Is this a passably okay idea? |
Yes |
46% |
[ 13 ] |
No |
42% |
[ 12 ] |
I have my own thoughts on this (Post them) |
10% |
[ 3 ] |
Total Votes : 28 |
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:50 pm
I'm not saying this is a PERFECT idea, but it could at least be a little 'for fun', and not something I'm saying staff HAS to do. Like I said, it's just an idea, just a thought...
I was reading through the Cool Down thread, and someone mentioned getting a pet from the summer event only because they got a proxy, and how much of the event had time frames that not everyone can meet. It got me thinking of the fact that literally the only things that don't have specific time frames for events... Tend to be the massive raffles. And as we know... The RNG can be funny with how it works, that's something we can't help since we have 0 control over what it does. And this got me thinking on...
The suggestion of CC customs. Hm... Weird connection, wouldn't you think? But I am getting at something - I recall during the WoW event, someone was offering customs that they were... I can't remember if they were reduced, or something... I do know one special thing about them was that you could get mutants(IE, Harpies) ONLY if they were WoW-themed. Ah, there's our connection...
How about, once in a blue moon, only for a big event, a CC customs thread that's open for the duration of the event? It'd be up to the staff if that counts toward peoples' custom cool down(Hey, I'd be fine with it counting!). But the catch is that customs would need to fit the current event theme. So say there's a Spring event, with bunny and birdy and flower theme Soquili, etc.... All forms in the CC thread would have to fit the theme. People could enter multiple forms... BUT they can only win 1 custom. Or maybe one big Soquili, one Mini... That'd also be up to the staff. And depending on the event... There'd be a limit on the TYPES of Soquili permitted, so a Spring event could be limited to, say... Usdia, Regular, Cyrenei, Unicorns, Winds, Flutters, Angeni, and appropriately-elemented Ulun'suti(Wood, plant), where as another Summer event would be open to most of the breeds. Sort of a... Theme limit.
Yes, no, thoughts? Or maybe reworking?
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:41 am
To my mind, we already have that. Isn't that what the Halloween/Autumn plushy CYO ultimately was? It was a large event in which you had themes around which to design a custom chase that the colorists then chose from and brought to life.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:24 am
The difference is, with a plus... Unless it's an OC, you get no choice on the gender... And the colorists also have the choice of adding or removing things that are on the plush, and you couldn't get something like an Angeni through them - Any Angeni plush became a Wind Soquili if it was picked. Essentially, the plushes are semi-customs... And free. An event-based CC Customs thread to fit the large event's theme would be 100% customs, and... Possibly not so free.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:06 am
I think this could be fun, It could be a way for the Jr Colorists to practice customs as well since they typically aren't allowed to do them. Right now they are allowed to do the Wishing star semi customs and the plushies conversions but if this used the actual form then it could get them used to converting thoughts from the form onto an actual soq. It's a nifty idea and I know a lot of people would love to try for a themed pet, it would be more a matter of Colorist time restraints I think.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:27 am
As nice as it sounds. I remember yonks back there was a Custom's month event, and it took the shop ages to get back on their feet after an event like that.
And yes a lot of it was CC. So I wouldn't be so sure about this personally, I would have to say no to it being made a big event or being something very often. Lots of colourists have different tastes and as nice as it is to have more custom events too it doesn't mean you'll be chosen. It's nice to give the colourists freedom hence why they open CC slots in customs and breedings when they can but the RNG is probably the most fair way of doing things because the demand for customs is so great…
Also we have all these CYOs! Doesn't sound like there's much of a need for it to be honest.
Just my two pence. ;D (Yar, I be English. 8D)
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:12 pm
Well, as I said, it'd only occur with a pre-planned BIG event. And it'd be up to staff if they even feel like picking ANYTHING, and then everyone would only get ONE custom out of however many they posted that fit the theme. If nothing speaks to a colorist, then they don't have to do a custom. And as Jet pointed out - It could give Jr. Colorists some practice.
Again about the CYO's - Unless it's a plush of an OC, they're still also SEMI-custom. You get no say in if the plush will be male or female unless it's based on an OC, and Angeni plushes tend to become Wind Soquili, while Skinwalker plushes... Well, in the past, they weren't picked. This time around, they were here and there, same with... Kalona. And then the plushes only had one wing template that I could ever find a download for(And I asked a couple times about alt wings - I saw a few plushes with a different wing template but never got an answer about it), and most Kalona I saw picked were converted on the matching wings... And not everyone likes the same wings for their own reasons, but as far as I can tell there's no say in what wing type. What I'm getting at is... As long as they fit the main event's theme, the customs would be 100% custom(Unless stated otherwise by the person posting a form).
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:23 pm
This sounds like the MCCL breeding list....and if so, then the staff already has the set up for something like it. It's up to them to decide to use it or not.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:27 pm
No I think what she's getting at is kind of like..umm the familiar custom thread they had during the summer event? You posted your familiar concept and some of them got chosen when the colorists felt like it others didn't.
It would be an addition to an event basically but more in tune with a 'themed CC custom' event then a plushie conversion etc.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:31 pm
JetAlmeara No I think what she's getting at is kind of like..umm the familiar custom thread they had during the summer event? You posted your familiar concept and some of them got chosen when the colorists felt like it others didn't. It would be an addition to an event basically but more in tune with a 'themed CC custom' event then a plushie conversion etc. The MCCL was based on a custom event the old staff prior to my hiring did. I made the MCCL-Breeding thread first to test it. There was eventually going to be an MCCL-Customs thread, but then I'm not longer staff....so the current staff still has the information for the MCCL-Customs. I've been told it's not happening anytime soon, they're busy with other things.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:53 pm
kaliskanny JetAlmeara No I think what she's getting at is kind of like..umm the familiar custom thread they had during the summer event? You posted your familiar concept and some of them got chosen when the colorists felt like it others didn't. It would be an addition to an event basically but more in tune with a 'themed CC custom' event then a plushie conversion etc. The MCCL was based on a custom event the old staff prior to my hiring did. I made the MCCL-Breeding thread first to test it. There was eventually going to be an MCCL-Customs thread, but then I'm not longer staff....so the current staff still has the information for the MCCL-Customs. I've been told it's not happening anytime soon, they're busy with other things. I had heard they were thinking about doing that, but I thought that would be a constant thing, I think what she's asking for is specifically event based CC thread for themed ponies. Your right though the set-up would be the same pretty much.
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:17 am
Exactly as Jet said it - It'd only be set up FOR the event, themed TO the event, like the Familiar customs from the Summer event heart It would be up to the people posting how specific they want to be on their custom choices, and then it'd be up to the staff if they feel like picking one, a few, or any at all... And like any customs, everyone can only get a maximum of one pony.
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:32 am
I like it. There have been events that have sparked ideas for me but I wouldn't normally try for because I already have a queue of several customs I'd love to have first. This way we'd have an opportunity to try for one of these ideas within the event but personalized. Kind of like the dress-up/concept contests that have occured but not having to work with a predetermined base.
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:53 pm
Sounds interesting. It would like need some reworking...but a theme limit could be pretty neat. (:
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:14 pm
I don't understand why so many people seem to dislike this concept. I like it.
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:28 pm
I think people are worried that these would carve out opportunities for traditional customs, which area already scarce and in high demand.
But, personally, I do like the idea. It's kind of like the design contests they've done in some other events, but a bit more open.