Fai hadn't ever been much for physical labor. This is why he wasn't one of the elders--and probably never would be, he admitted without shame. He wasn't one to step forward when things were in trouble--no, if anything he was one to take two steps back and slip into the shadows, forgotten about. Although he had done a bit of healing during the fight a while back--But he had been using his fellow horsemen as experiments. He would say so if asked. Thankfully no one had asked.

During the rebuilding time, as well as the time being "grounded" (which, he believed, they still were, now that he thought of it), Fai had spent his hours lingering in the woods, discovering the various flora and fauna that Halloween had to offer--and mostly, avoiding work. Except he had found something, something quite lovely, he thought as he looked over the small flowerbed he'd diligently created. He had found his lovely moonlight flowers.

The flowers gleamed gently in the moonlight, almost but not quite blooming yet. They would unfurl, opening to the moon once it touched them directly, glowing with FEAR and spreading from one end of the flower bed to the other. And, as of yet, he was the only one to know of them. During the day they looked inconspicuous, almost like weeds--but now, he thought as he poured himself a glass of wine--

The first bloom opened, then the next, and the next.

Fai lifted his glass to the moon. "A lovely job as always," he told it with a smile.
