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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[PRP] Finding the Way (Mura/Mlinzi)

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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:34 am
The land around her was something she had never seen before. Mura had started exploring lands that she had never been in before. She had spent most of her life at her old home, underground. However since leaving her pride, she had spent almost everyday exploring the world around her, finding new prides and others to interact. She was sure that she was in a land that she hadn't traveled in yet.

Her adventures had her traveling around the land. She was grateful that she finally was able to leave her home and actually see the world around her. When strangers wandered into the pride she would talk to them and learn more about the surface world. At the time she thought she would never leave her pride.

But now she was on the surface, breathing the fresh air.

She couldn't help but wonder where she was. Sometimes walking aimless had it's downfalls, one was that she hardly ever knew exactly where she was. On her face was a worried expression. She realized that there was a chance she could be in hostile territories. If that was the case she would have to be even more careful. For now she would just be on the look out for someone who looked friendly so she could get some directions.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:57 am
It didn't take long for his increased senses to kick in. He'd become far more in touch with the new scents he encountered out here, away from the pride. Away from the death. The scent came over him in a wash of other scents, mostly budding flowers that were blooming just out of his reach. But this one, this one wasn't a flower, though it did smell like one. A sweet smell of perfume, the scent of a female. But more importantly, the scent of a visitor and possibly a friend.

Not being the best with sight, he frowned knowing he wouldn't be able to properly introduce himself to the new comer. His sight was failing yet again, and there was no way to make a salve, the weather had just been far too unforgiving lately. But just because he couldn't see her, didn't mean he wasn't going to meet her. He hardly got the opportunity to meet those from outside, but today, he'd been given the chance.

With a slight spring in his step, Mlinzi picked up his pace, following that sweet scent to wherever and whoever it belonged.

Club Snails


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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:54 pm
As she walked, she saw a lion in the distance. Thank the gods she wasn't alone anymore. Her pace quickened as she walked toward him. As she got closer, she decided that he looked friendly enough. Alright, time to be brave and figure out where you are, she thought. She hoped that he would be able to help her. If not, then she would figure out something else.

“Hello there!” Mura called out. She stopped when she felt she was close enough. She didn't want to get too close and invade on his person space. When she lived underground, it was almost impossible to respect personal space, however once she reached the rouge lands, she realized that others did not react well when she was too close to them.

“I was wondering if you had any idea of where we are? I am a bit lost, sorta. I don't actually have a destination in mind, but I still have no idea where I am.” She gave a hopeful smile.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:23 pm
It would seem that his nose wasn't quite what it used to be. As yet again, his prey had found him, before he could find it. Though this female definitely wasn't prey, the analogy fit quite well. Halting in his tracks, Mlinzi sneezed as the kicked up dust wafted into his nose. From the sound of her voice she was quite close, and also very smart. "Wise choice. To stay back until you feel safe." He nodded in what he hoped was her direction, before lifting a paw and gesturing her to come closer. "I mean you no harm, please come closer so we don't have to shout." Showing his less than admirable side, the male lowered himself to the ground and rolled onto his belly. His hopes were to show his submission to the newcomer. "See nothing to fear." His white tale made swirly patterns in the sand as he awaited her reaction.

"As to where you are. You are on the outskirts of the Kitwana'Antara. We're a private little pride, full of very sick lions, myself included. But do not worry, you can not get sick by coming closer, or even by being here. You need only fear if you run into a vicious member of our pride, of which there are very few. But on the bright side, none of them come out this way, so no worries my dear."

Club Snails


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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:40 pm
Mura watched him, her interest growing. She nodded her head and walked toward him. He was a very beautiful lion, she noticed. She stood next to where he was.

Her mouth frowned when she heard about the sick lions. “A whole pride of sick lions. That must be a tough life.” She said sympathetic. She had never been that sick before. To think of always be around that though. It made her wonder why someone would choose that life. He seemed healthy enough. “If you don't mind me asking why do you stay in a sick pride? If you stay there long enough, won't you eventually get sick yourself?”

She paused for a moment. “Aw sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mura.” She said with a smile. “I'm a traveler going where ever the wind takes me. Today it seems to have led me to you.”

