Her nights had been long lately...Nights awake, sleepless, as she made her way through the lands, Her pawpads were sore, and her dark form weary. Green eyes were trained on the ground, maw parted in quiet murmurs of irritation and distress. The pelt that shifted over her shoulders marked her as something darker, those stunning emeralds looking at the skies above, glaring at the full moon. Light was beginning to annoy the Seeress... So greatly was she distracted that Anayejua had hardly noticed that she'd wandered past the borders of some...pride.

Aisling felt...odd. There were few little ones in the pride. Very few. It...saddened her. Immensely. Especially since her own cubs were no longer among those numbers. Sio had littles but...dear Mar, one of them was so pale. A Na'artue. And Aisling couldn't help but wonder if the pale fur in her own bloodline is what had doomed the cub. She'd wandered towards the border in hopes of losing herself in thoughts for a bit, but an unfamiliar scent kept her from that. She went on alert and made her way towards the scent, every inch a warrior of the Clan of Mar for that moment. "Who goes there?"

Ana's eyes snapped up, meeting the Dark lioness' gaze with a coldness that wasn't natural in any lion. The insanity was clear there, and as the dark lioness shifted on her paws, she tried to ignore the pain therein. The cub pelts shifted around her shoulders, and she stared unblinking, "...Is this Pride land..? Are you a Warrior?" She enquired, her voice a soft, dark noise, "...I am Anayejua..."

Aisling's eyes narrowed. "My line is full of warriors. And I belong just fine." She shifted her stance, holding herself as she used to when she was a leader in Tearmann. "You are just inside the borders of the Aikanaro'hini." She smirked. "We are demons, so unless you have one within you...I'd suggest you leave."

"We,..." The seer laughed brightly, "You think you are a Demon....Do you truly hear the whispers..." The madness in her eyes was apparant, emerald orbs lit with the moonlight, causing that flame of insanity to burn ever brighter, "I know demons....Demons are what drove me....brought me this far.....Demons are why I've left my pride...why...I can never go back....You do not know de-" She was cut off, her head swinging side to side, as the lioness seemed distracted by something...By something the other couldn't hear. Ana's maw drew in a low snarl of displeasure as she pawed at her ear, irritated by something, obviuosy, "No more of that....None of it."

Aisling stood her ground. She did not let it show how much the strange lioness shook her up. She'd have to talk to Tuli later...and maybe Tavar. She'd grown...fond of the a*****e. "So...you hear a demon, than?" She would deal with this. Deal with the crazy female, take her to Kifatamu or Usare if need be, and then go back to her family. To her sanctuary where she was just Aisling, a Scion of Mar...not Aisling, Sparda-side Yana'hine and bearer of the 'demon' Mar.

The femme gave her a dangerous, wicked smile, "I hear a voice...A voice that tells me about those I see...about their secrets." The dark femme began to pace near Aisling, that smirk growing still, "Like your secrets....So many things you hide, but from a few. ....I can not tell what your secret is, but that you have one....And perhaps I will find it." She was obviously touched in the head....crazy....A Demon speaking within her? With the pelts that still smelled of milk and...of her, it wouldn't be unheard of....

"My secrets are my own to keep. And you will keep your nose out of them." She snorted, turning in towards the heart of the pride. "Follow me, if you truly have a demon and wish for a place to rest your paws." Crazy b***h. Damned crazy b***h. And...Aisling didn't even want to know where those pelts came from. Not being a Yana'hine. She'd make a note to whichever leader they came across to not let the female near the pride's cubs. The dark lioness had a feeling that letting her near little ones would end very, very badly.

The lioness' tail swished behind her, and she followed the femme. She could tell that the other was very much uncomfortable with her, and Anayejua had no qualms about this. Her paws pressed quietly into the earth, not a sound made as she stalked her towards the inner circles of the Pride. This was...almost exciting. A new home...a new life....one where others were...so much like her. She could manage that.