Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:07 am
Welcome to My Simple Plot Zone! Welcome, Names Wolfie Please scroll down for plots and info! ^ - ^
Note: I like to RP actually I LOVE to rp but, SOQ has a tendency to eat my threads/ no one tells me they have tagged and, I lose the link. So if we rp together please don't be afraid to poke me when you reply, or if I'm being slow! I don't bite! <3
IMPORTANT : My laptop is currently out of commission, so guild rp will take even longer and I no longer offer to archive/ save rp's from over aim! If we rp please be kind and save our rp or be patient while I wait for my comp to get fixed.
If you have some plot ideas of your own to offer, that is loved! <3
Feel free to post or PM me! If you post, and don't get a response after a few days please pm me and, kick me in here. I have MSN, Aim, and Skype. Poke me when you see me in SOQ, do something to let me know you want to talk!
If you contact me please give me your username or you WILL be ignored. AIM: lovelwolf16 Skype: rockerwolfie1616
Important links Quest Thread
My (Messy) Teepee
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:09 am
Form!! [align=center][quote="RockerWolfie1616"][/quote] [size=15][b][color=black]X WOLFIE! LET'S PLOT! X[/color] [/align]
[size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [size=13][color=black]Hey! I want plots with...[/color][/size] [size=9][b][color=red]SOQUILI NAME HERE.[/color][/b][/size][/align]
[size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [color=red]Soquili you are offering:[/color][/b][/size] [size=9][color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=black]"[/color] [url=]Your Soquili Name/Image Here[/url] [color=black]"[/color][/size] [size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [color=red]Information:[/color][/b][/size] [size=9][color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=black]"[/color] Tell me some info about your Soquili. Personality, history, plots etc?[color=black]"[/color][/size]
[size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [color=red]Interested In:[/color][/b][/size] [size=9][color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=black]"[/color] What are you looking for plot wise etc? Mate, friends, enemies blah blah blah [color=#FF7E00]❞[/color][/size]
[size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [color=red]Best Way to Talk:[/color][/b][/size] [size=9][color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=black]"[/color] PM, Quote, IM, ect. (If IM, leave me your screen names.) [color=black]"[/color][/size]
[size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [color=red]Plot Ideas:[/color][/b][/size] [size=9][color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=black]"[/color] Got any plot ideas in mind? Especially if I didn't put down a lot? xD [color=black]"[/color][/size]
[size=10][b][color=black]X x X[/color] [color=red]DERP:[/color][/b][/size] [size=9][color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=black]"[/color] Yes? No? If yes put down your ideas here <3[color=black]"[/color][/size]
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:22 am
 All about Tavshed
Sexuality: Bisexual Mate: He's Single due to plots not moving forward! Breedings: 3 / 4
Likes: Bau, Tigers, Anyone that has Tiger coloring/stripes, Strength, Beauty, Graceful things/soq/creatures, Plants, Seclusion, Soft things, Fluffy creatures/soq/anything fluffy, Foals/babies, HIS DAUGHTER CHEPI!
Dislikes:Losing Bau, Anyone touching Bau, Anger/Violence, Being asked to speak, Loud obnoxious things, Getting lost, Teasing, Large groups, his daughter hurting
His Personality: Tavshed tends to be on his own in a secluded stretch of forest where he rarely if ever encounters others. Even if they get near the stallion shy's away from contact/ from conversation. Ever innocent, pure and a tad naive Tavshed would probably not know if someone had been using him or if they did use him..he likes to think and see the best in others even if they are blood thirsty killers. Bau tends to be his one constant companion, though he longs for friendship he simply can't find the right mare/stallion that understand him enough to become a friend. He's soft basically, soft about all things save when it comes to his treasured plush tiger. Any touching, taking or hurting of the plush will send him into a fit. He might cry, or he might try to poke at the offending thief with his horns. The only ones who would find mercy would be a young one..he has a soft spot for babies/infants/foals. He loves them because they are a lot like him in most cases, innocent and sweet.
Important info: Tavshed can speak though he won't do it all the time...the reasons behind this are buried in his past. - Due to my own plotness his voice will be healed enough for him to talk semi-normal c: Really excited about plots moving him forward.
