Cool Down options: |
Leave it as it is. |
41% |
[ 24 ] |
Just increase the time. |
24% |
[ 14 ] |
Move to a number of tries [read the first post] for the cool down. |
29% |
[ 17 ] |
Cool Downs don't matter, why not just get rid of them. |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
I have another idea [Post in thread]. |
3% |
[ 2 ] |
I have no opinion on cool downs. |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes : 58 |
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:46 am
To start, I know this is likely to be a wildly unpopular sugesstion. But I think we need to have an honest discussion about this. Here are my thoughts on the subject. Please stay polite. I want to hear your thoughts, but don't attack an argument with nothing but hate. Please bring up valid points, I will edit this post as I can with updates to the topic. Since someone mentioned cool downs in the LL Customs thread, I started thinking. I would love to see all cool down times increased. It was strange at the beginning of the year when people were putting their '2012 Soquili' in their sigs. Some people had a small herd worth of ponies from just last year. I know I didn't miss more than one - maybe two - opportunities last year - and I did end up with four new ponies. But there were folks with more than a dozen new ponies last year. And there were folks who were active who only ended up with one or two, if any. I think looking at cool downs would help even those numbers out a bit. But . . . I almost think that looking at 'wait x custom openings' works better than 'wait two months' - because with the previous custom opening in December, that meant anyone who won in the last round of customs was eligible to try in this round of customs. And breeding is even worse, it's rare that [other than February and October] there is more than one or two breeding raffles opened in a month's time. It's almost like there isn't a cool down at all. I know the colorists are busy, and I don't want to push them to doing more than they are able. So pressing constantly for more openings - while it would be loved - isn't really going to happen. So we should look at reassessing cool downs. My personal thought on this would be more complicated than the current system as it would mean having the colorist number the openings [ie: If Mindsend opened a custom it would be custom 002 of 2013]. Instead of custom cool down being two months, it would be every five openings [with twins still doubling cool down - just openings instead of months]. The same would be true for Breedings. Personally, I loved the 'all your couples, only one win per person' thing done here. I understand why this is problematic as people with many couples have higher odds with all their breeding partners getting a ticket. What I would like to say is something along the lines of 'Once a person has won for any of their couples they can not enter again until six breeding openings have passed. Each person can only receive two baskets in any given month'. Yes, the people with lots of couples still have higher odds - as their partners can still enter - but they remain limited in number of baskets they can win and it allows the partners to still have a chance of getting a breeding. And if someone has maxed out their baskets for that month, they can request that their couples be removed from their breeding partners lists so they don't lose out on that breeding. Freebies and Raffles are a little more difficult because of Events - but I would say it could be moved to 'one per month or 5 openings, whichever is greater' on the cool down. That way someone is still limited in events, but it evens things out in the lean times between events. Paid raffles don't really need to be limited, in my opinion. You're paying for your chance. If there was a limit - I'd say just in tickets sold, but the shop doesn't want to do that - I understand why - so leave those open. I would say, as a personal preference, I'd like to see a little more effort taken in keeping the odds . . . possible in raffles. So that for every . . . 100k? million? tickets sold there was at least one soquili. So that if there were five in the raffle and six million tickets sold, another was added. I know, it's extra work for the colorists and will probably never happen, but I wanted to mention it as a thought. It's something that would make winning a paid raffle a little less like winning the lottery, odds wise.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:46 am
I also crazy loved the "One ticket per person" type breeding raffle. I wouldn't mind something that limited you to only winning your "ticket" once per month (but your partners could still enter). But I'm not fond of increasing the cooldown with breedings or limiting the number of baskets people can give you. From my experience, sometimes you get really lucky one month and it feels "when it rains it pours" - I would hate to not be able to give a basket I'd been waiting to give a good a friend of mine just because they happened to win their own two breedings that month.
Customs - As for cooldowns, the # of tries vs time thing gets kind of complicated with Staff Credits - thats the only real problem I have with it. For example, I got Spinel in Feb from SC...so how would that effect when I can go for custom again if it was based on # of tries? But at the same time, the timing thing has its downtime, too. I had to sit out of Neza's slots because I got a custom in Feb, but since custom's aren't regular - who knows how long it will be until the next custom opening?
