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Keina was in love-love.

Not just love, but true love-love with her very bitter, very hostile mate. At first, she had been just a pawn in his plans for a better life, but she knew she had him. The bulky lioness swooned against him, nuzzling and giggling when she could. In older days he would pull away, or say something rude, but lately he'd been sticking to her as much as she had been to him.

Too bad love-love didn't make walks any easier.

"We're going to be fine, you'll see! It's not as if Groundlings are known for murder." She slipped away from him with a laugh, bouncing through the brush like a wild elephant.

Bakari wasn't sure on all of this. This pride had seemed like a life saver to him, a haven from the wastes of the rogue lands, but was it the pride saving him? Or Keina? She'd certainly brought out a brighter side of him, one that he wasn't sure that he liked just yet.

"That's exactly what they-KEINA!" He bellowed, his eyes wide in surprise. "Keina! Stop acting like a cub, and get back here!" Before you get hurt. The thought burned him, as well as sent him into a blind panic. He took off after her, his weaker legs barely scrapping past briars as he went.