Love...: In need of a STALLION or a MARE that will love him, help him get out of his 'box' and, live life to the fullest. Lifemate/lovemate only please He has had one fling, a broken heart after a mare he cared for left (and mated with another stallion) so Tavshed's a bit unsure of mares right now. That does not mean he will not lifemate with a lady it just means said lady needs to be special! If not a lady Tavshed could use a big strong stallion C; To keep him safe and make him feel loved again.
Healing: After years of suffering Tavshed has grown weary of his throat / voice making it nearly impossible to keep any sort of relationship going. Thus the stallion will muster up some courage and, eventually leave the safety of his home to find help. I'd like for Tav to meet a healer, either a unicorn / unicorn mix or a soquili skilled with herbal remedies! If wanted plots can be combined, Tav could fall in love with the one that heals hi or they could just become friends. Either way he'd be forever grateful to just gain a small bit of his 'voice' back.
So Lonely...: Living on your own has it's down sides. Tavshed tries to ignore the feelings of loneliness but, some days it becomes too much. On one of these days I would like someone to find him sulking/hiding and sad/depressed. Someone who could either cheer him up or make him feel even worse. Evil or good chars are fine just no hurting physically, mental abuse is fine in small doses. After Chepi's leaving and the disappearance of a mare he thought he loved Tavshed feels even more lonely than usual.
Family...: He would love to meet his other daughter and find the courage to go visit Chepi x Aras so he can be a part of his future grandchildren's lives.
STRIPES!:Anyone colored like a tiger / Bau his plush / familiar..meeting any soq with stripes in general would end up being a cute rp..he loves stripes and, anything remotely like Bau XDD
Darkness: Tav's afraid of the dark for obvious reasons. I'd love to do a rp with someone who has a lantern or some kind of light they use..or someone who maybe can craft things / likes trading etc to trade with or give Tavshed something to light up the darkness.
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:46 am
 All about Aatuai
Sexuality: Hetrosexual Mate: Single Breedings: 3/3
Likes: Snow, Mountains, Winter
Dislikes: Blood
His Personality: Aatuai is a warm, kind stallion who enjoys laughing and having a good time. He's still a work in process P: in desperate need of rp orz Will add more later
Important info:
Love...: Neutral colors preferred, edits are not a must c: He could handle a wide range of mares so do not be shy! I'd prefer no one overly evil etc but, she doesn't have to be perfect either. Just offer away!
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:53 am
 All about Clef
Sexuality: Bisexual Mate: Single Breedings: 3/3
Herd: Here
Likes: Flying, Exploring, Trinkets
Dislikes: Fighting, Feeling weak
His Personality: Clef grew up in a not so conventional family, he has two fathers Lijep and Tsubasa. His mother comes from the ice tiger family line and decided to help Lijep start his family. At first things seemed fine but, Clef grew weak / sickly and had to stop his young explorations. As such he never got to see as much of the outside world..he's a bit naive when it comes to 'love'. (Like I said he needs rp x - x ) Loving, kind and still a bit fragile as an adult he has a huge heart..not much of a fighter but, a lover who spends his days going on small expeditions out into the world. Currently he lives with Tsu and Lijep because his fathers are a little overprotective and want to make sure he doesn't over do anything. This however could change..Clef knows he cannot stay there forever and, longs to see more of the world.
