Hi, my name is Professor Naitanna Hawthorne nee Ellis

I'm a Female

I will be your Art teacher

I'm 62 years old.

My birthday is February 2, 2000

My dream job is To be a world renowned artist and or gallery owner

My blood status is Pureblood Squib

The house I'm in is I've been told on multiple occasions I'd do well in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff

I was in the class of 2017 through homeschooling

I'm interested in Bisexual

I'm currently with Joseph Hawthorne

I may seem quiet and straightforward but I'm really quiet but not as straightforward. I'm really a loose person, one who enjoys the simpler things in life.

My background story is Not that long. I have a twin sister named Nastassia who likes to only be called Tassy like I like to be called Tanna and our parents are Gerald and Jarai Ellis of Loch Lomond Scotland. They run an establishment called Loch and Key Inn and Pub that does quite well. I have an older brother named Lochland and a baby sister, who actually goes here, named Chantale. Me and my sister grew up pretty normal, we had chores, we had fun, we were schooled at the local primary like normal children however when we reached the age of eleven no letters came for us. We were squibs. Instead of being devastated like we thought he was our Da just shrugged and said that we could still work on a Mastery of something we loved. Tassy chose Music and I chose Art. I'm currently conducting my Mastery of all forms of art and even close to finishing a statue of a mobile dragon! Quite fascinating really but I don't think you really want to know all of that. Recently I met a young man named Joey Hawthorne who works in the Ministry and really into dragons. He really seemed interested in my work and, to my surprise, in me. He was really enthusiastic about me working here even though we don't see each other for months at a time. My first year teaching here was great! The students were so warm and welcoming and such eager minds! It warmed my soul to see so many willing to learn about art and all its forms. Just recently Tassy and I welcomed a new roommate, Shin Sever into our flat causing much needed hilarity since discovering my sister's secret feelings for him.
Update~My boyfriend of nearly four years, Joseph Hawthorne, proposed last summer and I accepted! I'm going to be the first in the immediate family to wed and I am not looking forward to the coming planning months at all!
2029~ After about a year of blissful marriage I discovered I was pregnant with twins! I spent the school year balancing the pregnancy and my classes only finding solace in the equally pregnant Chrissy Dechering who was also having twins, fancy that! But around the last months or so of my pregnancy I was given leave and placed on bed rest before finally early one May 9th my beautiful boys were born. Now I've just got to juggle motherhood and teaching, hopefully it won't be too hard!

2034~ Joey and I had talked about it quite a bit and even tried to have another using a plethora of potions and pills which only resulted in me getting sick until we came to a better solution. We adopted a beautiful little girl named Isabella who had recently been orphaned by a tragedy. The boys were a little wary of her at first but surprisingly after their first muddy free for all in the backyard, they became friendly.

2035~ Her youngest sisters were finally married in a completely beautiful spring wedding at a zoo of all places. The children were at least happy about it, and everything did look stunning in the gardens.

2036~ Tanna enjoyed playing the Matron of Honor at Arianna's wedding, as well as the looks she garnered from her husband due to the dress, and was ecstatic to learn they would be blessed with a little nephew by the end of the year.

(2037 - 2038 ) Joey and Naitanna celebrated their ten year anniversary. Additionally, their nephew Ian was born in October.

(2038 - 2039) The twins maintain their hardheaded statuses and unfortunately Joey got the brunt of the Parent/Teacher conferences. She's hoping they'll slow down...eventually. Thank Goddess for Izzy.

(2039 - 2040) Joey has switched jobs. He resigned from the Werewolf Support Services and was hired for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau in the same department. Though it was a bit of a change, she's happy for him as he's really excited for his new prospects.

(2040 - 2041) Will, Jack and Izzy all went to Hogwarts for their first year. Jack went to Gryffindor while Will went to Slytherin, this only slightly surprised her while it seemed to blow her poor husband's mind. Izzy went to Hufflepuff which fits with her little girl. While she'd had to entertain all her children at times barging into her offices, she hadn't actually been called into any private conferences with their professors which she counted as a major win.

(2042 - 2043) After hearing what had happened with Callidora, Tanna was grateful Ariana was unhurt though sad to hear about Seth's mother.

