cling to him or put too much responsibility over his shoulders. He prefers to stay free of such things and will even take offense to those trying to put their expectations of him on top of him. In order to prevent such things many of his relationships can seem superficial, not wanting to delve too deeply into his personal feelings on the matter.

He's not sure if it's because many of his antics land him in rather painful situations, or if it comes naturally but he can be highly forgetful at times. Living in the moment holds too much appeal to attempt to remember things. It can be little things like where he left a summon or large things like a friends' birthday. It's always better if you want him to remember to pin a note on him while he's asleep or write it on his face.

Along with being already obnoxious with his adventuring, he has a tendency to be outgoing with an "in-your-face" personality, but this leads him to be a bit louder than others would like (plus what with the constant dinging sound when he walks around) in both voice and presence. When he's happy though, it's just an annoyance - but when he gets angry is when it becomes explosive. Though it does take a lot to get him there, once he's there the entire world of Halloween might as well know it. He shouts, he yells and he's not afraid to throw a punch or two. It's confrontation to the max.

All in all, he's a of "take it or leave it" kind of guy which you either get along with or you don't.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Independence. Though he would like to learn more about controlling his FEAR (and how to make skeletons do his work for him), he was happy to get away from his doting family and try to make it out away from their influence.

FEAR Ability:

Ring-ding-ding - (Battle Cry) - Caethes uses his bell and through using his FEAR is able to make a loud, teeth-shattering ring from it which allows him to cause damage to his enemies.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: A light violet color
Hair Colour/Style: A blue/seafoam color with long bangs on the side of his face curling in. Longer hair in back which is braided into a wide braid. (See Selphy Ref below)
Skin Colour: A pale creamy color.
Clothing Style/Colours: Clothing style should be darker colors in blacks and reds, with grays in it. Copper or darker metallic coloration for He usually has his favorite jacket over a more "normal" outfit - with a shirt and normal slacks. He likes his clothes to be comfortable, somewhat loose fitting but still making a statement to his families' long history of being reapers.
Extra: [Selfy Ref] Note: The belt across is not part of the Ref, but rather a representation of his Bandolier of Bells (which should be brownish in color, see more info about specifics above under "Weapon") and the direction it should hang off of his shoulder.