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Dwarven Lore and Culture

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Doma Lands

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:09 am
Dwarves, being a simple group of Merry Fighters, Read about their appearance and lore here!
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:14 am
Brief Background
The Dvergr is a small pride, old and proud hailing from the Aberdere Range on the edge of the Great Rift Valley. This pride is often separated from the affairs of outsiders, though rogues do at times find them.

An old people, the pride knows little strife, and many a glory. Legend has they were born of the very stone of the mountains, and that they have occupied the dens since, forever seeking the range for treasures and adventure.

The Dvergr are divided into clans, lead by a patriarch, of unrelated lions, whom in turn follow the King and Queen of the pride. When the King dies, his eldest cub ascends to the role of Ruler, with their mate, often chosen from the clans, but not always. The pride's central hub is a cave massive enough to house the majority of clans known as Dvergrheim-- the Dwarf City, said to be where the first dwarf stepped forward...

Doma Lands

Doma Lands

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:16 am
Appearance and Behaviour
Biologically speaking, the Dvergr are a small, hardy breed of lion adapted to the mountain-- very powerful bodies make being cold difficult, backed by thick, coarse fur, and pelts of the Old Clans lean towards the colours of the earth-- browns, and greys. With the introduction of rogues, sometimes, a cub may be any colour, however, the mountain is unforgiving, and Dvergr blood is stronger than most, and the children of a dwarf and a rogue may be smaller than the parent and stronger. Indeed, the pride is dominantly hardy and strong.

Most Dvergr are prone to posturing and fighting-- not out of anger or hatred, but for pleasure, and to hone their skills. It is not uncommon to find two males fighting one minute, and sharing a sprig of the n** next. Brother and sister bonds are strong, and the loyalty of the Dvergr is difficult to shatter-- quite opposite, a Dvergr is often happy to follow a friend blindly into a fight, regardless of right or wrong, simply to support them, and maybe get a good fight in. Still, all Dvergr lean towards a bit of pride to the point of arrogance for some, and insulting a Dvergr can be quite a risky business indeed. The worst insult one can use is to imply that a Dvergr is a hole dweller. While the Dvergr live in caverns, they often go into the sunlight, to hunt, seek adventure, and generally fight.

Dvergr are not simply warriors, or gathering hoarders. Although fierce, wild, loud, and above all treasure and thrill seekers, they are also often seeking any excuse to celebrate, from mating, to a coronation (The two most common excuses for a Dwarf Party), they'll celebrate anything, from a birth to that awesome fart someone just ripped. In short, they seek excuses to party, but really, they tend to celebrate just because they can, recanting tales of glory and battle, often exchanging food, stories, and blows.... Just to get new stories about the shiny new scars they got on their flanks for pissing off the guy next to them. Dvergr love to celebrate, and do it often, usually, gathered in Dvergrheim. Once begun, a celebration lasts several days, and a lot of food is eaten, and a lot of catnip is passed around, as well, leading to what amounts to a bunch of drunk, happy Dvergr. Interrupting a Dvergr party is usually not a very good idea, as mid-party they may either drag the interloper in... Or get into one giant brawl with him.

Gender in the Dvergr is an interesting concept-- as females birth the cubs (which males admit takes a lot more strength than a male has in some ways-- never openly, of course!), and are expected to tend to them as they grow, they run the home. A male may not touch his wife without permission-- and a Dvergr has NEVER been known to force a female, for if he tried, she may kill him. However, outside of the dens, in pridal gatherings, males are the ones whom declare war and will often bring back captured bounty from the roguelands or other prides-- and present them to their wives, of course. The Patriarchs especially make final clan decisions, although they always bear in mind the wife they go home to. Similar too, is the King, who's word is law-- although, he too, at the end of the day, goes home to a wife. An unhappy wife is not a wife a man wants-- for a male cannot divorce his wife, but she may divorce him, a source of shame for many a Dvergr. If a female is the eldest of the royal litter, she will be betrothed as soon as a suitable husband is found-- either a male in her age range, or older, to serve as her king. While females may not be suited to the role of a Patriarch or King-- making declarations of war, in the mind of the Dvergr, women may become skilled Warriors, Smiths, and the like, just as any man. In fact, Warrior women are very valued, as being exceptionally strong, and usually they will be snapped up by husbands quickly. It is to be remembered by any newcomer to the pride expecting a quiet Dvergr wife that women are not possessions to the males, nor are they the soft, sweet, quiet housemate. They are strong, fierce, wild beings just as the men, perhaps moreso, and any proper Dvergr male has a degree of fear and respect for Dvergr women.
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:18 am
Relationships with Gods and other Species

