Ithzhak yawned lifting his head off his brother's rump that he had been using as a pillow. Which brother he wasn't sure, he had four of them, but it was a brother and that was that. Grey eyes looked about curious, noting both his mother and Liran were gone. Likely out greeting the dawn again. He snorted faintly at the idea of getting up that early to just go sing at the sun.

Instead, his gaze settled on his father, a grin crossing his maw. "Daddy!" He scrambled over his brothers only to trip over his own tail and face plant at his father's feet. "oww.."

Kimya was a heavy sleeper. How that happened with five sons he would never know, but it wasn’t unusual for the Scribe to sleep well into the day, or at least, until someone woke him up. Today, that someone just so happy to be Ithzhak. The face plant startled the young father awake, causing his sleep blurred eyes to dart around anxiously before landing on his son. He yawned wordlessly, even as he bent down to see if the boy was okay.

Zhak as he preferred to be called, whined a moment before blinking up at his father, beaming happily. "Heya daddy! Everyone's sleeping, mom and Liran went to sing at the sun again. Why do they do that? Personally I think its kinda weird."

Kimya brushed back his son’s mane to check for head wounds or bruising before giving it his seal of approval by licking it. He made an ‘o’ face, and quickly looked outside, then back at Zhak before shrugging. It was just something Zana liked to do, and if any of their sons were to follow in that path it would be Liran. He made a motion around his throat, acting out the motions of singing without actually doing it and looked at Zhak, almost asking why he thought it was weird.

"Pfft it's not like the sun knows they are singing at it. I mean it's not alive, none of the bright things in the sky are." Zhak might be of the same blindingly white pelt as his mother, but he was very much a night creature, often found laying on his back looking up at the stars.

Kimya could have laughed. Honestly, what were they teaching the cubs in those ruins? As it stood, he just shrugged. Who knew if they were alive or not. It wasn’t the area that Kimya specialized in, but it interested him as well.

"Dad! Did you know that the stars never stay in the same place?!" Zhak bounced to his feet, clearly warming up to his topic. There was little doubt that the boy would be a scribe, and with his interest in the stars he would likely always study the skies. "Dad?"

Kimya couldn’t handle the energy that Zhak was producing. It was like sensory overload, and he tried his best to respond with a surprised shake of his head. Of course, he knew that the stars never stayed in the same place, but wouldn’t it be better for his son to explore that part of him? The nerdy side?

The little male smiled up at him with a sudden sweet expression, so much like his mother at the moment, "I love you dad, ya know that right? I wanna be just like you."

He could have cried. And he would have, if he hadn’t been so damn sleepy. At that moment, he thanked the Gods for giving him only one brat in Vittorio and blessing him with relative angels in the rest. Kimya nuzzled his son lovingly, giving him an encouraging nod. Nothing would please Kimya more than to have Zhak follow in his paw steps. Of course, then his face got seriously, and he marked lines on the floor, reminding Zhak to keep up on his studies.

Zhak rolled his eyes grinning up at his father, "I will Dad. I want to make you proud!"

(words 675)