Username: JasonVladimir
My Master/Mistress Name Is: Jason Morganstern
My Age Is: 20
What Happened In My Past: The only child of a wealthy family, Jason inherited a large house when his parents died in an unfortunate accident. He has all the money he could ever need or want, but he continues to work as an actor at night, a pastime to keep him amused alongside his persona as a playboy by day. He has decided that having a slave or two to work around the house would help a little in keeping things clean, as well as keeping things interesting. wink
My Slaves Are: None
My Hair Color Is: Black
My Eye Color Is: Changes color
I Look Like This: User Image
My Personality: Very often keeps to himself, playing the violin, or doing who-knows-what in the basement. Bored with repetition, therefore must constantly find new and novel entertainment. Generally laid back, but often finds a frightening vigor when it comes to ordering his new playthings around. However, he hates to have to always be the one coming up with new things to do, so imagination is a must in a slave. Though he has an ordering, dominant personality, he sometimes prefers for someone else to initiate, and even do all the work. On the other hand, he will sometimes have an inspiration and immediately demand that some new embarrasement or abuse be tried out. He is very laid back, but should not be trifled with. When riled, he has a VERY frightening sadistic streak. A slave should expect some abuse, and mild pain occasionally, and occasionally some harsher pain, when he is in a particuarily sadistic mood, but shouldn’t undergo anything too horrible unless deliberately pushed too far. He has a wonderful imagination, yet often keeps to himself. However, he also loves to tease and flirt, and put his girls down in fun or even just to make a point, and looks down on slaves as property, not as potential partners or friends. He has no trouble being friendly and extremely intimate, but will most likely never use the L-word. He is a workaholic, and will often need to be reminded to relax. He can be very passionate and seductive, and usually is at least somewhat horny, but doesn't care, as he is too "busy" working to bother. He prefers fun outgoing girls who aren't afraid to tell him what they want, but are afraid to tell him
"no". If you aren't afraid to tell him no to start with, he will make sure you are in the future. Though he secretly enjoys the banter and conflict when breaking a new girl in. He doesn't usually admit it, but he absolutely loves breaking in a resistant/unwilling slave, and enjoys it to no end when a slave argues back, giving him an excuse to either punish or humiliate them. More often than his sadistic mode is his usual side which is much more about teasing and emphasizing his authority, often making things deliberately difficult for the slave just because. He isn't immature, but he does enjoy the conflict. He also has a thing for nekos and younger girls.