The Dvergr themselves are an all-lion pride with the exception of leopons brought back from battles. While Dvergr favor their mountains, they may go out into the world to find fresh blood if their Wives allow, and in the case of unmated lions, to find mates if able. While they don't cubnap, they may go in and cavort with members of other prides or rogues, and to most Dvergr are very coarse, crass, and blunt. Tact is lost on them, and so diplomacy is not practiced. They do, however, welcome diplomats from other prides, and will forge alliances with other lion-dominant prides, particularly those whom have a zest for life, lots of catnip, and excellent warriors.

For the Gods, Dvergr may not offer worship blindly-- they view gods as case by case. Some earn apathy (Like rain), some earn respect (But not worship), some may be pounced for a good sparring match, and some will be laughed right away from the mountain or by a roaming Dvergr (Like... Plants.). Gods are also judged by personal merit-- a coward will be taunted and jeered until they fight and earn respect, while those they do scrap with may yet be worshiped. In short: Gods are for sparring and religion is OMG important, and may differ case by case. The only exception are plant-based domains and more peaceful, soothing domains, and Crafting. Sanaa has a symbiotic-like relationship with the pride-- as they provide the raw treasure from their caves to her, she in turn crafts treasures for them.

Dvergr view wild dogs as lesser, smaller creatures, and often call them a mite weak. Dwarves do not feel wild dogs, maned wolves, or other canines as worth more than a good story and a song, although they've made alliances with dog packs in exchange for shinies. They are friendly to them, as a rule, but will almost always call them smaller, even if the wild dog is close in size. A Wild Dog covered in scars is exception, and they may be treated as close to a Dvergr-- some may even dare call such brave canines brother, however they may be welcome to Dvergrheim, they will never be welcome to join the pride.

Hyenas are a subject that excite the Dvergr, compared to the Wild Dogs or a Cheetah. Dvergr love hyenas and the vicious nature many possess, and if the hyena is a lion hating, ornery sort... Then the Dvergr will start to sing praises to their deity of choice and pick a fight gladly. Hyenas are rarely friends, but welcome rivals and opponents, although the hyena whom befriends a Dvergr is usually viewed as a good friend and wonderful ally.

Leopards are interesting to the Dvergr. They are not as powerful nor hardy, but close, and they can climb. They are also powerful felines in and of themselves, and thus while a leopard cannot join, they are considered related to the Dvergr, and the Dvergr outside the pride may take one as an acceptable partner for a fling-- leopons are not unheard of and are the only hybrid known in the Dvergr, although leopons are often viewed as more suited to being Warriors than tending the den as they are infertile. Fertile hybrids are prized and desirable as mates if it is discovered through a fling, or by a seer in a game of "Look at me". Leopon hybrids are not discouraged from mating with leopards, but any resulting leopard cubs are not pride members. Still, many a leopard is welcomed as brothers to visit Dvergrheim, and join a party or two, so long as they don't sleep with anyone.

Cheetahs are, to the Dvergr, delicate, feminine, and, well, too pretty to be of any damned good. The Cheetahs are considered elves and called Alfr. The Dvergr do not like the Alfr except the rare occasion a cheetah holds just as well as a Dvergr in battle-- otherwise, relations are kept curt, short, and straight to business (though Dvergr will make fun of them behind their backs). It is said in-pride that Elves and Dwarves cannot breed, and so Dvergr Cheetah Hybrids do not exist, and Dvergr are forbidden from taking Alfr as bed partners on journeys. While Dvergr will visit Cheetahs in their coalition areas, they do not enjoy it, and consider most Cheetahs too frivolous for their own good. Cheetahs may rarely see Dvergrheim, and even in those times, it will only be to speak to the King and the Clans.

Familiars, as a rule, are divided between prey (Klipspringers, Hares, songbirds, and Waterbucks) and predators (Everything else). Preybeasts are not proper Dvergr pets and it is considered weak to befriend your dinner-- even Dvergr cubs are reminded even if they help the bunny, they cannot ever let it stay in pride, lest a hungry warrior walk off with it. Predators, however, are considered useful companions and may be called upon to aid battle, hunt treasure, or hunt meals and the like. Familiars may even be given as mating gifts and kept to improve the home, and while not Dvergr, they are friends and welcomed.

Doma Lands

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