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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[ 1v1 ] Catch Up, Smack Down (Yaya/West)

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:48 pm
This was not the best idea the boil had ever had. He knew the easiest course of action for someone in his position would be to stay far away from every member of the opposite sex he had ever laid eyes on, but with Jericho's permanent amnesia and Bul's mysterious disappearance, West was running out of people to hang out with who also happened to have penises. He had thought about skulking around the reaper dorms for a while in the hopes of finding Endzela, but deliberately seeking out someone else's familiar for bro-times seemed more than a little desperate. Plus, she didn't have a p***s either. Did owls even have penises at all? Why was he thinking about this?

He hadn't seen Yaya in ages, plus he didn't feel that way about her anyway. She wasn't a bro, but he was stupidly and rather self-destructively willing to take that risk. At the very least, he knew what he was getting into this time.

West hoped he wouldn't have to go far to find the marid. He made his way to her room with little fuss, running a hand through the shortened hair at the back of his head before he knocked at her door.

"Yaya? You in there?"  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:10 pm
Yaya was indeed there, though it took te ghoul a moment to answer the door. She did call out to him, an assurance that she'd heard, but it was followed by the sounds of many objects of varying sizes being shoved about before a smack sounded on the inside of the door as she hurried to answer it, Her usual course of action would have been to simply open the door to greet the boil, but today she was careful to open it only a crack so any gliimpses of the room within would be limited.

"Hi, sorry." She smiled, opening the door just wide enough to slip through, then closed it behind her. "It's still a mess from those shadows." The ghoul''s room had been utterly trashed, and it was taking her a long time to sort through her possessions for anything that may have survived. Sadly, she wasn't having much luck.

Explination aside, she all but threw herself against him in an almost desperately toght hug. It had been ages since she;d really seen him, and seeing him on her door step made her realize just how very much she missed his company. So much around them was changing, and in so many ways, but never him. Never her Westus. There were classmates she considered friends, but no one understood her quite like the wrath demon. He was the heat to her coolness, and anger to her calm. They balanced each other out, from the very first meeting. "West.."




Wrathful Demigod



PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:18 am
A number of puzzled expressions slid across his face as Yaya made her way out to him. The sounds of her struggling to do something as seemingly simple as get to the door had him wondering just what had happened here. Had someone robbed her room? Had there been a fight? Yes, he supposed there had been. His features failed to soften when Yaya eventually joined him in the hall, but that was only because she had mentioned the shadows. They had tried to mess with his stuff too, but he had driven them off for the most part.

"Little shits," he replied. "They chewed on m—"

His reaction to the hug, that he should have expected but clearly did not, seemed much the same as it would have in the past, even if the reasoning behind his actions had changed drastically. West's arms remained poised in the air as he froze, his expression losing its malice in favor of nervous shock. He lowered one arm, giving the ghoul a brief squeeze and her back a comforting pat before he tried to move away.

"Hey," he said, smiling faintly once he was at a less incriminating distance. "Sounds like a mess'n there. Next time there're things in yer room, y'gotta smack 'em 'round a little harder."

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:32 am
In anyone else she might have taken the hesitation and stiffness badly, but from West it was normal, and just another part of him. If he was perhaps a little more rigid then he had been in the past, she could attribute that to the length stretch of time that had past from the last time they had really spoken. It didn't matter though, that he remained tense in her arms. Her grip was tight enough for the both of them, and the comforting pat and squeeze spoke volumes for avarice demon.

When he sought to put a little distance between them she let him, stepping back and letting her hands slide from his arms, hands catching themselves and wringing as he reminded her that she should have stayed and fought them. "I know." Her voice sounded small, almost embarrassed. "I threw a lamp at one, but I missed."

She wasn't a fighter, not really. In a rage she could certainly do her fair share of violence, but her powers were far more centered around healing and defense. "Everythings destroyed. I've been trying to sort it, and reclaim a little order, but its..." She trailed off, dropping here eyes as tried to fight off the sadness.

