Name: Michelle Le Isle
Nicknames: Rosie
Gender: female
Age: 17

Faction: Ghost
Race: Revenant
Natural Ability: Energy Absorb

Personality: She is a bit shy, hanging in the background when there is a party going around. She remembers liking to dance and afraid at the same time. If you ask her how to dance, she would gladly show you far from the public's eye. Her favorites dance is the waltz and knows all the dance forms of a Ballerina.

During a dance or party event, she seems more focused on those who will try to ruin it. These feelings drives her to obsession, she will follow them until they either do it or give up on it. Then she calms down and moves on, always feeling like she needs to watch everyone very carefully.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?

The place where she haunts was the ruins of a great ball room. She and some other ghosts kept being there after a new ballroom was built. One of the older ghosts suggested that she could go to the Academy for "rest" from the humans swarming to meet her during the nights.

Why does your character want to come to Amityville as a student?

She wants to learn more about why some humans are scared of her and some rest from the ones that want to use machines to "capture" her on film.
None of them notices that she dances really well! This gets her mad and her last outburst almost caused the humans to never return.

FEAR Ability: Ghostly waltz, this allows her to lead others around her into a dance to music that she only hears.

Physical Description: She is meduim height, hair up and pulled into a style she knows. She wears a thin mask like this. She wear a dress like this. Her clothing gives off a slight smoky trail coming around to those who see her.

Eye Colour: golden
Hair Colour/Style:Like this but brown
Skin Colour: tan
Clothing Style/Colours: Purple with some burnt edges along the dress. It is masquerade dress made in the Victorian period.
Extra: none at the moment
References:none at the moment.