My thoughts previously on cooldowns mostly came down to the rarity slots in customs. I think SuperRare slots should have cooldowns. For example - I think you should only in one Super Rare slot in customs every 6 months - 1 year. This WOULD NOT effect your ability to enter customs after the standard cooldown time, just you have to go for something other than Super Rare.
Limiting the number of tries with freebies gets complicated only because you really don't know what's coming in the future. I mean, I would be upset if I won a freebie that I loved, but then two months from now i REALLY AMAZING came up that I was forced to sit out on. With customs and breedings you kind of know what to expect, but freebies you don't. /personal opinion
Ultimately the supply is NEVER going to reach the demand no matter what the staff does. /sadface (not for lack of trying, the staff are only human the demand is just ....huge)
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:50 am
The only part of this I don't like is the section on breedings. I wouldn't not like it to always be a "enter all your couples" thing. Also, I wouldn't want my breeding partners to get penalized for six breeding raffles just because one of my other couples won. Yes, they could still enter, but that only hurts their odds more that I'm not entering. One of my breeding partners isn't even active on Gaia anymore, and the other two aren't really active in Soq. confused There are also singles raffles that kind of would throw this idea off some. I mean, what's the fun in singles raffles if you can essentially always throw all of your Soq in random pairings every raffle?
I'd say keep breedings the same, but give them a cool down number similar to the way you suggested customs.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:04 am
I was thinking more, from a breeding - not from a gift - on the two baskets per month. Thus keeping what is currently in place, but giving a bit of a cool down to the individual.
Staff Credits are outside of customs. They have their own cool downs. While those might need to be increased if we increase the others [I don't know as I'm not sure what those cool downs are] I think they should be on their own timer.
The problem with the current cool down is that - staff credit aside - there was no real cool down for those who won the previous round of customs to this round of customs because the time between the openings was so large that they didn't actually miss any openings.
For freebies - the argument has always been that there might be something really awesome. I understand the argument. At the same time - every person gets to choose to take a freebie or not, to gamble on an possible future or take what they can. It's the same thing with events. You have to choose and maybe miss out. But saying 'oh I can't try for x because I have y' just seems . . . the only word that comes to mind is greedy - but it is a harsher word than I really want. The person who won a freebie - WON A FREEBIE! To complain that they already have a pet so they can't try for another one when there are so very many people who don't manage to win a single pet in a year outside of possibly getting CYOs? Yes, it's a gamble, but you can either take the sure thing or miss out because you might see something better later. I would always default to the sure thing, personally. Someone else might not. But either way, you have the choice, the opportunity. And if you won, complaining that you can't have all the ponies is just . . .
I'll admit, I have more soquili than some people I know have been struggling to get a decent sized herd for some time. But I have less than a lot of the active people. And part of that is that I don't do tons of chatting, I'm not all about making friends with colorists and staff and rping all the time. And I'm okay with that - I don't mind missing out on staff credit stuff or random breeding give aways. But at the same time, I feel there should be a little more move towards equity for those who are trying the normal routes and having a balance.
I don't know why the RNG likes some people more than others - it shouldn't, it makes no sense that it does. And yet, some people get rolled more than others. I might be wrong, but I thought cool downs were there to help balance things out. All I'm saying is the current model isn't really functioning as it seems to have been intended to function. I understand that is because there are TONS of people here who want Soquili. This is a good thing. But it's also a daunting thing. I don't think it will make a huge dent in the odds for people entering customs and breedings. There are too many people trying for there to be much numerical difference. But I think it would be nice to see some efforts made to move towards a system that actually does ensure the luck gets spread around just a little bit more.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:10 am
@ Starie - sorry, you posted while I was replying to Kamiki.
I don't think people would be quite so 'crazy enter' with the 'all your couples' as they were in the one time event. But you could still have some limit, each person gets one ticket and can enter up to x couples.
But this system wouldn't penalize your other breeding partners - they can still enter - it would actually open up for your other breeding partners. Because everyone is getting one ticket, they enter the couples they want to breed, you enter the couples you want to breed. This allows those who might be on the bottom of your rotation to still enter the couple for themselves. You can only win one ticket for yourself - thus you can't enter again for the cool down period. But they can still enter for their ticket. And they could still win. This would be why there would be a limiter on number for baskets per month still, that way everyone is open for breeding, but one person won't benefit from more than two in a month.
