The Hunter
Name: Anorin Sere
Nicknames: Nor
Gender: Female
Age: 25

Category: Sun

The Weapon
Name: Sentinel
Nicknames: Puff
Type of Weapon: Haladie
Former species of weapon: Red Dragon
Gender: Female


Compassionate: Anorin finds the sight of others suffering to be quite painful. In nearly any situation she will do her best to try to make another individual feel better, or help them out in some way. Though this may make her seem like something of a busybody, she finds little issue with this behavior, and will continue to attempt to help until blatantly told to go away. While she would be hesitate to die for someone, or give all she had to them, she would often risk injury to keep someone else safe or give a great deal to help somebody.

Dedicated: Once Anorin has devoted herself to something, be it a relationship, a job, etc, she will often throw herself into it body and soul. When she is set on something she will spend a great deal of her time on it to make sure that it is done correctly. This can sometimes translate into a stubbornness, she will often stick with something regardless of whether or not it is healthy until presented with irrefutable evidence that her current course of action is wrong.

Driven: Anorin has a great drive to succeed in everything she does and sees little point in doing something without striving to do her very best. She approaches most things with a great deal of passion and enthusiasm, and will occasionally work to the point of exhaustion on something she wants done. This will sometimes result in breakdown of her social relationships, when it becomes apparent that she prefers the company of her work to the company of others, but when she is in the moment she doesn't particularly care.

Tunnel Vision: Stemming from her driven nature, Anorin sometimes finds it difficult to make time for more than one passion in her life at a time, and will focus almost exclusively on what she is currently most interested in, or angriest at. She also generally so convinced of her own correctness that she has a difficult time seeing things from the perspectives of others, and often clashes with them because of this. This also plays into her temperamental nature, as when she has developed a grudge against somebody it is often her primary focus until she has managed to move past it.

Temperamental: Anorin has a quick temper, and has little restraint when it comes to showing it. She can be perfectly calm one minute and, if provoked, full of blustering rage the next. Though not particularly aggressive, she is rather irritable, and particularly sensitive about her appearance the quality of her work, often taking innocent comments as personal insults.

Gullible: Anorin is fairly trusting, and as such can be easily misled. This does make her fairly easy to take advantage of and dupe. She is aware of her gullibility, and does her best to mitigate it, but is not always successful. When she realizes that she has been tricked or taken advantage of, she will become extremely angry, both with the person who did it and with herself for failing to see it coming.

Sentinel: A mercurial individual, Sentinel manages to maintain a fondness for Nor in spite of their differences. The two often bicker, and Sentinel frequently finds the need to lecture the younger being.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
Anorin felt as though her life had very little direction. It might be strange to make the decision to become a hunter on a whim, but that's what she did. Being a hunter has given her a sense of duty and purpose that she has never felt before, and it is to this that she has dedicated her life.

Weapon Ability Rune Blaze: The runes on Nor's haladie flare up, shooting a stream of flame from each blade for up to thirty seconds.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour/Style: Long and light brown, falling in alternating layers to her chin and past her shoulders.
Skin Colour: Fair
Clothing Style/Colours: The standard hunter jacket over this outfit
[x], with a matching green sash around her waist.
Extra: She has a scar similar to this across her face
References: [x]