"I should have stayed and fought, but I knew, if those things were in my room, they were everywhere." At the time, her logic had seemed sound, but now, looking back, it didn't make much sense. "I thought it was more important to find a teacher to find out what was going on, and what could be done about it." She looked up again, forcing a sad smile. "But enough about me, what brings you around?"




Wrathful Demigod



PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:13 pm
"Hm. I jus'..." Why had he come? It was easy to tell himself that he'd stopped by simply to hang out, and that was a part of it, but there was more to him making the effort than that, especially now when he shouldn't have been. He supposed, in the end, that he had just wanted to make sure everything was all right. Bad things happened around this place all the time, things that threatened their very existences and threw their lives into turmoil. He had to remain convinced that he and Levi would be safe no matter what or he doubted he would be able to function anymore. That left the handful of others he didn't want dying in agony to check up on, and that handful included Yaya.

"Yer all right... right? I mean yer stuff's messed up an' a lotta that's sennemennal'r whatever, but yer not dead. No one's tried t'kill ya more than usual? You haven't had the urge t'kill anyone else?" He swallowed, feeling the pull of the scarred skin at his throat. In hindsight, West truly believed that Herryk would have murdered him for good had he been given the chance. Between the draugr snapping, Israfel turning traitor, and more coming down with Insanity every day, it was difficult to not give a crap all the time. Sometimes, he had to make sure everyone was okay.

Her sadness made his anger flare, but he didn't do more than clench his fist at his side. "Y'shoulda tried t'fight back. ******** th'teachers."

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:41 pm
Yaya watched him while she waited for an answer, glowing eyes softly expectant, but none came. It made her frown, but he segued right back into their previous conversation so smoothly it was hard to call him out on it. "No, no extreme threats on my life or urges to kill." Maim, perhaps, after she'd seen her boilfriend kissing his best friend, but that wasn't the same thing, and once the situation had been explained her anger had dissipated. For the most part.

He chided her, and he dropped her gaze. "Yes I know, but hindsight is of little use after the fact." She sounded defensive, and perhaps a little distracted as her eyes narrowed narrowed down upon a place between chin and chest on the demon boil.

She knew West. Knew his habits, knew his moods, and certainly his scars. He'd gained a new one since they'd last talked, and the sight of it made already cool skin run icy. "Westus.." She'd listened to him, but likely hadn't heard a word as she'd fixed on the scar tissue at his throat. "What happened to you?" Reaching up, she gingerly touched damaged flesh, swallowing visibly as cerulean eyes flicked up to his face then back down. If she was on his list of those he felt protective over, then he was certainly on her's. Catching his chin she lifted his head and turned it a little, stepping closer as she eyed the healed over injury. "And tell me true." Her tone promised he'd regret it if he tried to lie to her on this point.




Wrathful Demigod



PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:25 pm
He made a small sound of surprise when her fingers pressed against his neck and moved to turn his head, but he didn't flinch or back away. He wasn't ashamed of what had happened, in fact he wanted everyone to be warned that one of their classmates was certifiably insane, and not even in a good way.

"You know Herryk?" West shook his head, dismissing his own question as soon as he'd asked it. "Doesn't matter if y'do or don't. He used t'be a decent enough kid. A little dumb, but..." The boil shrugged and snorted, as if he had somehow been named the president of the Intellectual Demon Society all of a sudden. "Anyway, last time I saw'im... somethin'd happened. I didn't know there was anythin' wrong, an' he was bein' such a pissy b***h, so, well, I taunted 'im, 'cause..." He rolled his eyes, smirking briefly in faux-apology. "Just 'cause. Then... I mighta made 'im angrier. Through other ways." He'd never really spoken of the abilities his kind possessed, mostly because they continued to remain a bit of a mystery. Despite his uncle's help, he was still figuring out how to use and control them mostly on his own. He'd learned quite a bit in dealing with Herryk, but that knowledge had come with a price. West touched his own throat then, smiling another short smile as he looked at Yaya. "I stabbed him, he stabbed me. Y'know. It's nothin' now. Y'shoulda seen me when I couldn't talk."

