Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:15 pm
Just a few plots, I have other ponies too. n_n
Wooo! Guess what, I actually have soquili who are looking for happy endings - yep that means mates. Background or RP is fine, even a combo, so long as the personalities suit. n_n
Please Quote me for attention.
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:17 pm

Name: Zucutto Sohalia ("Ziggy") Heritage: Azumoth's Line Status: Single, Looking - Lifemate Only
Requirements: - No evil, can be neutral but must not be evil. - If kalona blood is present it must be diluted, it's taken her Uncle (Azumoth's heir) a lot of time to persuade the patriarch to permit 'corrupt' blood in the line. - No Flock based plots. - Someone who can handle her antics, patience is a virtue.
Personality: Creative and adventurous, Ziggy has no problem with throwing caution to the wind and taking a chance. As an inventor she's often seen doing rather unusual things, from 'climbing' trees to glueing feathers onto twigs with sap. She has been criticised for her antics but generally speaking they're harmless and usually inspired by ways to make life 'easier' for her family. As a creative individual she goes through periods of serenity but these can quickly explode into a frantic dart around the area as she comes up with an idea!
She comes from a very loving and protective family, and while they have a history steeped in drama as the patriarch fought off his old demons, she's had a very good and enjoyable life. She, like all her family, would be the sort to share that affection and warmth with those who sought it.
1. My Happy Ending Unfortunately for Ziggy, she was once in love but she made the mistake of leaving him behind. In her absence he found a new love and she returned to find she had been replaced. This has left her very bitter and her temper flares easily if she ever hears mention of her former mate or his new partner. I'd like to find someone who loves her to pieces and even if she were to dart off on a mad adventure to find an epic treasure, wouldn't abandon her for someone else.
Breed won't matter for the most part in this but please be advised that there may be a little drama if there's any kalona blood. The patriarch of her family banned kalona blood and it's only through a great deal of work by his heir that he has 'eased' on this. If she were to be associated with anyone who had kalona blood he would have to be comfortable being 'assessed' by her grandfather.
2. Whatcha making? She needs to make another invention, it's a long time coming! However I'd like her to either have an apprentice or someone who simply wants to watch and document her progress. The only condition she would have for an observer is that they might help her carry some of the odder materials she finds.
3. Anything else... Family, Friends? Sure why not, she needs to get out more. n_n Do not actually want enemies for her at this moment in time as her family is fairly cranky over a skinwalker plot so I'd prefer to avoid anything else right now!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:19 pm
Name: Nikandros Heritage: Unknown Status: Single, Looking - Lifemate Only
Requirements: - No evil, neutral is fine. - Breed is unimportant. - No Flock harpies please.
Personality: Once upon a time Nikandros was indoctrinated to find an endless war on behalf of his herd, his arch-nemesis encountered the same issue. However as the two wandered beyond the influence of these herds they began to experience other aspects of life. It was in the Kawani lands that they gained exposure to everything and began to realise that there was so much more to life than well...war.
Nikandros wandered lost for some time, without purpose and meaning, and then one day he found his calling.
Nikandros has now found his centre and as such, knows who and what he is in life. What does that mean?
Well, he's a very serene individual with almost immeasurable patience - a creature can shriek in his face and he won't budge. He views the world as one of unending change, a constant struggle to maintain balance and as such he will rarely intervene in conflict. He is for all intents and purposes 'neutral' and sides with neither the corrupt or the pure.
He has yet to be exposed to certain emotions and therefore lacks an 'understanding' of them, things such as love are a foreign concept to him but he at least knows the concept of compassion.
However beneath all this otherworldly calmness he's also has a hidden sense of humour and every now and then it just might show up to surprise you!
1. It's time I found a wife. His arch-enemy has since settled down. No longer indoctrinated and having found his own purpose, he too recognises that he possesses a desire to settle down as well. He isn't expecting to fall in love immediately, he simply wants companionship and a family, but I would adore it if he found someone who lit passion in him so that he had the full package.
2. You're...floating? Nikandros meditates constantly and is always found nearby water! Sometimes in deep bouts of meditation he will even be found standing on the water as a kirin is able to during such moments of pure concentration. I would like for others to find him this way and while not necessarily Kirin, try to learn his methods for themselves.
3. Anger leads to hate... Nikandros excels in finding peace, tranquillity and ultimately his 'centre'. He has since assisted others in finding a sense of calm and control in times of need, usually those who have darker blood or influences in their lives. I'd like him to find more students to teach, to control their anger and learn when to let it out and when to contain it.
