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xxxxxxxxxxxxx Basic Information

Name: Saluote Atwater

Age: One Hundred, but appears Twenty-Four

Gender: Male

Species: Atlantean Merman

Orientation: Homosexual

Position: Uke [Submissive]

xxxxxxxxxxxxx Personal Information

❥ Vampires
❥ Music
❥ Art
❥ Sea water
❥ Attractive men
❥ Animals

✖ The dark
✖ Being alone
✖ Hunters
✖ Animal traps
✖ Doctors
✖ Being used

Personality: Saluote is a kind man, and he is oblivious for the most part. However, he does eventually realize when he's being used or something is terribly wrong. When he's in danger, Saluote can be extremely deadly. But, he has a submissive nature and would rather curl at someone's feet and be patted on the head than be forced into a fight. He's shy and a bit timid, but has a friendly nature.

Biography: Saluote was born in Atlantis, where he grew up. When he was thirty, he left Atlantis and ascended to the surface world. Having always been curious about the life forms that lived on the land, he became fascinated by them and their cultures. The one thing he loved the most was that each culture had art and music of different kinds. After years of studying them, he came to have a sort of obsession over vampires. A creature that lives on the blood of others and live conditional immortal lives is an interesting concept.

Additional Info: His blood is silver, a rare thing that only happens with a few merfolk born in Atlantis due to the city's ancient and pure atmosphere. His blood can rejuvenate at a rate ten thousand times faster than a human's, and it is able to completely quench the thirst of even the hungriest of blood-thirsty creatures in a single gulp. It also allows him to speak out of water, while most merfolk from Atlantis are cursed with a deadly screech for a voice out of water.

xxxxxxxxxxxxx Status Information

Slave: Vladimir Romenouf