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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] A Pounding For Your Thoughts? (Alex and Yin)[FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:39 pm
Between helping the Student Council get things ready for prom, with all of it's careful planning and need for Alex to do his Public Relations duty, and school work, Alexander was finding his Amityville experience to have suddenly gotten to a point that he had never wished it to come to.

He was busy. All of the time. Like seriously busy. Like too busy to go to work, and too busy to do initiate things...though that had come to a standstill anyways since their last little Disneyland episode.

Worst of all, he was too busy to spend proper time with his boilfriend, a failure on his part that he was more than willing to correct at the first available moment. And what better way to make up for lost time than to set a date for an innocent spar in fairly recently reconstructed gymnasium? They would be doing something that Yin enjoyed, and would be able to test each others limits now that they were both in their third year. It was a full proof plan! And if Alexander somehow found time to slip in a few questions that had been on his mind lately than all the better!

Time management. It was a skill he was finally beginning to learn.

And so he wandered his way into the gym at about the time he had told Yin he would meet him there. Okay so he was possibly a few minutes late but really, who was paying attention? He was already reaching up to slip off the tie he had been wearing, sliding the smooth fabric through cold hands before depositing it in a safe place near the wall, than turning towards his opponent with a wry grin.

"Ready when you are! Oh, uh, before I forget my mom told me to say hi to you so..HI! Also she says she wants you to come and visit sometime."

Okay now he was ready!  
ramenli rolled 1 20-sided dice: 19 Total: 19 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:26 am
It was not as if Yin was waiting anxiously. So possibly he was a bit excited, because who knew that getting older, having more responsibilities, learning things like healing would eat into his time like working on school related things ate into Alexander's. So the energy that he was burning off before Alexander arrived was not anxious energy, but rather just excited energy. Plus, if he was surprised every time Alexander was late to something he would live in a perpetual state of shock.

For now he was content to attack a practice dummy, palms slapping against the structure, fingers seeking out vulnerable spots where he mentally pictured nerve clusters, all interspersed with elbows, knees, and feet driving into the dummy at random intervals.

He gradually slowed to a halt when he caught sight of Alexander, but not before finishing with a (hopefully impressive) kick to the dummy's face. He was not grinning outright but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he walked over to his boilfriend, unwinding the scarf around his neck to set next to Alexander's tie. Wearing it in practice against a dummy was fine, but he preferred to keep the precious garment safe when there was a brawl on the line.

Yin nudged the taller boil with his shoulder as he straightened. "It would be good to see her again," he admitted, taking a few steps away from the wall. "And perhaps I could speak to her the next time that you call her?" A suspicious look flitted across his face. "Would you even be able to take the time to visit your family?"  


Alarming Consumer


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:29 am
For just a few brief moments, Alexander had been able to watch and admire Yin, though he visibly cringed when his boilfriends foot met with the dummy's face. It was impressive, no doubt, but it was also just like watching a preview of things to come, and the zomboil knew all too well that kicks in the face were not all that pleasant.

Still, casting his apprehensions aside, Alex would have been lying if he said that he wasn't excited about this as well. Sure he was going to have to exert energy by actually getting physical in the gymnasium, but getting to do so with Yin didn't seem like such a chore as it once had. Especially if this was going to be one of the few ways he could actually spend some time with him.

When the other boil came towards him to remove his scarf, Alexander returned his smile with a cheerful look of his own, though he had to resist a strong urge to grab his arm and pull him in for a quick kiss on the cheek. No, no matter how quick or innocent, this was still a public place, and he would still be reprimanded for such actions...which would likely ruin the good mood that they both appeared to be in. So instead, when Yin nudged him with his shoulder, he gave him a playful shove in return.

"Of course I can take time off to visit my family....I mean, obviously not like right now, since we're trying to organize prom but you know...after that." Maybe. It was the word he didn't want to speak out loud but he was sure Yin could hear at the end of that sentence anyways.

Shuffling his way towards the training mats, he lifted his arms above his head and stood up on his toes, stretching out his entire tall and lanky body in hopes of limbering up stiff limbs and joints. "And if you want to talk to my mom on the phone well...you still have her number, don't you?" Or maybe Yin was trying to make a point about how little time they spent doing things together. Maybe. It was actually really hard to tell when Yin was actually annoyed about something or just being literal.