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:52 pm
Her words resonated with him, more than he would like to admit. But those who knew him, secretly accepted that he was unhappy with his life. Though that had never stopped him from preventing others from being unhappy.

"It is indeed a tough life. But one must take lemons and turn them into lemonade." He shrugged to himself. He had no idea what lemonade was, but some foreign bird had tried explain it to him once. It didn't really stick though, but the point should be clear.

"I stay because it is my duty, and my family. My duty to this pride is to keep them as healthy as I can. I pride myself in knowing others will benefit from my hard work." He tried to smile, but she'd hit a soft spot with him. It was a touchy, touchy subject, but he wouldn't lash out at her. She was merely curious, as were most that ventured here. "Ah but I am already sick. You see, I lost my vision to the disease that my pride lives with. But otherwise, I seem to be OK." He nodded as if to agree with himself, but he probably just looked really strange.

"Mura is it? That's a name i've never heard before! Its quite a pleasure to meet you. I am Pumbaa'Mlinzi, though you may call me whatever you'd like." Dipping his head in respect to her introduction, he rolled himself off of his back slowly.

"Well I guess that means its my lucky day doesn't it?

Club Snails


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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:13 pm
Mura tilted her head when he mentioned lemonade. She wondered what that was. However she got the gist of what he meant and nodded her head.

So he stayed for his family. What a gallant gesture, she thought. She didn't have any family that was alive, so she had no idea how she would fell if she was in his situations. “It's a brave thing you're doing, staying with your family. I am sorry to hear about your sight. I guess though that it could be worse though.” She said with a nod. There were a lot worse things then losing eye sight in her opinion.

So far she enjoyed the encounter. She was learning about a pride she had no previous knowledge on. That was worth getting lost for, that and meeting Pumbaa'Mlinzi was pretty special. She gave out a gentle laugh. “I think we are both lucky. If I didn't run into you, then I probably would have continued wandering aimlessly. Well, I will eventually continue to wander around, but at least I will know about where I am.”

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:48 pm
Mlinzi completely agreed with Mura's analysis, but couldn't think of a thing to add to it. "Oh yes, I imagine there are many things far worse than my sight. Though I still wouldn't wish it on even my worst enemy -" He paused a moment to think before continuing on, "But I don't even have one of those." He huffed a short laugh and shrugged his shoulders at Mura.

"Well then allow me to correct myself.

I guess this is our lucky day."
Again he smiled as he placed a paw to his chest apologetically. "I do envy you though, for your wandering. It is something I can not do, but something I dream out often. But I suppose listening to traveler's tales are just as exciting?" Looking over to Mura he left his question open ended, not really sure of where he was heading with it, but hoping she would help him out.

Club Snails
I am so sorry this took so long. School just caught up with me really bad!"


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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:25 pm
Mura nodded her head. “I used to be apart of a pride and it wasn't until recent that I had the desire to see more of the world. My pride was wonderful, but I always felt that there was more for me to see. I always enjoyed listening to people talk about lands outside the pride ever since I was young. Sometimes when I would sleep I would dream about the lands they talked about.” She gave a small laugh.

“It was interesting though, sometimes I feel like the way I imagined the world outside my pride was better then how it actually turned out. My expectations were probably too high. The adventures I've had so far have been wonderful though and I don't regret for a moment leaving. Though there are times when traveling becomes a bit lonely. It makes me thankful that I manage to wander into others like yourself.”

I'm in the same boat, except I started a new job. I should be able to reply quicker though now.
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:46 pm
Mlini allowed himself a small laugh, just as Mura explained her dreams. He couldn't really help himself, it was just too familiar to him. The yearning to know what went on beyond the invisible walls. If he could have, he would have sighed the most miserable of sighs. But he knew it would only stress the vibe between both himself and Mura. From what he'd mentioned already, it wasn't hard to see he led, what most would consider, 'a pitiful life'. Regardless of whether he thought of it that way, Mura's thoughts were her own to think. Goodness only knew what she would think.

"Sometimes I think I may be the same way. Y'know in the overactive imagination department? But then I hear a new story from a new traveller and my dreams go shooting off once again." He smiled thoughtfully, his eyes telling a story a million miles away. It took him quite a few minutes to drag himself back to the present, and when he did, he wasn't quite sure how to address Mura's next comment.