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:21 pm
Name: Nán Fāng Zhū Què (Zhu) Heritage: Hotohori x Nuriko Status: Single, Looking - Lifemate Only
Requirements: - No evil - No flock plots - Clingy probably won't work for him.
Personality: Zhu is first and foremost a musician and a traveller, he's seen more of the world than most and isn't very naive. He's not stupid and not easily tricked, though as a pacifist he won't start a fight. That being said he has noted that the naive tend to get by much more easily in life as they're under estimated and generally avoided for certain roles and responsibility...as such, he plays this role quite well.
However don't be fooled by the oblivious charade or his apparent inability to give a straight answer, fact of the matter is he's extremely smart and merely uses the generalisations and assumptions of others to his advantage.
Fortunately he's completely harmless and definitely not heroic (having never been inspired to perform such a role), start a fight and he'll make his escape, even if he leaves someone behind.
He's no hero that's for sure, but at least he plays nice music!
1. A Muse Zhu has wandered the world for years and years, he's never settled in one place and never really felt the need to. All he's ever needed for company was his trusty leaf flute and as such he's only had acquaintances, never anything more - he doesn't know true 'passion' beyond song and wouldn't recognise it even if it fell on him like a ten tonne anvil - so what do I want?
I want that ten tonne anvil.
I want him to be hit so hard that he obsesses over this muse and discovered emotions he didn't know existed inside of himself.
2. Duet Can your soquili sing or dance? I'd love for him to meet them and have the chance to play his flute while they accompany the music with lyrics or interpretive dance. It doesn't even matter if they're horrible dancers or tone deaf, he just loves to be around those who are happy and creative.
3. Have a story? He wants to hear it. He's really not a fan of knights in shining armour, he has way too many of those in his arsenal, give him something with more meat!
4. Anything else? Friends, family, soquili to yell at him to "STOP PLAYING THAT DAMN FLUTE"
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:22 pm

Name: Syntyche Heritage: Unknown Status: Single, Looking - Fling Only
Requirements: - Must be pure walker or pawed mutant. - Can breed with the same male twice
Personality: Heavily religious, extremely zealous and with one purpose in life, Syntyche has been sent to wipe out the corruption on the planet and that tends to mean all creatures. Each murder performed is done on behalf of her god and her victims are always sacrificed in a ritualistic manner.
She has not pity, compassion and certainly doesn't feel love. She's a master strategist and knows exactly how to get what she wants - if she sees you, she will kill you.
Make no mistakes, she is a beast.
1. Victims Need someone disposed of, maybe you're even gunning to assassinate someone. What's the harm in luring your victim into her lair so that she can dispose of them and you happen to be in the clear? She can kill/maim, whatever you would like.
Hellspawn She needs to produce purewalkers or close equivalents, anything that is not a purewalker will understandably have more flexibility as they won't need to be 'evil' persay, but I would like for her to spawn more kittens so I can cause havoc even after she dies.
Breeding Slots: (Milo'koa, Skoll, Grizz) 1. Solemn (Complete) 2. Pending 3. Pending 4. Pending 5. Pending **Pending stats**
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:23 pm

Name: Quicken Heritage: Swiftmane x Zevron Status: Single, Looking - Lifemate Only
Requirements: - Someone protective or patient, she's very skittish. - Breed isn't important. - No evil please, neutral or darker personalities are fine but not someone nuts.
Personality: Meek and unassuming, Quicken is definitely a wall flower who prefers to hide behind her louder and more confident sister. She's modest (too modest some might say) and very shy to the point she'll stutter and fidget when addressed directly. That isn't to say she can't have her moments and she's been known to find her voice if someone says something wrong to her sister but she tends to regret speaking out!
She's very loyal to her sister, her mother and her step-father, however unlike her sister she has also accepted her blood father and forgiven him for leaving their mother.
Forgiving and considerate, she's a difficult one to coax out of her shell but with enough persuasion she might come on a little adventure.
1. Adventure? No, no, much too dangerous! I would love for someone to persuade her to come on a little adventure, it doesn't have to be dramatic, it could be something as silly as a hike up a tall mountain (she's really that nervous) to see something unique or pretty.
2. A Flower, for Me? I want a happy ending for this girl damnit! She needs someone to take care of her, to cuddle her and to give her that confidence she needs to strut her stuff (only if it's just to him). I won't accept evil applicants as she's much too nervous but a darker brooding sort is fine, beyond that any personality you feel would suit her is open.
Anything else... Friends, family etc etc
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:24 pm
Name: Daevyn Heritage: Unknown Status: Taken!
