Zana hummed as she danced a few steps before twirling around with a happy laugh. The sky was bright and clear, it was hot but the breeze was blowing life was good! She was mated to a male that lover her more than life and she him, they had five wonderful sons. Yes, life was perfect.

Vittorio had buried himself so far into the sand that he was sure none of his brothers would find him. This hiding spot was fool proof! Who would ever think to look for him under the hot sand? And to top it all of, it actually wasn't very hot when you dug down far enough. But...what was that noise? He could smell something familiar, seeing as his nose and mouth were stuck out, but he just couldn't figure out what it was.

It wouldn't take him long to find out as a few second later a foot landed square on his nose. Zana yelped, falling backwards when something wet touched her paw, lilac eyes wide and startled.

Vittorio yelped, slipping further into the sand for a hot second before he scrambled back up to the top. "Watch where you're going, you idi- Oh, hi mom." His pale cheeks flushed.

Zana blinked again, "Vit?! What in the world are you doing buried in the sand?" She hurried to her son's side nuzzling him over to make sure he was ok. "Did someone do that to you? You just tell me who and your daddy and I will take care of it!" She was already up in arms about someone hurting her babies!

"Mom! Stop that!" Vittorio pushed her back, looking as exasperated as he felt. He wasn't a cub anymore, and didn't like being babied like one. In his mind, he was a grown male, ready to take on the world. "Nobody did this to me," he huffed, ruffled at the sheer thought of someone trying to one up him. "I did it to myself. We're playing hide and seek. Or we were....I don't know where everyone got off to."

She drew back with a slightly hurt look, "Ok baby." It was hard for her to understand why Vit was so independent. The others still looked for her to love and cuddle them, kissing away their boo-boos..but then Vit had always been her tough little man.

"Ya, so....what are you doing out here, mom?" It was proven knowledge that with the way the weather had turned, the only reason Vittorio was out here in the first place is because he was venturing with his father. Not that he needed the supervision. He was big enough to handle himself.

Her smile softened again as she gazed at him lovingly, "Just outside enjoying the beautiful day and thinking how lucky I am to have your father and you boys." They and their father were the one spots of goodness in her life. Kimya had filled the hole left in her heart from when she had left her family. He had given her so much, and she couldn't imagine life without him.

Vittorio scrunched up his nose. Part of him hated when his mother talked that way around him because he was afraid of what everyone else would think. Then part of him...wouldn't have it any other way. "Ya, well, just keep thinking that way, okay? Don't make me have to find a new mom."

"Ha! As if you could replace me!" Zana pranced playfully. She was...different to say the least often looked at oddly. She never heard the whispers or stares when she randomly broke into song in public. To her it was normal!

Vittorio rolled his eyes with a little grin. "I don't think anyone would take me. I've been around you too long." He teased. Zana may not have heard them, but Vittorio did. He knew every little thing that was said about his...odd little family, which made him even more determined to strike out on his own.

"Oh I see how it is! I'll get you for that!" Zana gave a playful roar as she lunged at her son intend on wresting him down to groom him. He was so much like his father at times! So sassy and impish, that is made Zana's heart sing.

With a yelp, Vittorio dove out of the way just in time to escape his mother. He took off at a run, which for a juve was impressive, but against a full grown adult he stood no chance. Still, he looked over his shoulder to stick out his tongue and started to run again.

Zana laughed as she ran after her son, her longer legs giving her the edge, but luck was in Vittorio's favor this time. With her usual lace of grace, she tripped and face planted into the sand with a groan.

Vittorio found himself skidding to a stop, bouncing on his feet for just a moment before turning around to laugh at his mom. "You look so stupid! I wish you could see yourself!" He cackled, laughing so hard that he started to cry.

She lay completely still, no movement at all. To all appearances the white lioness was unconscious. It was unheard of for the active female to be so still, her ears were always twitching, her tail swishing with every breath but now...nothing.

When he was sure he could breath, Vittorio waited for a moment for his mother to bounce back up and start running after him, but when she didn't he started to worry. "Mom?" Nothing. He stepped closer, his worried eyes looking over her still body. Maybe she'd taken a harder fall than he thought. "Mom? Are you okay?"

Still nothing, not even a twitch till he was right beside her. With a happy roar, she lept up, tackling the boy, careful not to squish or really hurt him, just send them both rolling. Giggling, she licked his cheek tenderly, "I love you sweetheart..and I always will." Sure he was a big tough guy..but he and his brothers would always be her little men.

(word 1023)