Relaxing his body and shaking out his arms, he got in the "I'm ready so lets do this", stance, and waited for Yin to make a move.  
ramenli rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5, 6 Total: 11 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:59 am
Right, prom. That thing that Alexander was organizing that Yin thought they would probably attend together. But Alexander had not expressly mentioned that they were, nor had he asked, and Yin was not entirely positive if he should ask Alexander to an event that he was planning. For a moment he probably had a weird expression on his face before he mentally cleared up the quandary. He would ask Miss Danny, she would know.

"Indeed," he acknowledged. He did not particularly want to just call up his boilfriend's mother on his own, though talking to her on the phone was obviously better than talking to her in person, but she could be traumatizing from afar, and he still had horrified moments when he remembered one of their long--distance interactions in particular.

He shrugged off a shudder and slipped into a ready position of his own. "I shall make the effort to call her then," he mused aloud. Sometime. Eventually. But for now there were fun things on the horizon, like a mostly playful jab to Alexander's stomach.

HP: 50
Damage: HOW MUCH DO YOU HATE UR BOILFRIEND...not too much: 5  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 1 Total: 8 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:10 pm
Alex caught the look on Yin's face, but only barely before the weremantis's expression had changed. The zomboil gave his boilfriend narrowed, thoughtful eyes, while mentally running through what he had just said. Family visiting. Call my mom. Planning prom......Oh well he was sure if it was a real issue to be worried about, Yin would make his thoughts known. After all, hadn't they said they would try not to keep things from each other anymore if it might just blow up in their faces later?

Actually, had they said that? It was hard to remember now with a head full of so many other things. He was pretty sure that conversation had happened at some point. Ah well, no matter.

"If you really wan---" His words were abruptly cut off by what appeared to him to be a lighting flash blur tinged with green that came flying into his stomach. He winced a little, and stumbled back, while throwing an arm to the side to block Yin's punch away. What little air he had been using to speak had been knocked out of him, but his smile didn't falter.

"Ahem, yes, we can call her together." He fought back the urge to rub at the sore spot on his emaciated belly, instead taking a step forward and throwing a punch of his own, one that was obviously clumsy and well out of practice.

"You know, there are so many things we can do together."

This was the smoothest way of leading into a different conversation ever.

"Like I don't know...say when school's over and we've both graduated."

HP: 45
Damage: 2. Obviously Alex hates u less.  
ramenli rolled 2 10-sided dice: 6, 7 Total: 13 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:35 pm
Yin's eyes darted up to Alexander's face and the look he was giving him was one of complete horror. Something had just been said about post graduation, which was possibly very important, but...

That punch.

That punch.

"If you continue fighting like that you will probably not make it to graduation," Yin stated matter-of-factly. He balled up a fist, over-exaggerating his movements, and struck again, this time with more force but slower, brain still trying to work out how terrible Alexander's punch had been. He knew better. He did. Yin had taught him better than that. "But if your fighting improves what did you have in mind?"

HP: 48
Damage: 7  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 3, 2 Total: 5 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:46 pm
Alexander gave Yin wide, innocent eyes, mocking the feeling of being absolutely wounded by such a declaration as he pulled his fist back to his side and shook it out a bit. "Well then, it's a good thing I have you to look after me, isn't it?"

Okay, so even he had to admit, that punch had been fairly pathetic. And this wasn't going to work if all Yin did was stand their with a horrified look on his face....a horrified look that he had to convince himself was about the punch and not about the implications of graduation soon approaching, and what he might have to say about it.

"Okay fine. I admit that I'm a little out of practice." He probably didn't need to sound so cheerful about it, but this was Alex, and he was hoping that for once he and Yin could get through a spar without any problems or hurt feelings.

He watched how Yin balled up his fist, muscles (or what little thereof he had) tensing in his abdomen area just before the fist hit with enough force to make him do more than just stumble back. No, this time he hit the floor with a solid thud on his behind, and this time he did stop to press a hand against the area that was assaulted while letting out a sharp hiss of pain before blinking up at Yin from where his new position on the floor.

"I was thinking.....actually this would be easier if I knew what your plans were after graduation."

He did not just chicken out on asking Yin a question. Definitely not.

