Name: Kay


Orientation: Gay

Race: Human (Regeneration)

Power: when he gets to scared or angry(wich almost never happens) something combusts or blows, he has unnaturally strong strength.

Position: uke (submissive)

I am a: slave

User Image

I like: Games, bunnies, older men, strawberry's, ribbons, neon colors, music, my pink bunny, and My master!

I dislike: thunder, cleaning, not being with Master,

I am good at: Playing all types of Games

My personality is: I don't like being left alone because I usualy break something. I do anything to make Master happy. when I do something wrong I look realy sad and people forgive me. I like to play with my bunny carrot he ways the same as a large rv yet he's pink and regular size plushi.

bio: My parents were killed in a war so to get my younger sister and brother enoth money to live I sold my self to a slave company and my siblings are alive and well in the little village were i was born.

Kay is taken but I can make another one if some one wants.