Important info:
Coming soon
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:05 am
Sexuality: Straight Mate: He's got a broken Lifemating and, had one breeding He cannot mate or breed for 6 months
Likes: Silence Hunting Uh...more later
Dislikes: Hyperactivity Clingy..anyone clingy Bouncing annoying..anything Being hungry
His Personality: Aloof. Not at all what one might expect when first looking at him. Honovi tends to enjoy his privacy, he does not openly seek friendship, love etc. The sort of strong silent type..only dangerous if pushed or if certain mare/stallions/foals are around him. His past is shrouded in mystery..save to his children and ex mate. Since popping from his basket Honovi has been called cursed, others feared him and judged him without a second thought. With no family or support the male had to fend for himself..and now has a strong dislike for purewalkers and skinwalkers..because they give mutant pawed soquili like him a bad name. Anyone hyper should tread with caution around him as the constant chattering/talking and, bouncing / bright outlook on life drive him mad. Dangerous mostly if he has not had a good meal..he will consume meat though not on a regular basis..just when the urge for flesh becomes too strong. You will have to work to become anything to him. He does not readily hand out respect..you must earn it or he will simply snarl and, walk away.Very..native..he respects the earth since it provides him with all he needs.An over all decent stallion, he tries his best to not harm others but he can be a bit blunt and hates those that are weak clinging creatures. So keep them away unless they enjoy a snapping growling Honovi. He has currently left the flock and, his mate..his heart is hurt. Unsure what to do Honovi now wanders in search of his two children who escaped the flock and, will soon have children. Also to protect them from his rather vicious mother Willow. He secretly loves foals > A > but shhhh..
Important info: He is not co-owned anymore c:
Hunting: Someone he can respect...someone he could hunt with when he feels hungry. Even if they do not eat meat and, just enjoy killing. Either way he would like a respectable hunting partner.
I will kill you...: Honovi tries to not kill others..tries his hardest to just stay on his own to be left to his own devices pleases him. For some reason...a hyper/clingy/irritating Mare, stallion or foal stumble upon Honovi..(Note. He would not harm anyone unless they really push him and it's okay-ed by both parties. He's not a blood thirsty skin walker he's complex -shot-) Try as he might he cannot shake the irritating company...mostly a lol rp or could be more serious u to you.
A foal..oh my.: Despite his sometimes gruff attitude. Honovi would protect a foal if he found one lost..if one happened to wander near him. As long as it's not a hyper child he would gladly tell stories, play fight or help them find their way back to parents/siblings etc. If the child ends up being more hyper or irritating..he might end up calling them little vermin and, leaving them to fall into trouble.
Protection: I could see him helping protect someone..though they can't be so weak, and pathetic that he would hate them. Maybe something along the lines of a body guard or, a traveling companion for a pregnant mare/ minis traveling something like that. He would only ask for little trinkets or interesting stories in return for his services.
Friends?: Someone nice to make him see the bright side of things. No one overly hyper though..a more quiet spiritual friend might be nice.
Trading: Trading pelts, bones etc to others of the flock. He enjoys creating things.
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:25 am
 All about Annika
Sexuality:Straight Mate: Open Breedings: She has one fling planned Breeding 1: Taken / saved for Casper Breeding 2: Open Breeding 3: Open
Herd: Here
Likes: Being alone, Silence, Nature, Flowers, Meadows, Moving from place to place, Being mean to Lijep, Other Wind's
Dislikes:Foals other than her own future ones, Crying things..., Blood, Demented soq, Dirt, Squirrels...., Hyper creatures.
Her Personality: Many things have led to a shift in Annika's once very cold distant and sometimes cruel personality. She has turned over a new leaf so to speak and, devotes her time to helping those in need. She might not have healing abilities but, will gladly try to assist injured soq. The attacks from many demented and, evil others left her skittish at times especially around males or anyone that looks intimidating. The only exception used to be the male that almost became her mate, he looked intimidating but, was the first male to get a hold of her heart. Still she has a bit of a mouth on her but, most of the time keeps her opinion and, thoughts to herself. Quiet and, helpful but, with a bit of a lonely look. ( Editing and adding more tonight-)
Important info: I am looking for ANY love/mate/fling plots for Annika! Offer away, she's special to me but, I know she has no edits etc to 'draw' peoples attention : /
True Friendship: She knows little of friendship..she used to push others away but, now is tentatively searching for friendship..for understanding. Any gender could apply for this or add onto the plot this is just a rough idea.
You want me to do..what?!: It would be...humorous to have someone ask Annika to watch a foal or foals. Especially if the foals were hyper / asked tons of questions etc. It would just be a funny cute rp, she would never hurt the foal/child but, she would be near the brink of pulling her hair out.