HP: 38
Damage: ha. haha. hahahahhahahahaha.  
ramenli rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 9 Total: 11 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:45 pm
Yin was not going to fall for the whole "I am not going to attack you and lull you into a false sense of security" trap. Not with Alexander. The other boil was rather resourceful and strong in a way that was rather strangely appealing whenever he chose to use his strength. In other words whenever he tried. So he nudged his boilfriend in the side with his toes rather harshly, possibly in what could be considered a kick, rather than giving him a hand up.

He frowned at the question, not fully sure as to how to answer it. "I have not given it extensive consideration as I have been focused on my schoolwork," he admitted. There was a lot to do, and studying took up a truly unnerving amount of his time unexpectedly. Primarily it was to do with healing though, something he never would have imagined studying before Amityville. Still, much of it focused on himself, finding the strength to keep fighting, but he was learning to help others as well. "My m-mother may have something she needs me to do. But I shall likely need a job more than anything. I have heard about people that are used for emergencies to give aid to those on their way to the fear healer. They would have to be fast. Or maybe someone needs a bodyguard?" All this talk of the of the future was almost distressing. He frowned again. "There is still time to decide."

HP: 48
Damage: 5  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 1, 10 Total: 11 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:28 am
Ah the old foot in the side. Yin was right not to trust Alexander for a second when it came to him during a spar. One second laid back and behaving as though he couldn't be bothered to fight back, and the next....

A hand shot out, almost reflexively, to grab at Yin's ankle in a tight grip, which he would then yank on with a small twist of his wrist, intent on sending the weremantis falling into the mats as well, all in the spirit of keeping them both on equal footing, of course.

If all else failed Yin would have just ended up with a hand that clawed at his leg somewhat ineffectually.

"I see, yes." He pretty much expected as much. Yin was studying to be a healer now, so of course he would expand on that field upon graduating. "But what I...what I actually meant was..." He could feel the back of his neck warming up as he attempted to push himself, very clumsily, back to his feet. "I was just wondering if maybe..."

He coughed into his hand, eyes darting to the floor. This really shouldn't have been such a difficult thing to do, it was a simple question! Still, he found himself hedging again, and asking something else entirely. "Do you think you could help me decide what to do? After graduation I mean...I should have a general idea by now don't you think?"

At least it was true that he had no idea what he was going to do, and probably did need the help to decide.

HP: 33
Damage: 5  
ramenli rolled 2 10-sided dice: 8, 3 Total: 11 (2-20)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:41 pm
The hand around his ankle was unyielding and he dropped, managing to slap the ground properly as he landed to avoid further damage, though his ankle still twinged in protest. He immediately started looking for an opening, spying several but Alexander was talking as he got up, seeming slightly off and not grinning and chattering as much as he could have been. So Yin stayed quiet for a moment, letting Alexander talk without attacking as he got to his own feet.

"I do not believe it is necessary for you to know now," Yin disagreed with a shrug. "I will naturally do what I can to provide for you." Mantis males took care of things, and that idea was not one that had completely faded away. "But if you believe I can help I would be more than happy to assist you." So long as it did not make him do terrible things. Such as read. That would be awful.

He feinted with a punch to the right and then carried through with a swift jab from the left as he continued speaking. "Have you already spoken to your mother? I am discovering that parents are sometimes good sources of information."

HP: 43
Damage: 5  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 6, 2 Total: 8 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:51 pm
Alexander was lucky enough to have one of those boilfriends that wouldn't kick you when you were unbalanced and not really paying attention. It's how he knew Yin cared! He did offer the other boil a quick smile, a flash of teeth to show that he appreciated the gesture, knowing full well that Yin could have easily sent him tumbling back down onto the mats, but he also knew that if he didn't take this spar seriously, it might make the weremantis unhappy.

So he got back into position, waited for Yin to spring back to his feet, and did his best to dodge the forthcoming punches as they were issued...except he was doing that thing that he did where he pretended he was going to go one way and went the other instead.


Throwing an arm out just a moment too late to block Yin's punch from landing, he instead managed to hit him very gently as his arm retreated. He frowned a little as it happened, but if that was related to his concerns over his serious lack of skill or the conversation at hand was questionable.

"I should at least have an idea by now...a general feeling for what I think I would like to do but...." He sighed, and gave another small shake of his head, causing hair to flop down in front of his eyes.

