The Hunter
Name: Viktor Tanisakov
Nicknames: NO!
Gender: male
Age: 23

Category: sun

The Weapon
Name: Carmalita Alisa Santiago de Juarez
Type of Weapon: polearm - voulge
Former species of weapon: demon - succubus
Gender: female



It is perhaps a good idea to remember that Viktor is not a nice person, in fact the words a*****e and b*****d come to mind. Nor does he have any desire to change this trait, in truth he could not care less about what others think of the fact he is an a*****e. It could even be said he is proud of being an a*****e. As such he is extremely difficult to get close to, and even more so to befriend. In truth he does not like anyone, and what may appear to others as a friendship is more likely in his mind a mutually tolerated acquaintance. And while he is extremely fond of women, it could be said he is incapable of love, thus no woman should ever expect to be mean more than good sex to him.

This does not mean he cannot act nice or pleasant. In fact he is quite skilled at playing the part of smooth gentleman or sympathetic friend should he feel doing so can get him what he desires. He is in fact rather fond of manipulating others in such a way.

Clever and plotting, Viktor is also skilled in the art of explosives and bomb making, considering it a sort of hobby of his. (Whether or not said bombs were actually used for unsavory purposes is something he is NOT telling). He is almost meticulous in the details of his explosives, prefering elegence and efficiency to the more crude and dirty IED type explosives.

Being of Russian birth, his grandfather may or may not have had ties to the KGB, though if he did Viktor neither speaks of this nor does he care for the ideology that may have been behind it.

When he has access to them, he greatly enjoys alcohol (vodka) and cigarettes. In those times when he does not have access, he will turn more heavily to his other addictions. These addictions include women (ie sex), explosives, and opera.

As an addition note, he does not like being touched, and should anyone do so, his response may vary from a glare to knocking the offending hand away. Should one persist, the response will become increasingly angry. Despite his assholish nature, Viktor does know how to control his temper and would rather plot your downfall in his own time.

Viktor is fluent in both Russian and English (Russian is his first language). It is not uncommon for him to speak in a mixture of both languages, especially when angry or excited in which times he will tend to speak only Russian.


Carmalita could be considered a perfect match for Viktor, or poetic justice depending on your point of view. She is as fiery and stubborn as he could ever be, and holds no restraint in speaking her mind.

In life, Carmalita was a succubus demon who owned a rather profitable and prestigious 'escort service'. Along with t his business, she would have also been involved in the darker side businesses of extortion, theft, and blackmarket souls. She would have run her business with a firm hand, though she would have taken great steps to ensure her girls (and boys) were well taken care of and never in danger, nor forced into any action/situation unwillingly. Woe be to any who dared even attempt to harm one of those in her employ.

As a weapon she has retained a sense of entitlement. Outspoken and condescending, it is not uncommon for her to argue with her hunter, often frustrating him by speaking in rapid spanish (to which he responds in kind in Russian, often with many obsenities involved). She is not above telling him exactly what he is doing wrong, or how she thinks he -should- be doing whatever she feels he is doing wrong. One might think she takes great pleasure in annoying him and often speaks out only to accomplish this goal.

The pair argue and mentally glare at each other, but in the end they are a good match and thrive on the conflict.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

There is little Viktor believes in, and even fewer causes he cares for. He had always known there was something out there, but had either ignored it or decided he did not care.

So then why did he join? Well perhaps it was an offer that intrigued him, something new to pull him away from what had otherwise become a bore for him. Perhaps he saw it as an opportunity to implement his skills and for his hobby to become more than just a hobby. Or maybe it was simply to escape an unsavory past and those who were getting to close for comfort.

More likely, it was a combination of all of the above.

Weapon Ability

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: green
Hair Colour/Style: blonde, neat pony tail
Skin Colour: fair (he's Russian)
Clothing Style/Colours:
Viktor favors black with red accents and silk. He wears high end Armani dress pants in black and silk dress shirts in either black or red. It would not be uncommon for him to wear a tie and he would have several Armani suits in his wardrobe.
His coat would be in a long trench coat style, his scarf red and worn over his shoulders. Shoes would be black dress boots and also high end.
For Viktor, dress pants and shirt are as casual as he dresses, and he always dresses neatly and smart. He likes nice things, and he would not be caught dead wearing anything he would consider 'sloppy'.
Extra: goatee, scar through right eye.
Yes, this is Tanaka
coat style
boot style