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:24 am
Even as he started to explain her attention was all for the scar tissue, and it took a solid minute or so before she let her gaze slip up to his face as what he was saying began to sink in. She knew the boil, had thought he and Freya had been cute, but knew they'd ended up ending things, though she didn't know why. It hadn't seemed polite to ask the Valkyrie, even if she and Yaya had started to become friends.

She frowned as he continued, wincing slightly as West admitted to having taunted other boil. "I know he and Freya called off their engagement and separated, perhaps around that time.." That certainly would have explained Herryk being in a sour mood, though it didn't excuse him if he'd been responsible for the wound on West's neck.

The boil's smile did nothing to comfort the look of worry that rested on exotic features. "Herryk did this?" It was honestly hard to believe, having known the boil, but West didn't lie to her, not about important things.

Yaya had a sudden urge to hug him again, but she shoved it away, and instead wrapped her arms around herself all the tighter. "I'm sorry," she offered after a moment, rather out of the blue. "If I'd been around, I might have been able to heal it for you.. But I had," she frowned, looking away, clearly anxious. "There's just been a lot going on." And then, because she couldn't stop herself, and she really needed someone that really understood what she felt. "Sharra came back, after having not written in months, and we fought, but I forgave him. Then when the shadows attacked.. I know it was back firing magic, but.. He and Marosa kissed." She'd forgiven him, logically knowing it wasn't his fault, neither of their fault, but she'd still seen it, and she still had to work though her own jealous issues.

Clearly the ghoul had some pent up emotions.

SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! I forgot Yaya had a spar. 8|



Wrathful Demigod



PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:01 pm
"Hm," West replied with a shrug, effectively ending the Herryk portion of the conversation, at least on his end. He hadn't believed the boil capable of doing such things either, not until they had been done to him. If that was how the draugr reacted to a breakup, well... fine. West would give him that. He didn't react to breakups all that well either. He had only meant to warn Yaya that Herryk was a little crazy now, and she had been warned. That being said, he didn't try to stop his lingering grin. It was nice that she wanted to help him, but he was certainly not against earning more scars. When he'd lost the first batch he'd obtained here after Red had died, he'd been... well, devastated was too mild a word.

As she laid out the reasons why she hadn't been around lately, West's smile remained even as his brows furrowed, a complicated expression to mirror his relatively complicated feelings on the matter.

"Didja hit 'im? Either of 'em, really. That Marosa, he's... somethin'." At least he knew the boil wasn't a hunter now, though that was hardly comforting. What kind of magic could have possibly been backfiring to achieve that kind of result? When he'd faced those shadows, the last thing he'd wanted to do was kiss anybody. "Want me t'hit 'em?" West honestly didn't care what Sharra did most days, but he didn't like the way this made the djinn curl in on herself like that.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:46 pm
Vivid blues took in that odd expression, and she wasn't entirely sure what it meant, though she had her guesses. At his question she shook her head, bangs tinkling her cheeks before she uncurled one arm so she could tuck her her hair behind her ear. "No. I thought about it, but no." She wasn't violent, not really. Even when emotions were running high she still wasn't quick to lash out at people. The one and only exception having been Sharra when he'd followed her to the pool after having just suddenly reappeared on her. Her element had been at her fingertips, and she'd unleashed hell on him.

Full lips pursed at his offer, and she actually considered it a moment before smiling. "I don't think so. It would be very belated at this point. Besides, we've worked everything out." She appreciated the offer, but she couldn't ask West to fight her battles for her. Specially not battles that were already settled.

Hadiyya gave a self bitter little sniff of amusement, head shaking again. As if was any good at fighting her own battles. Magically speaking she wasn't awful, but her powers were more focused on healing and defense then anything else. Yes, the water could be used in creatively painful wait, but still.. She had no idea how to fight without the aid of her element.




Wrathful Demigod

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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