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Fetina hadn’t been expecting company as she strolled the borders of the pride, looking to make sure no one did anything shady. Her king was her life- she was like a daughter to him, wasn’t she? She had found him out in the rogue lands, and he had taken her in along with her brother. Because of that, she had found a new home in the Suka’Fumo. Though she only served him as an attendant, she knew him better than most, and she imagined that made her pretty damn important in the pride. So naturally, she was the one who got to tell others what to do and how to act. She was super important. Growing up with such a position, living so near to the king, had not made her a humble female. But she wasn’t a wicked creature, either. Like Bwana, she loved her pride, and being that she didn’t have purple in her coat, she liked being a beacon of hope for the not so noble members of the pride. If she could be so important, so could they. That was something that could be considered kind and thoughtless, right? Oh sure. Happy with herself, she moved along her path, greeting the other members and reminding them to follow the rules. It wasn’t too long after she had spoken to some of the locals that she spotted two new lions hanging out near the edge of the forest. Frowning, she moved towards them, not wanting to leave them there and give them a chance to get into any trouble. She would give them a stern word of warning to see if they meant to harm the pride. And if they did intend to do something mean? Well… then she was going to run the hell away and find help from some of the guards. That seemed like the best thing to do.

She was a bit of a coward, all things considered.

“You two,” she said in as tough a tone a she could muster, “what are you doing here? What are your intentions? If you’re here to mess with the pride, then I’m going to make sure I call some guards over here to rough you up and send you packing!” It wasn’t much of a threat, but at least it was honest. Or was that really something to be proud of? In any case, she frowned at the two of them, waiting for one of them to make some kind of a response. She was expecting them to bow to her power and ask for her forgiveness. So then… why was she surprised when the male stepped forward and offered a slight bow of his head in respect?

“My name is Ninniach,” the black male said softly, trying not to further upset the weird female, “and this is my mate, Hathel. We were once members of this pride a long time ago, and we recently returned to see if things had changed here since the king we knew was in charge. Who rules this land now? Is it true that his son is now the one who runs this place?” He asked, no ill will or malice in his tone. It sounded like he was just asking a question.

“That’s right,” huffed the skeptic female, “Bwana is in charge now. King Bwana, to lions like you! Don’t go talking to him like he’s your friend- you don’t know him like I do!” She stalked around the pair, frowning thoughtfully. “So you’re former members, hm?”

“That’s right,” said Hathel faintly, her eyes following the giraffe-printed female as she walked around, “we lived here a long time ago. I was a noble and Ninniach lived in the forest. But when we fell in love, we began to see just how bad the pride was- how it was unwelcoming for us and we could not stay there with our love towards one another. We were shunned and feared by everyone around us. Hated for loving one another despite the differences in our ranks. So we fled together and lived in the rogue lands for some time… until we heard rumor that the land was ruled by a new king. One who didn’t hunt down lions who loved outside their rank.” She smiled faintly, waiting to see if the female might lighten up and stop moving around them like a vulture. She did, sitting herself down in front of them again.

“Well, you’re right- King Bwana doesn’t care as much about that kind of thing. His queen has very little purple in her coat. He is a kind ruler and the pride is very different. If you want to come back, I’m sure he will allow it.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Ninniach said, though he wasn’t sure the female was being that kind- she seemed to think she was the one allowing them back, even though there was no application process for becoming a member. If they had come on another day, they would have had a much easier time of things. But hey, at least she wasn’t chasing them off. Yet, anyway. Hathel seemed more appreciative than her mate, smiling at the female.

“I am glad too! It is good to be home again. There is so much We’ve missed. Since you are so close to the kind, I do hope you’ll be able to inform us about all the things that have happened since you arrived here. We do not know all the rules changes, or who else happens to be around still, if anyone.” She smiled at the female, totally placating her. Ninniach knew that much just from the tone of his mate’s voice. But he didn’t say anything- it didn’t look like the giraffe-printed female had any idea that she was just trying to make her feel special because she was a very kind being. All the same, she looked very happy.

“I would be happy to tell you whatever you would like to know. Since I am a servant to the king, it would be within my duty to teach you everything you need to know to get involved with this pride again. It would be very wrong of me to let you go off on your own, possibly breaking rules just because you were not informed! Not that there’s a lot of rules, mind you. Actually, the pride is pretty open to most things now.”

Hathel smiled at that. “Are purple lions still noble?”

“Yes,” replied the female, “but you don’t need a lot of purple in your coat anymore. There are nobles with very little, who are still very respected. Like I said, his majesty has a wife with little color to her coat. She is still very beautiful, and very good at being a queen.”

Ninniach had to jump in at that moment, if only because the two seemed like they would not stop chittering away like the ladies they were if he didn’t get involved when there was an opening. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but do you mind telling us your name? We deeply appreciate you helping us out, but we don’t even know what to call you.”

“I’m so sorry!” Added Hathel, “I didn’t even ask! I was so happy just talking with you that I guess I just felt like we were already friends… it is rude not to know the name of your friend!”

The female laughed, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, I should have told you my name right away- I am normally much better about introducing myself. My name is Fetina. It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you.” They both smiled and nodded in return. Yes, it was a pleasure, even if it was a little weird. Ninniach could see his mate becoming very great friends with those around them. That was something he was thankful for- already it seemed like this place would be their home.

Hathel smiled again, her tail flailing like a happy wild dog’s. “I am so happy you greeted us, Fetina. As informed as you are, you’re going to be able to help us so much! I want to talk with you more, if you don’t mind!”

“I don’t mind at all! Why don’t we go to my den? It’s near the top, right near where the king lives, so I can be there if he needs me. Come on! I’ll show you the best way to get there. Follow me, Ninniach and Hathel.” She said their names just to prove that she had already learned them, which Ninniach did admit to being impressive. He had only said their names once and she had managed to keep them in mind. What a clever female- clearly she wasn’t just hot air. She actually took her position seriously. Whatever that position really was, of course.

“Lead the way,” the male said with a nod of his head, following behind the two chatty females as they started away. It seemed like they were really going to be friends. Good. Although, that meant he would have to deal with her again.

Which he wasn’t so keen on, but oh well. Anything for Hathel.

Wc: 1,533