Shaheen felt bad. It was not feeling she experienced often, being one who was normally quick to act with little regret, compassion, or apologizing for her actions. But things were different now. No, not because of the new home, the new life in an unfamiliar world, the dissolving of the old clans into one family known simply as "the lost clans". No, it was something that had etched itself in grey across her features, something that whispered to her, sometimes enticingly, often times with taint and poison that turned her thoughts and actions dark. It was this that had changed her the most, it was this that had caused her reason for feeling bad.

And now, days later, after mulling over her various options, she had come to a decision. It was time to make amends for what she had done, to apologize if necessary. It was for what she had done when her and Senga had sparred, because it had not ended up being what it was meant to be, and had been cut short by her dagger.

She shuddered at the memory, of how relentlessly she had attacked him until he was nothing more then nearly lifeless heap upon the ground. She had tried to help him, then, once she had realized what she had done, but it didn't nearly make up for it. Not in her mind at least.

So, she sought him out. She searched the lairs until she came upon an executioner of war. Smaller then her though she knew that size meant nothing. Adorned with the pelt of a creature just as vicious as she knew he could be. She approached him from behind, silently, though she cleared her throat when she was near enough to be in hearing range, prompting attention even as the feathers on her wings ruffled out behind her, giving away the nerves that she tried so futilely to hide.

Hi have the worst opening post everrrrr~