"O-si-yo my friend and welcome! My name is Isi and I love to record information about all the soquili I meet. Someday, I hope to have records of all of them! I'm here for all your cert changing, uncert requesting, familiar equipping needs. I'll try to get to your requests as quickly as I can, so please have patience with me. I'm a very busy lady."
Please make sure that you read the next few posts carefully as they are chock full of very useful information.
If you still have a question feel free to post it in this thread or PM me (Roniel Targaryen) with your questions.
If you have an outstanding request from a colorist who has their own certing thread, you MUST get their permission before posting them here! (Art by Roniel)
EVEN MORE UPDATES (2/1/16) This thread is being phased out. Please post in the new general certing thread!
RULES UPDATES! (7/21/14)
!! New !! Now that the crazy Soquili reopening rush is over... there are no longer any limits to the number of cert requests you can make per month! biggrin
HOWEVER! New certs will be prioritized over cert updates in the case of heavy workload. Smaller requests may also be dealt with more swiftly than requests for many certs, which takes more time to get through.
Thanks for your patience and understanding through these rule tweaks! heart
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:02 pm
Since some of the colourists have busy lives, they don't always have time to check this thread for requests. So some of them ask that you PM them with your requests instead. This is the list of colourists and how they would like you to go about in making your request. PM Roniel Targaryen with any questions!
Elder Colorists mindsend - POST HERE Rapidashtrainer - Post in thread Hanging Gallow - POST HERE ATh e a r t - POST HERE
Reoccuring Guest Colorists (allowed to help in events as they are able or when we need and extra hand) Chibizoo - Post in thread
Previous Colorists ANY - Post in thread
Familiar Colorists Amirynth - Post HERE (With a ping) odet amo - HERE Roniel - Post in thread Tani duh! - Post in thread Miss Cherie - POST HERE
Guest Colorists =Those who have guest-colored soquilis= Dante-Sayre, Kealdra, Kyribird, Johanna K. Gambino, Lady Nozomi, Meeki, Sanura Panthress, Felmino, Sabin Duvert,Tuari, Thalion. - Post in thread
Past Colorists/Breeders =Colorists who are no longer with us= Agneza, Aris Ravenstar, Astral Vanity, Antigra/Infinite Improbability, Azael_Rose, Beejoux, Celeanor, Cihiru, Dark Lunar Fox, Darkmoon Dancer, Deejaye, dihydrogen, Endejester, Hanyousblood, Infinite Improbability, Kamiki, [+Katch+] , Kiareii, King Inversitle, [ Lady Kiya ], LadyNekoya/JulianMoMo, Lilwolfpard, LittleDream, Manda, merangue, [ vance ], Dawniechan, Natsube, Niloufer, Sabin Duvert, Sirenz, Tooaya, Wyntre IceBlade, ~InfinityTrust~, Ameh, Nephilim Queen, Mobster Goose, Selalusia and White Arsenic. - Post in thread
As always, all cert changes of Soquili by Sirenz must be posted IN THIS THREAD.
Revolutionary Roniel
Indestructible Dragon
Revolutionary Roniel
Indestructible Dragon
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:03 pm
So I'm sure you've still got a few questions, am I right? Well then here, let me see if I can answer them for you.
- What exactly can I request in this thread?
1. Co-ownership and ownership changes to a Soquili's cert. NOTE: PLEASE add the link if you are dissolving a co-ownership or adding a co-owner.
2. Untagged versions of pets. This is free of charge. Please do remember though that sometimes there aren't untagged versions of your Soquili, especially older Soquili from the earlier years of the shop.
3. Familiar equipping. This is also a free service. If you have purchased a familiar and would like to put it on your Soquili's cert, you may post it here. Please include a name for your familiar and untagged image as well as it will need to go on the cert. Note: If your familiar was colored by a currently active familiar colorist, it should be posted in their certing thread.
4. Cert background/tag frame color/tag feather color changes. Soquili who were a result of breedings ARE NOT ALLOWED to have these changes done to their cert. Please make sure that you include the Soquili's untagged version along with your request.
Owners are allowed ONE tag/feather/background change a month. So if you request for one Soquili's tag to be changed you will have to wait till next month to do another.
5. Information correction. If your Soquili's name is spelt wrong or the information on the cert is missing/incorrect, please post it here with the correct information and it will be corrected as soon as possible. YOU MAY NOT change tempers, or names. Tempers cannot be changed once a Soquili has been given one, so your stuck with it. Names cannot be changed unless permission has been granted by shop first.
Edit: This rule has been updated. Soquili may now have their names or tempers changed, but ONLY if they are being transferred to an entirely new owner. This is making them a new character and all their previous RP/plots will be void.
6. Adding mates to a Soquilis cert. If your Soquili has decided to lifemate and you wish to have their mate's name added to their cert you may request it to be done.
- What can't I post in this thread?
1. Requests that are for colorists who wish for any requests to be PMed to them.
2. Requests for certs for NEW Soquili that haven't been given a cert yet. Exception: If you are directed to this thread.
3. Updates to pregnancy certs.
4. Requests for finding certs. If you don't know who colored your familiar/soquili, I will not be able to find their cert for you.
5.!! New !! Requests for removing the gender/mate line on a cert (unless you are breaking a LMing).
Certing information (Name/Temper/Owner) should always be sent to the colorist unless they specify otherwise. See the list above. This goes for Soquili from breedings as well.
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:04 pm
Please use this form for each separate Soquili request.
If you have a request that does not fit a specific form, use whatever is closest and I'll figure it out. smile
Note: I don't mind PMing a completed cert to you, but please request only one person to be PMed per cert.
For Changes to an existing cert:
[size=18]Changing Cert[/size] [b]Name of Soquili (and/or familiar):[/b] [b]Uncert and Certs:[/b] (please use links, not thumbnails or images) [b]The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above):[/b] (please include a link to the lifemating if you want a mate added) [b]The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag):[/b] [b]Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you?[/b]
For New Soquili Certs
[size=18]Cert App[/size] [b]Uncert of pet in need of cert:[/b] (please use links, not thumbnails or images) [b]Name of Soquili:[/b] [b]Name of owner:[/b] [b]Date of arrival:[/b] (If it is a basket still then it's not needed. If you don't know exact dates, make an estimate) [b]Breed:[/b] (If it is a breeding baby, please put what generation it is.) [b]Temper:[/b] [b]Mate:[/b] [b]Parents:[/b] [LINK OF MOTHER] - [LINK OF FATHER] [b]The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag):[/b] [b]Cert Type:[/b] (Choose which type of cert you would like for your pet from the thread linked below.) [b]Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you?[/b]
For New Familiar Certs (Note:Only use this form for NEW familiars. If you are looking for a solo cert for a familiar you've had for more than a few months, use this thread.)
[size=18]Familiar Cert App[/size] [b]Uncert of pet in need of cert:[/b] (please use links, not thumbnails or images) [b]Name of Familiar:[/b] [b]Name of owner:[/b] [b]Date of arrival:[/b] [b]♀ or ♂?[/b] [b]Temper:[/b] [b]Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert?[/b] (Or both? Remember that you can't enter familiar breedings if you don't have an individual familiar cert.) [b]Parents:[/b] [LINK OF MOTHER] - [LINK OF FATHER] [b]The colorist of the pet:[/b] [b]Cert Type:[/b] (Choose which type of cert you would like for your pet from the thread below) [b]Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you?[/b]