For the ones who aren't active . . . will they care that their odds are affected? And those who are active, still get their ticket. Maybe it's not as good an odd as if you are also getting your ticket, but it's still better odds than they would get if you weren't even entering that couple.
I don't think I explained that so well in the opening post, but that's my idea.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:15 am
I don't mind the current breeding system as it is, I really just wanna see more LL slots come from it. Though I really did like the idea of the 'enter all your couples ever' breeding event.
That aside, I do kind of like the suggestion for the customs cool down. Perhaps not quite so long...I'd go with 2-3 rounds of customs rather. Because I know what you're talking about in people who won in Neza's Nov customs were eligible again to win once more in Neza's March customs, with no other custom chance between.
So changing a 2 month cool down to...2-3 custom opening cool down would definitely give others a chance, and staff credits still don't count against you since they are a gift the majority of the time.
Again, there is the factor of supply vs demand and with the colorists having lives that can't be fixed. It's just something we have to deal with and understand, so maybe the cool down of waiting 2-3 custom periods really could work out better than 2 months in order to give more people a chance at winning that are otherwise losing to repeat winners because of RNG.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:53 am
LydaLynn For freebies - the argument has always been that there might be something really awesome. I understand the argument. At the same time - every person gets to choose to take a freebie or not, to gamble on an possible future or take what they can. It's the same thing with events. You have to choose and maybe miss out. But saying 'oh I can't try for x because I have y' just seems . . . the only word that comes to mind is greedy - but it is a harsher word than I really want. The person who won a freebie - WON A FREEBIE! To complain that they already have a pet so they can't try for another one when there are so very many people who don't manage to win a single pet in a year outside of possibly getting CYOs? Yes, it's a gamble, but you can either take the sure thing or miss out because you might see something better later. I would always default to the sure thing, personally. Someone else might not. But either way, you have the choice, the opportunity. And if you won, complaining that you can't have all the ponies is just . . . Right, and I agree to a point. But if the cooldown is "5 tries" then that could be anything from ...2 months to a year or more. I think that's a bit harsh. Especially because the BIG events they hold a couple time a year are REALLY FUN. So limiting your freebies to 1/month or 1/event is perfectly reasonable. But happening to win a freebie raffle in one month, and then two months later there's a giant event that you have to sit out would be a huge bummer.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:09 am
Im not sure exactly how this would work, but when it comes to events the whole 'you can win 1 of this, 1 of that, 1 of that, etc'.... there are many large events where people walk out with 3 or more pets and some walk out with none... over all the other events in this shop those are the ones I feel could most def be helped with some evening out. Though how that would work with some CD altering, idk?
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:55 am
I think the one paid / one free / one auction works pretty well for events.
My biggest pet peeve with that if the flatsale/flaffles that cost like 6K if you win and therefore don't count against your "freebie" count. That bugs me. That should could as your freebie during events imho.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:00 am
My only thought is that flaffles (like where soquili are 6k) should just be free and count as your monthly freebie. They frequently happen at the same time as the BIG events (that limit you to 3 soquili: 1 freebie, 1 paid raffle, and 1 auction) - but adding in a 6k flaffle that actually makes it possible for somoene to get one of those AND a freebie from the event (or even 4 from the event as a whole). I think especially with the events, you should spread the love as much as possible and include the flaffle as freebies.
My only other thought also has to do with the big events - that usually there has been a free raffle at the end for people who got NO soquili from any aspect from the event. I think it might be neat that instead of everyone just getting 1 ticket, including people who wander in at the end of the event, or never really tried for anything, to give everyone 1 ticket for each attempt they tried (every contest they didn't win, every raffle they entered, etc). (But still be only for people who otherwise got NOTHING).
EDIT - Lol, I didn't know Kamiki was typing in the same idea at the same time XD
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:01 am
Sabin Duvert My only other thought also has to do with the big events - that usually there has been a free raffle at the end for people who got NO soquili from any aspect from the event. I think it might be neat that instead of everyone just getting 1 ticket, including people who wander in at the end of the event, or never really tried for anything, to give everyone 1 ticket for each attempt they tried (every contest they didn't win, every raffle they entered, etc). THIS
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:30 am
I really like the idea of changing the cooldown for customs specifically to number of custom raffles you have to sit out of considering how few opportunities there are in one year atm. Judging by the number of custom raffles available last year, which was nine (and two of those were minis only), I think a reasonable cooldown could be 4-5 raffles, or approximately half a year.