Love: After her supposed to be future mate left Annika injured and, alone she joined a herd to heal both mentally and physically. Love is the last thing on her mind..but, I still want some kind of happy ending for her (Will add more later)
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:54 am
 All about Willow
Sexuality:Straight Mate: Open Breedings: 2/4 She has 2 planned flings
Her Personality: (Still a WIP) As a young foal Willow grew up sheltered, within a herd that kept the 'old laws'..to preserve nature and never mix with other 'strange species' that lived in the outside world. Anyone bearing foals with strange traits or mutations would find themselves shunned forever..the herd acting as if they were dead, ignoring them completely. Naive, young and a bit foolish a series of tragic events led to the now older mares broken slightly cynical state of mind. Her own family shunned her for creating a monstrosity by their herds standards (Honovi) and, she found herself cursed by some unknown force..the only reminder a bloody paw print that seemed to never wash off. Soul crumbling..the day her only surviving foal brought her a dead rabbit became the 'straw that broke the camel's back'. Blaming Honovi and, his missing father for all that had went wrong she fled, leaving him to fend for himself. Wandering the land Willow could never quite settle..she spent years keeping away from others..her thoughts more cynical and dark with each passing day. Even the sight of pawed feet could set her off..odd mutations both frighten and shock her. Broken and, a bit lost mentally she wanders refusing to settle with any stallion or within any one herd..for fear of the past coming to light or repeating itself. Any baskets she has in the future would most likely be left to their father or abandoned at the outskirts of a herd..because she cannot stand the thought of having another pawed child, to be shunned by yet another group..or someone she has grown close to. Bonds with others, relationships are kept at a distance..outsiders regarded with a fierce paranoia..sometimes she simply ignores their existence all together. Fearless in a small way, Willow will call you cursed or evil if you have mutations..she will not come near you unless provoked or unless the other soquili is persistent. It will take more than a few kind words to break through her walls.
Important info: I will be picky. You have been warned Willow has terrible vision at night and, typically cannot tell others apart unless they speak. Touching of her bunny ' child' will result in any form of cruel words or a swift kick in the pants.
Monster: This is a rp I really need to start..with Blame and possibly Honovi's children involved. While traveling Willow finally meets her son and. sees his children. It would lead to all kinds of delicious conflict u 3 u Also would help bring to light some things Honovi has been holding onto for years.
Hesitant Friendship: Someone persistent and willing to break through many inner walls to become a somewhat friend to Willow. Maybe someone from a herd who tries to get her to join up..could be a stallion or mare. I'd prefer someone with no noticeable mutations xD A reg, uni, cery, or wind are highly preferred
Darkness might suit me.. Someone to tap into the dark feelings Willow holds within..idk just someone to prod her to explore a darker side..I do not think she would become completely evil but, without help the other soquili could lead her on a path of destruction. Stallion or mare, no one overly mutated..a few are fine especially if they meet at night.
Meeting under the moonlight: The ONLY way right now that I could see Willow potentially falling in love with someone who has mutations etc or in general even..would be if they met at night. If they met and she could not see him fully; there fore making her get ot know him 'inside' first..it would either turn out great and she wouldn't care what he looked like when morning came or she would freak out and most likely flee. Could turn out many ways with many different stallions and could be twisted any number of ways.
I have more ideas, I just can't easily type them out/ get the image in my head onto 'paper' x n x So feel free to offer stuff or prod me! I want all kinds of plot bunnies for Willow -shot-
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:35 am
 All about Pali Zindelo Masked
Sexuality: Homosexual Lovemate: Single Breedings: 3/4 - He has one Potential fling
His Personality:Gloomy, quiet for the most part..prone to bouts of depression. He's a good guy but, it's hard for him to show it. Raised by two loving parents, everything changed the day he learned what the nightmares he'd been having since popping from his basket were about. Pali's birth mother died in a fire's bright blaze..her broken body and a simple silver heart locket the only thing left behind. She threw herself atop his tiny basket to protect it..and that is how Ethanol & Raphael found him. Since then the nightmares took on new fiery and evil forms..he grew darker in nature. On bad days the little male wears a bone mask to keep his face hidden, to hide his tears..thats also why his bangs are so long. A private stallion..the bunnies with him are pampered..loved and treasured. Rescued when a hungry fox wished to eat them Pali gave the pretty fox pelt to his mother. He's not a male to mess with..though his patience seems never ending, everyone has their breaking point.