"No. I'll know what she'll suggest. Go home, find a position in the family business." Same old same old

Ok, really, it was now or never. "Yin I....I wanted to ask you something." Dear jack why was this so nerve wracking?

HP: 27
Damage: 2  
ramenli rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 9 Total: 18 (2-20)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:48 am
((Holy crap it is already Thursday it has been a week where did my life go))

Yin was starting to get annoyed. Not seriously annoyed, not angrily annoyed, but annoyed nonetheless. He knew that Alexander fought better than this, and one of the things that he abhorred was thinking that someone was going easy on him on purpose. Just like anyone else he did not enjoy being beaten up (though he was beginning to wonder about Alexander) but he at least wanted a somewhat even spar.

Alexander just seemed...distracted. Majorly distracted. Yin was listening, knew that Alexander was trying to talk, but when there was a battle and his blood was pounding in his veins it was hard for him to stop. "Then ask your question," he said simply before darting just past Alexander.

That was really all the warning the zomboil would get before Yin was turning, wings a blur as he rose into the air enough to give him a bit of leverage as his hand shot out, pinching down on the nerves at the base of the zomboil's neck. With his undead physiology perhaps the move would not take him down with one go, but the Mantis Neck Pinch was a revered (and most importantly painful) technique. Nothing to be trifled with.

HP: 41
Damage: 12 (...it's like you knew that I was debating if you should attack or not)  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 8 Total: 17 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:06 am
Yes, Alexander was majorly distracted, which was perhaps part of the reason why Yin was able to get around him so easily, though another major factor was the fact that the zomboil was just plain slow.

"Aaaaaaaaaccckkkkadjgsklsds" Was something akin to the sound that Alex made when Yin pulled his little neck pinch stunt, partially because it hurt quite a lot, and mostly because he was touching Alex's neck. His neck.

It was the forbidden zone.

With an involuntary shudder, he squeezed his eyes shut and dropped to the floor. For all intents and purposes...it had appeared that he had passed out, or at least perhaps been knocked unconscious.

And then with a sudden low growl he sat up and shot out both arms towards Mr. Flighty McMantis's ankle, mismatched eyes narrowed. He was aiming to grab him, dig in with his fingers as tightly as only a zombies death grip could maintain, and swing him down to the floor.

"That wasn't very nice." He said, rather evenly and with as much control over his emotions as he could manage. He didn't want to sound accusatory, but it might have leaked through just a hint.

Question? What question?

HP: 15 cry
Damage: 11 rofl  
ramenli rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 9 Total: 11 (2-20)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:41 pm
Slamming into the floor had never felt so good. He was not a masochist, nor was he suffering from brain damage, but a somewhat strangely timed smile graced his face as his body hit the ground, reflexes breaking the fall but certainly not cushioning it. Pain blossomed in his ankle and he could hear that Alexander was at the very least miffed with him, but this was what he loved.

"You not giving our fight your full attention was not nice either," Yin pointed out, voice just a tiny bit chipper. He was not even upset with himself that he had not avoided the attack, he was that happy about it.

He propped himself up on his elbows and used his toes, his nicely armored mantisy toes, to nudge Alexander in the side. "But if it is important, what is your question?"

HP: 30
Damage: 5  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 6 Total: 8 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:02 pm
Alexander felt the jab of those mantisy toes in his side, and reached out to slap at Yin's ankle, the one that he had just grabbed a hold of moments before, with his hand. He was sure that their spar was far from over, but it seemed as though at least for a moment they were both going to just...stay on the floor. Likely until Yin got bored and kicked his zomboil boilfriend's a** around some more. Oh well, it didn't really matter, and Alex's momentary unhappiness with the neck pinch maneuver eased away as he moved to push himself to his feet, changed his mind, and sat on his knees instead, placing his hands on his lap and looking Yin in the eye.

"Well I...uhhhh..." He started, reaching up to run fingers through his hair. He knew he needed to get on with it, however. If he just sat here stammering over it, he was going to make himself look like an idiot. Better to just come right out and ask!

"I was thinking that after graduation..." He paused, taking a deep breath but only to steady the nerves that were bouncing around in his stomach as though that bottomless pit was actually home to a trampoline. "Maybe we could get a house together? Like, in town maybe?" He was giving Yin an imploring look, almost but not quite on the verge of begging. He was not going to beg.

HP: 10
Damage: 2  
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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