User Image Play with me~


Name: Ku-Ki

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Neko

Position: Uke

Marital Status: Single

Lets Get Personal~

Some Facts:
-Ku-Ki is very quiet when he first meets people, but will very quickly warm up to them.
-He is a pretty physical person, enjoying to cuddle, hug, and dance.
-He has a bad habit of physically harming himself.
-Ku-Ki is very childlike and enjoys doing childlike things, such as: bathing with company and toys, coloring with crayons, being held while he goes to sleep.
-He very rarely gets angry, and when he does that is the only time you will hear him raise his voice.
-He gets nervous around large groups of people and will try and hide until everyone is gone.

- Cookies
- Cuddling
- Small animals

-Large dogs
-Being yelled at

-Playing flute
-Playing piano


Hair: Pale pink to light blond to light pink to light blue

Eye Color: Blue, green, pink, and turquoise

Skin Color: Fair

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