Name: Dionaea
Nicknames: Dio or Dio-chan
Gender: female
Age: 17

Faction: Undead
Race: Zombie

Natural Ability: Death Grip

Personality: Dionaea is a newly-undead, she died after falling down a flight of stairs and hitting her head (HARD) in the process. She's relatively well preserved for a zombie and endeavors to keep it that way, so she always tries to avoid fighting. In life she was one of the popular girls, which is why she still cares a lot about her appearance (hates it, in fact) and likes cute things and dressing up. The only real damage she has is a large head wound on the left side of her head, which she's managed to hide with her asymmetrical hairstyle. The blow to the head has led her to be a bit slow, she's not stupid, but figuring things out takes her longer than it does most people. Her slowness and unhappiness about her appearance have led her to become quite shy and quiet, but she's also very friendly.

After she was reborn, she spent a few months just hanging around with some fellow newly-undead and found out that there is preciously little to do if you don't need to eat, sleep etc. She started studying out of boredom and ended up enjoying it a lot. She's taught herself to mix extremely potent poisons, which she mixes into her nailpolish.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? She's quite the bookworm now and really looks forward to learning more.

FEAR Ability: [Tainted fang] Manicure of Doom - uses her natural ability deathgrip to have her nails pierce the skin of her opponent, her nailpolish does the rest.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: greenish white
Hair Colour/Style: brown
Skin Colour: greenish white
Clothing Style/Colours: Essentially the same as when she was alive, cute clothes which show a lot of (decaying) skin...
References: *pokes avatar* Sorry, that's the best I can do at the moment