User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Dimitri Nieves [Pronounced: Knives]

Age: 19

Orientation: Pansexual

Position: Seke

I am a: Slave


I like: Sweets, being around a few people, music

I dislike: Silence, fighting, yelling, large groups of people

I am good at: Baking, playing the piano

My personality is: Dimitri used to be an outgoing and happy boy as a child, but that came to an end as his father attempted to strangle him with barbed wire that still hangs around his neck. After he became very reserved, barely talking in fear of someone yanking on the wires and strangling him. He's uneasy in what he counts of crowds of people, which is really just being around more than five people in a room. Around only a few, however, he's very laid back and willing to do almost anything to make them happy. Despite his constant silence (unless he's told to talk), he's easily annoyed by constant silence in a room, and prefers some kind of noise being made; even if it's just a cricket chirping.