Changing cooldowns on breedings is a lot harder because your ability to enter a breeding affects your partners ability to enter and for some people with a small number of couples you may end up penalizing new people when their partners win. I'd rather leave cooldowns as is for breedings.
I don't think the freebie cooldown should be extended but definitely would suggest another look taken at how many Soquili can be won from a single large shop event. As has been said it is not uncommon for some people to walk out with 3 (+) and many others to walk out with 0 at the end. I'm not sure how to solve that fairly but I do like Sabin's idea of having freebie raffles where your tickets are for the number of events you were unsuccesful in.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:55 am
Kamiki Right, and I agree to a point. But if the cooldown is "5 tries" then that could be anything from ...2 months to a year or more. I think that's a bit harsh. Especially because the BIG events they hold a couple time a year are REALLY FUN. So limiting your freebies to 1/month or 1/event is perfectly reasonable. But happening to win a freebie raffle in one month, and then two months later there's a giant event that you have to sit out would be a huge bummer.
A big event would actually clear you pretty quickly - since there are a lot of options in an event. However, I can see how that could get sticky. I just don't know how to fix it. There are indeed people walking away with many pets from an event and other people getting nothing. I don't know how to fix that. For those suggesting the tickets per try thing - I'm pretty sure it was done for an event - WoW if I remember correctly. And it was a HUGE nightmare for the staff. Plus - part of the problem is that not everyone can participate in the events. Life happens and might mean your computer was crashed for most of the month. You might be at work during all the prime event times. There are ones that are limited entry or only an hour of signup with almost no notice. Not to mention not everyone can do art or feels confident enough in their writing. Heck - the only reason I managed to get anything from the Summer event was because I had someone who very kindly proxied for me as I didn't have time to spend at the computer during almost all of the event. I'd rather see a little more limiting on number of event pets any one person can get than penalizing those who are not able to be on/do as much as others. Heck, even the art contest - there was a month for creating art - I barely managed to put together what was only part of my thoughts/plans that was just enough to enter once. I'm sorry, but limiting things to those who have more time is like limiting to those who have more gold and those who have more skill/talent, it just doesn't balance in the end.
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:05 pm
I'm sorry that this post in response will be rather short, but I'm still quite tired and I know when I am in this busy and drowsy state of mind, I can't articulate my thought process the best! D;
But anyway, I must say I do support this idea! With the ever increasing popularity of the shop, many, many newbies and oldies are always swiftly joining each event of customs and breedings and such, giving everyone who enters lower chances of being either CC'd or simply rolled. As much as I love this shop to pieces, I get really intimidated and discouraged from trying to enter such events because of the sheer number of users applying for slots. I've been decently active in trying to enter customs, for it is the most reasonable route of trying to receive a new soquili since early 2008, and even with all of my earnest attempts to join such things, I only have one Soquili mare ever since 2008, my fourth year anniversary for obtaining my very first (and only) one passing in December.
Anyway, due to how spread out custom and breeding openings are, I almost feel as if it quite doesn't matter much to those who win the slots, for the very next time one seems to open up the cool down period of the x amount of months has passed, and they are free to enter again. Customs more so than breedings, however, for like the first post has said, they only seem to happen 2-3 times a year or so.
And for raffles, I completely agree with the first post! That is paid chances per ticket, which is a little different than entering for free for a chance for a slot.
I really apologize if my post doesn't make the most amount of sense or comes across as some sort of whining post, for that is not my intention in the least. I am simply trying to use an example to try and help me explain my point of view is all~! 3nodding
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:11 pm
I agree that the cool down periods for customs need to change. As has been said many times before, the current cool down periods were well suited toward the time when there were two or three customs a month but that is no longer the case. The entire point of a cool down is to rotate some people who just had their dreams realized out so someone else could have a shot at theirs, and that is not happening anymore. I have been trying for a custom for four years now and honestly, feel a little let down. I see the same people winning over and over again and it is a little disheartening. I mean, I have been waiting the same time span it takes for one to graduate high school for goodness sake. (Know that is kind of whiney, sorry). And I just feel that something needs to change whether that be LL customs or extended/numbered cool down times. Not just for me but for others who have waited this long. This was all typed on my phone so please forgive the limited explanations and spelling errors. I just felt I needed to say something.