Important info: Pali thinks he's a full sized stallion, his bunnies are named Hop and Mop. Hop is Gray and Mop is the all black bunny <3
Foal RP- Any kind of foal rp, friendship..enemies, BBF whatever
Meat is delicious!- So..Pali learned from a young age that his parents liked meat and blood. They of course offered it to the male when he was a foal. Pali fell in love at first 'lick'..and now tries his hardest to hunt however..it's hard to hunt when you aren't that big. Still I'd like a rp where someone who finds meat eating frightening etc IDK Something with a bit of conflict to make him question the choice to eat another living beings flesh.
Lovemate: Pali was raised amongst full sized soquili, he's never known anything else. So this little male considers himself 'full sized' and it thus very attracted to full sized stallions. It might seem strange to some but, his parents raised him to believe he can love and do whatever he wishes in this life..as long as he follows a good path. This pint sized gloomy male would love a big strong stallion to spend the rest of his life with..my only requirement is that the stallion eats meat or enjoys 'drinking' blood. No not like a vampire xD Pali for instance enjoys licking blood from recently caught prey. The only thing Pali does not eat are rabbits of any kind. No matter how hungry he is..the male has a soft spot for the tiny creatures.
Bunnies!: He love's bunny yes he does = w = Someone who has a similar love of them would be so cute cx
Help!: Frantic..Pali's in search of a healer for one of his precious baby bunnies! One of them will become injured in some way, sending the male into a frenzy to get help.
Bones: Soq with bone markings, bone masks etc would be pretty cool c: To meet, to chat with about how they got their bones / masks etc
Spiritual Guidance: Ever gloomy and plagued by nightmares from when he was within his basket Pali needs..spiritual guidance. He needs help understanding why he survived the fire..what is his purpose in this world? Was he meant to enrich his beloved adoptive parents lives? Or is there some higher meaning to him living..? I'd prefer someone who had some actual knowledge xD or believes they do. I'm not looking for him to be hurt..I want someone to ease his troubled mind.
Flings! Prefer Plotted flings but, we can compromise c: Especially if the mare is amazingglyy pretty
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:57 am
 All about Oberon
Sexuality: Bisexual Mate: Single Breedings: 4/4
His Personality: Oberon is currently a bit blank..but, I do know he is a charmer who speaks his mind and never acts cruelly (most of my soq are goodies okay? > > ) Anyways.
Important info: He's blind. Completely and utterly though he likes to pretend he can see so others don't feel too awkward in his company.
Blindness Causes Trouble: So Oberon has been blind for 90% of his life..though he has learned to deal with it in his own way he still gets into some rather tight situations. I would enjoy someone giving him a helping 'hand' when he finds himself in such a situation. Could lead to an awesome friendship c:
Dangerous: This one probably already has someone to take it just need to talk to her this is mainly for me so ignore it > A > so I remember to ask Nyxyy
Anything else!: Have an idea not listed? Just want to rp? PLEASE! Do not hesitate to ask me! <3
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:21 pm
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:24 pm
Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:02 pm
Ahh I knew this would happenn
Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:37 pm
X x X Hey! I want plots with... Mikasi' Nell. X x X Soquili you are offering: xxxxx" Saeko " X x X Information: xxxxx" She tends to be more quiet, reserved. But warms up to those she feels close to. She is a good hunter/fighter. She's calm, and doesn't usually lose her temper. She's a bit seductive, but not really intentionally so. Just naturally alluring. I plan on her joining the flock. " X x X Interested In: xxxxx" Mostly looking for a mate/breedings. I could do a 'fling' if you wanted though. ❞ X x X Best Way to Talk: xxxxx" PM or Quote " X x X Plot Ideas: xxxxx" She could fit very nicely into his temptation plot. And then it could be him who convinces her to join the flock. Or helps her join. If you didn't want them to have breedings together, it would still work for how she joins the flock and everything. She's also pretty agile and graceful, so she could help him learn to be more so. " X x X DERP: xxxxx" >w< meow!"
Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:43 pm
*chews on thread* If you'd prefer me to start that rp just let me know blaugh