User Image Sayen stretched and gently pawed at the soft grass next to her belly. She was laying out on this fine afternoon with nothing to do but be lazy. Lazy was actually a beautiful thing. Her nature was more on the relaxed side, but she always enjoyed a bit of a challenge every now and then. Just naps were needed during down time. Nothing wrong with naps. Anyways~ after playing with Taji, she followed him to his pride. The promise of games was very incising. So far she's had a lot of fun! The players were extremely entertaining to watch. Though, now it was down time as new recruits trained. A lovely nap was just around the corner~

User Image Shetani huffed in frustration. He was so boooorreeedd! Gaaa~ things were stupid. As a cub he couldn't do anything besides roam around and try not to get into trouble. However, trouble didn't bother Shetani, he craved it. But nothing was happening. Nobody was ripping each other to shreds. How lame was that?
He plopped down on the grass defeated. A grasshopper, distributed by his motions, twitched, giving away its position. Without missing a beat, Shetani's blue and purple eyes locked on the grasshopper. In one swift move his paw raised and flattened the creature. He slowly picked up his paw, allowing the guts of the grasshopper to trail behind. His kill only gave him a taste of excitement, but honestly, he was bored again. A noisy huff escaped his lips.

Sayen drew in a deep breath, continuing to enjoy the moment. Her eyes drifted close until a small noise woke her. She shifted around, curious to find the source. Her eyes landed on a grey mound not too far away. She studied the little cub. What was he doing out here alone? Her eyes scanned the area, looking for his keeper, but she didn't find anybody. Maybe he was lost? Sayen picked herself up and walked to the cub, watching him kill the grasshopper....which was kind of gross. "What are you doing?" She sat next to him and gazed down.

Shetani, startled by Sayen's arrival, squeaked. His heart pounded in his chest. Quickly, he rolled over. At least, he tried to. Going from zero movement to a lot didn't really work out. Instead, he kind of flopped over. Very non-threatening. Though, once he took a moment to look at the lioness, he noticed she wasn't a threat. "I'm trying to find some entertainment." He paused and looked over the lioness. Maybe she could provide some fun? "Hey, have you ever seen an arm come clean off?" Shetani's tongue flopped out and drool dripped down his chin in a vicious manner.

Sayen cocked her head to the side, watching the cub. A bit of laughter squeaked out. She tried her best to muffle the noise with her paw. Sayen didn't want to embarrass the little cub, regardless of how cute he was. "Entertainment?" She stared at him, trying to think of something fun to do. They could find a pile of leaves to jump into...though...they weren't dead anymore. So that was a dumb idea....Her ear twitched, "What? An arm?" Ewww, this little guy was gross and confusing. She squirmed with the thought of it. "No...I haven't seen an arm come off, but I did see a player break one..." That didn't make for a very good story. Sayen shifted her weight as she decided to go with this, morbid game. "However, I did see a hyena bite straight through a cheetah's tail once." Of course, she never saw something like that happen, but it got the cub's attention.

A row of perfectly sharp teeth glistened in the light with pleasure as Shetani smiled from Sayen's discomfort. This was too easy, but a lot better than laying around. Just watching her squirm was worth it.
A hyena? His eyes spread open with fascination and excitement. He's never seen a hyena before, but one that could bite through tails wasn't a creature he wanted to meet. However, he'd love to have seen it! Aw, man. That sounded so cool. "What else?" He leaned forward, urging for more stories.

Sayen issued a nervous laugh. Why did this cub love gore so much. It was beyond her, but this was interesting. Nap time now forgotten."I once watched a game with a ferocious lion. He was the caption of his team which meant that he was big and strong. Multiple scars littered his body from past battles. I've heard that when he was a cub, he used to train with the best trainers in the pride, through day and night!" She glanced down to make sure the cub was paying attention. "So, it was the finals and half his team was injured. It came down to him and his goalie to protect their lead. Their opponents were hurt as well, but better stocked. Their leader as a leopard, who had agility and strength on his side. This leopard pulled up to the lion and swiped a paw straight down his belly while the lion barreled towards the goal with the shell...."

Shetani was captivated. He leaned on his front paws and dug his claws into the ground, imagining himself as the captain. If he was in charge, he'd rip right through that leopard! There's no way he'd let his belly get exposed. "Come on!" He shouted in frustration as the lioness stopped.

Sayen chuckled and continued. "The goalie saw the lion coming, so she squared herself up, not allowing any gaps to escape her notice. However, the lion was ready. With a mighty roar he arched through the air, wrapping his tail around the shell, and with his momentum, twisted and shot the shell straight through her legs!" Sayen did her own demonstration of the move. It was very clumsy, but she was into the moment.

Shetani did his own little roar, really more of a squeak and jumped up. He popped around growling and spouting out jumble of words. "Waahhhh!" He pounced on a bit of grass and snapped his jaws around it. "I'm gonna be the best player ever! That lion won't have nothin' on me!" He shouted some more before running into Sayen. With an "ump" he fell over.

Sayen laughed loudly and couldn't help, but join in the cub's fun. She tried to stay out of his way, but the little guy was moving way to fast. "Of course you'll be the best!" He sure had a lot of energy. Hopefully, the gross side of him won't be too much of an issue.... but it was getting late and the story was a great distraction. "Come on, now. Lets go find your keeper. I'm sure you'll be able to start training soon." She bent down and gently grabbed the cub by his scruff, helping him up. She pushed her muzzle into his rump to encourage him forward. As much fun as she was having, nap time still needed to be implemented.

Both walked forward, Sayen to find a nice place to rest her eyes and Shetani to find something to rake his claws across.

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