"Yes, loneliness is one of the biggest woes of the traveller is it not? I hear of it quite often and all too often I find myself wishing I could aid those of you who suffer from it." Sighing heavily, his shoulders gave into the pressure he'd been holding inside. "But i'm afraid the best I can do, is help you to enjoy your downtime as much as possible."

Club Snails


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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 4:21 pm
It was a relief to find someone who felt the same way she did. "I think the world as we imagine them end up much more special then the real one." She said with a smile. Sometime she would sit down and listen to a strangers tale of a foreign land, just so she could imagine it again. There was a part of her that missed that terribly.

Mura nodded her head. "Even if it is a brief moment of time I appreciate the gesture. It eases the loneliness a lot. I think if it wasn't for the fact that I've run into others who have been kind to me on my travels, that I probably would have turned around and headed home by now."

She paused for a moment. It had been sometime since she had a chance to talk to someone, she felt a bit selfish wanting to be in the company of other lions and lioness, but she thought that this might be her last chance for some time. "Do you think it would be okay if I stay near the pride for a couple days? I would stay near the outskirts of course and I would do my best not to be a bother."

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:45 am
"Well I am at least glad to hear that your travels have been both safe and pleasant. It saddens me to admit that I have run into a few who have had some very unsavory experiences out there." Mlinzi frowned as he thought back to his time with the wild dog, Coldfeet. She had been through so much, in such a short amount of time, it killed him to see her go. Even though she had left with a smile, he knew that her heart was still swallowed with sorrow.

He became lost in his own thoughts for a bit, hardly taking notice of Mura's calm words. Though he slowly phased back in and put the pieces into place.

"My dear, I would like nothing more than for you to stay here as long as you'd like. My pride will not bother you along these here borders. You will be safe, I give you my word." Placing his paw gently to his chest, he bowed his head in promise. "I only hope that you'll grace me with your presence a time or two more during your stay. I find it easy to admit that i've rather enjoyed spending the day with you today."

Club Snails


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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 1:26 pm
A wide grin spread on her face. She felt lucky to have a chance to come to the border of this pride. “I would love to spend more time with you.” This would be a good chance for her to rest her paws and also meet some other lions. She missed having company and this seemed like a good chance to interact with others.

“I think it will be a nice break from traveling to stay in one spot for a little bit. Maybe it will give me a chance to figure out where I should head next.” She said with a nod. Wandering around aimlessly had it's perks, but she felt that it might be best if she had a destination. “I really appreciate how welcoming you've been and I look forward to spending more time with you!” She really hadn't expected to meet anyone as kind as Pumbaa'Mlinzi. She had heard stories of cruel lions in the rogue lands. It was a blessing that she hadn't ran into any yet.

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:17 am
Mlinzi's typically small yet kind smile, spread across his face like wildfire. By the time it could grow no longer, his teeth were showing, and he was quite sure there was a bit of a blush present. "Oh yes, it is definitely the ideal place to rest your paws. The patrols hardly come out this far, and even if they did, you would be safe to stay." Nodding his head matter of factly he continued on, "By all means, take all the time you need! Where would our manners be if we didn't allow someone as kind as yourself to relax in a safe environment." He really was packing on the charm, but he had to ulterior motive, he just really enjoyed Mura's company. It was good to meet someone who liked to take things slow every now and again. Mura definitely seemed like the type.

"Ah my dear, think nothing of it." He laughed off her thanks and batted his paw to shoo them away. "I look forward to spending more time with you as well, perhaps you can even tell me some tales of your homeland? I do rather enjoy learning new things from time to time." While his grin never left his face, his toothines, did. Now he say rather calmly, side by side with Mura. Today had turned into a rather interesting day indeed, and if all went as he hoped, it seemed he'd have a few days of interest and excitement ahead of him.

All thanks to this strangely sweet lioness who came to him from beyond the borders.

Club Snails
I think we can end this one here if you'd like. Since she'll be staying a bit longer, i'm up for another RP if you are. Just shoot me a PM or quote me in thread :3


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