(2043 - 2044) Jack had been acting strange and while she noticed some things, she hadn't wanted to confront him and be one of "those" mums. Still, if he wasn't better by their summer trip she'd definitely take things to hand. Luckily he seemed to brighten for their week in Haiti and all three children passed wonderfully.

(2044 - 2045) Mackenzie and Colton got engaged.

(2045 - 2046) Joey took the twins to the Fantastic Beasts Music Festival, which his department had hosted. While there, he had entered into a few different raffle contests and ended up winning a Unicorn & You Portrait session for Izzy. Later that night, they had watched Ariana perform. In the springtime, they had attended Mackenzie and Colton's wedding. She was pleasantly surprised to hear that Joey decided to apply to Head his department.

(2046 - 2047) Joey's grandfather Victor had passed away. On a happier note, all three children graduated from Hogwarts! Will was planning on trying out for either a Scotland or Wales Quidditch team while Jack was planning on applying to work at the Dragon Reserve as a Magizoologist. Isabella, on the other hand, didn't seem very sure with what she wanted to do, which was fine. She was still young and she had a good head on her shoulders, they were both sure she'd find something.

(2047 - 2048 ) Mackenzie had given birth to her daughter Charlotte, and Joey and Naitanna had celebrated their twentieth anniversary.

(2048 - 2049) Will tried out for the Pride of Portree Quidditch team. Ha! Scotland for the win!

(2049 - 2050) Mackenzie and Colton had moved to Wales to be closer to Colton's family. For Tanna's 50th birthday, the family celebrated with a quiet dinner before she was dragged out to a club by Tassy, Ari, and Milo.

(2050 - 2051) For Tanna's 51st birthday, Joey took her out for a very nice dinner and dancing. Nothing too crazy since he knows she isn't a party girl. Will ended up getting into the newspaper's gossip rag for a small bit where he was drunk with a female player on an opposing team and when asked if they were an item, he mentioned he had a hotter girl at home. Gracious, but Dagrun apparently handled it to which she just hoped there were enough pieces for him to continue playing.

(2051 - 2052) Mackenzie and Colton welcomed their son Edison into the world in August.

(2052 - 2053) Jack had accidentally brought his boyfriend Rory Murdoch home to meet Tanna during one of their scheduled Tea Times, and Joey just so happened to be home at the time. The four of them sat down to chat, drink, and eat. Later, Rory had moved into Jack's home. The Hawthorne family had also attended Nathaniel and Theodotus' wedding.

(2053 - 2054) Mackenzie and Colton welcomed their daughter Iana into the world in December. In the springtime, Joey applied for the Head of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau in the Dept. for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

(2054 - 2055) Tanna received an anonymous donation of new art supplies-magical and none-which was greatly appreciated by all. (She has an inkling of who it could be but she'll let him keep it). Mackenzie and Colton had also welcomed their daughter Linnie into the world in January.

(2055 - 2056) For Juliana's 100th birthday, the Hawthorne family threw a big family gathering.

(2056 - 2057) Joey attended the Art Festival with Naitanna, who was chosen to be the Keynote Speaker. It was a bit nervewracking but she had a marvelous time seeing and speaking with all previous and current students and their families.

(2057 - 2058 ) Will and Dagrun sadly decided to break up and while she had her concerns, he and the other children were able to come together to create a great party for Joey's 60th birthday.

(2058 - 2059) Joey's grandmother Juliana sadly passed away. But on a brighter note, their niece, Lulu, opened a music shop in Diagon to which they went to offer their support.

(2059 - 2060) Naitanna had been working on starting a mentor/mentee program with her art students and was hoping to have everything settled by the new school year. During an impromptu tea time, Will mentioned to both Tanna and Joey that he does not want to have anymore one night stands. He immediately hightailed it but the damage had been done and if Tanna was working with the Ellis/Wakefield network to matchmake then that was her business In May, Mackenzie and Colton welcomed their son Connor into the world.

I enjoy

I despise
>Abuse of bright colors
>Low supplies
>Arguing with her Joey
>When the children get into capital T Trouble
>Stupid men

I'm afraid of not being accepted for who I am and what I can do.

My strengths are my Art

My flaws are I'm terribly shy

I look like Carmen Ejogo

My wand is a I have no wand

My pet is a Eastern Screech Owl named Bugsy

My O.W.L. Scores Were:

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:

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