Requirements: - No evil - Domineering females, he has issues with females as is! - No flock plots
Personality: Daevyn is a former gladiator who was cast into the arena as a child simply because he was male. In a herd where male was the dominant gender, he was low class and therefore expendable. However rather than murder these children at birth the higher classes deemed that they should be granted the chance to 'prove' themselves - in essence, they grew up for the purpose of entertainment.
The winner would leave the arena, would be placed back in society and would operate like a normal citizen.
Daevyn won and what he found was not what he was promised.
As a gladiatorial male he rather uncultured, he has no manners and little finesse. What grace he has if for the purpose of battle and he was not suited to the delicate life. He did not fit in, grew increasingly bitter at his 'rank' and began to resent the fact that he had been forced to kill and maim his brothers in order to gain freedom. As such, he soon took it upon himself to live as a hermit and has ever since.
Still curious?
Daevyn is without a doubt one of the more feral individuals in the world and likes nothing more than the peace, quiet and his swamp. He is a strategist who has deliberately set things up to give the area a bad name so that others don't wander onto his turf. He's gruff, generally unhappy to see mares (because they caused him a lot of trouble) and if you wanted fine dining on a date you'd be sorely disappointed.
Nevertheless despite his less-than-delicate personality he isn't a bad guy and will generally warm to another if they are patient, persistent and respectful.
If you gain his loyalty it's for life. If you gain his fury you will be dead.
1. OMG MONSTER! Daevyn likes to cover himself in mud, leaves, ferns, you name it...anything that makes him smell absolutely disgusting. It serves to turn him into a monster that has one purpose, to scare others into never coming back. I'd love for him to have a chance to scare someone, be happy that he'd managed to chase them out...only to find they've gone back for round two because of their own curiosity!
I'd really like it if they ended up being friends with Daevyn appreciating their bravery and them rather enjoying his creativity and um...dedication to his cause.
2. Beauty and the Beast His manners are awful, he smells, he's about as subtle as a brick to the head and he's completely incapable of tact in awkward situations - don't invite him to a funeral as this would only end badly! However I would love for someone to find him, even if they saw him as an uncultured monster to begin with, and then maybe try to see if there was anything else underneath.
...And hell if there wasn't, teach him! He'd at least give it a shot... >_>
3. Entitlement Reserved for a spoilt or arrogant female who thinks she deserves the love and adoration of everyone and everything. However this plot is ONLY available if it's to knock some sense into her and give a sense of perspective, anyone determined to keep their mare spoilt would need to keep them away from him as he'll attack anything that pushes his buttons too much.
4. Anything else... Got an idea that he might fit into? He totes just children's parties, though mostly around hallowe'en...and as the boogie man.
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:25 pm
Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 4:26 pm
Allo Epi!
I wanted to throw your way my mare Miki for two things after reading your plot thread. XD
1) With Nikandros - Miki has been plauged with guilt for a long time. She'd abandoned her childhood love thanks to a story and in her words 'a curse' which she believes will bring pain and destruction on whomever she's around. A risk a certian stallion could bring. As the sole keeper of the story she's made herself become distant and forever wandering to keep others safe and its a burden which weighs her heart and corrupts the peace once in her life. While she's become rather good at keeping that side of her life a secret she does long to gain some tranquility back in her life and accept its become a part of her and that she doesn't necessarily need to keep others away because of it. I'd love if she could become a part of his third plot, to become a pupil of his and learn his ways to lead her head and her heart to a better place. <3
2) With Zhu - Well, when reading it over Miki could possibly fit into the first three plots you had in mind! Starting with #3, Miki's "gift" is story. In her line of Gypsies her mother excelled in all three arts, Dance, Music, and Story. She passed down one to each of her daughters and Miki was Story. She is capable of Dance and Song, but pales in comparison to her sisters who's main gift was said talent of either Dance or Song. While she wouldn't tell him that dark story, she has plenty more. This of course can fall under Duet, as when she sings or dances she is most joyous as she is reminded of her dear sisters. And of course if they are compatible, there is a grand muse in a Desert Gypsy, which could fit into her own plot of having someone 'chase' after her and not let her vanish like she has a tendency to do to protect others. Although she wouldn't be one to 'settle' in one place so she wouldn't expect him to - not sure if you are looking to have him be 'tied' down to one location but a gypsy's blood is to keep moving and see the world :3 She is also an independent mare to the max having been on her own for years now; so she is comfortable with others and on her own too; I'm sure if anything they may enjoy each others company and the stories they both posses from being around their world!
Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 6:48 am
Apologies in advance for typos as iPads are notorious for weird autocorrects. I would love for Miki to meet both guys, Nikandros needs more exposure to folks and Zhu just needs to get out more on the whole. I'd be interested to see where Zhu and Miki go as well but his half blood heritage won't cause any issues with her family will it? I vaguely remember her father being very into keeping his line pure and Zhu wouldn't want to cause difficulties in that respect. If its all good though, totally cool with seeing where things go. n.n
Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 6:55 am
heart I'm interested in Mahavir meeting Quicken & maybe even coaxing her into a little adventure? He always thought of himself as bit of a player (a wishful notion really as he loves females but doesn't get to spend time in their company as often as he'd have liked), and calls all mares 'Princess', but he's getting older and would really just like to settle down with one special lady who'll share warmth during his hated winters & enjoy the long sunny days of summer wink
Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:53 am
Yes, Her father is a purist - I am not sure how things might have changed over the years as she (and I ) has not seen him since her foalhood. Miki is closest to her sister Zara, who even though is mated to another unicorn after having her breeding through the twisted tunnel has children who are well...rather far from being 'pure' in that respect XD; Miki has met one of Zara's children and after time on her own is vehemently against such a set standard as she has seen the fear in Aquitaine about being rejected from that side of the family because of her monster like traits. She knows full well like her sister at this time that he would not accept such wonderful children - and that has set Miki's mind firm that she'd love whomever she loved; just like she'd accept and love any foals no matter the breed her sisters chose as with Zara's kids.
If things hadn't changed with her father, she simply would not care; as she desires to be closer to Zara than her daddy especially thanks to the kids . She wouldn't hold it against Zhu by any means; but being a more worldly being she probably wouldn't remember unless she had a run in with her parents again or Zara's family brought it up - but they are under the same mindset as her. :3
Awesome though! Did you want me to start something? I wasn't sure if you had a preference with her meeting one or the other first - but i'd be happy to start!
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:08 am
Aha, no that actually clears the concerns I have up, as much of a wanderer as Zhu is he's extremely family orientated and wouldn't tear something apart, he'd sooner run! However if Miki is firm in her views then that would settle his nerves a little even if trouble did flare up.
If you don't want overloaded with RPs you can start one, whichever you prefer, or we could start off one for each soquili, I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment so it shouldn't be a problem! *Squee*CitrusCupcake I'm interested in Mahavir meeting Quicken & maybe even coaxing her into a little adventure? He always thought of himself as bit of a player (a wishful notion really as he loves females but doesn't get to spend time in their company as often as he'd have liked), and calls all mares 'Princess', but he's getting older and would really just like to settle down with one special lady who'll share warmth during his hated winters & enjoy the long sunny days of summer Hiiiiya Sayuri!
Two things - I'd love for Mahavir to meet Quicken and take her on a little adventure but I don't see her responding to the nickname 'Princess' well. Her real dad was a womaniser and left her mother when she was pregnant to chase after another mare, he's got that natural charm of calling folks 'princess' too. xD If Mahavir wanted to persuade Quicken of anything more than friendship he'd need to work towards cutting out that habit at some point, otherwise she'd just associate him with her dad and go "Nope"!
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:33 am
Awesome! Yeah, a small part of her would wish daddy would be alright (and maybe he will? Who knows I'd have to check with swirly!) but in a way if she followed his mindset to a T she would be betraying Zara's children which is unspeakable in her mind. Especially if they get along she'd defend him against all odds as she's a rather stand up gall when she needs to be smile
We could do both! Perhaps base the one with zhu after her time with her master so her mind is in a better place! I can start whichever when I get home tonight so when you have time pick the other? I'm doing well with replies so I could handle both too biggrin
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:45 am
Epine de Rose CitrusCupcake I'm interested in Mahavir meeting Quicken & maybe even coaxing her into a little adventure? He always thought of himself as bit of a player (a wishful notion really as he loves females but doesn't get to spend time in their company as often as he'd have liked), and calls all mares 'Princess', but he's getting older and would really just like to settle down with one special lady who'll share warmth during his hated winters & enjoy the long sunny days of summer Hiiiiya Sayuri!
Two things - I'd love for Mahavir to meet Quicken and take her on a little adventure but I don't see her responding to the nickname 'Princess' well. Her real dad was a womaniser and left her mother when she was pregnant to chase after another mare, he's got that natural charm of calling folks 'princess' too. xD If Mahavir wanted to persuade Quicken of anything more than friendship he'd need to work towards cutting out that habit at some point, otherwise she'd just associate him with her dad and go "Nope"!Hehe I imagine that if she said something or if just showed her displeasure at the nickname he would drop it hastily for fear of offending a pretty lady ^_~ But anyways, we should get a rp going first ^_^