Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:39 am
Mind’s June Breedings (NOTE: You may edit your Open forms as much as you want this time around.STARTS: NOW ENDS: June 19, 10pm EST Colorists Involved: Mindsend Once more one of the fertility spirits paced, pondering to herself. Perhaps I was too ambitious last time – things got a bit out of hand for just me to handle, and it didn’t truly help those who needed it.. Though I will admit it was fun enough to do again with my friends. However..! The Mad spirit, always having been a bit off kilter and at times going off on odd tangents that at times made her an embarrassment to the others that colored the kawani lands with the paint of life, floated up to sit on a treebranch, watching an unsuspecting couple. The two had been together for quite a while, but had sadly been unable to ‘bear fruit’ thus far, if I were to condense it, keep it at a smaller range, be a little more selective… Perhaps I could handle this on my own. So it’s decided! I’ll let the guardian spirits of a pairing choose up to five of their most active soquili, and then state a case for their least lucky but most active, then pick from the litter rather than just scan full herds and go about willy nilly. I'll even give the pairs what they want!She grinned, a glint twinkling in her eyes, I mean, what could possibly go wrong?>>> SLOTS! • 1 Low Luck • 1 Open >>> What Exactly is this? <<<I have two slots, and you have a CHANCE for two tickets. Open: You post a maximum of five of your ‘established’ breedings. These can be the two you’ve been actively trying for, or ones you’ve WANTED To post but your partner has been trying for other couples. When rolled, I get to pick(or roll) the pairing I’m the most inspired by/Feel I can do the greatest justice to within the five. Low luck: if you have a couple that’s hit low luck, you can post one of them for this slot. If I roll you, that couple wins, much like in normal breeding setups. Also! For this time only you get to choose the gender ratio of your kids! Just 'cause. >>> RULES <<< • If you've already won a breeding this month, pick only one of the two ticket types. -- And you gotta stick with it. Please mark the top of your entry with "I won a breeding already" as well so I can know not to pick one of your couples someone else posted if you win. • A low Luck couple can only be posted once for the low luck raffle. -- So both owners cannot post them for the low luck option. HOWEVER Both can have them in their five "Open" breeding slots
• Your Open Ticket Lets you post 5 Established Breedings within it -- Established breedings mean breedings NOT just for this raffle and only the first planned breeding of a couple. Any New breeding agreements have to be either lifemates or ‘until slot is won’. You cannot post all of the planned breedings of a pair. HOWEVER if the soquili you are paired with is not posted with its first breeding, and you have a pairing with them while the other owner’s slots of five are full, feel free to post it! So if you’ve been waiting for someone else’s breeding to win so you can maybe have a chance at winning, this is a chance to do so. • POST ONLY ONCE FOR OPEN AND ONCE FOR LOW LUCK -- You're getting only one ticket if you don’t have a low luck couple, and all of your couples need to be posted on that one post. If You enter a lowluck slot, you get a ticket specifically for that low luck couple. You CAN post your low luck couple in both the low luck slot and your open post. • Breedings I'm part of can't enter -- Sorry to those of you who have pairings with me, but I'm not allowed to do my own breedings. LowLuck -- This DOES add to your lowluck counter since, unlike with the MCCL there's a guaranteed win for SOMEONE’S pairing.
• Post certed Soqs -- I like seeing the Soqs without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (or small sized uncert for those who lack certed Soq at the time) • Names! -- Please put your username where it says Username AND provide full names for both the Soq entered and their owners/co-owners
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:40 am
[align=center][size=18][b][color=indigo]And that's the power of Love![/color][/b][/size][/align]
[quote="1: Mother name x Father Name"] [b]Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets:[/b] --[b] Genders if three are rolled:[/b] [b]Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?:[/b] -- [b]If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?:[/b]
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) [img][/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) [img][/img][url=]UNCERT[/url] [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement)
[b]Low Luck?:[/b]
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]
[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on) [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.) [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING) [/quote]
[quote="2: Mother name x Father Name"]
Form go here [/quote]
[quote="3: Mother name x Father Name"]
And here [/quote]
[quote="4: Mother name x Father Name"]
And here [/quote]
[quote="5: Mother name x Father Name"]
And here [/quote]
If you have a low luck pairing, you can choose one of them to enter separately from the others using the following form [align=center][size=18][b][color=indigo]Unlucky in Love [/color][/b][/size][/align] [quote="LOWLUCK 1: Mother name x Father Name"]
[b]Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets:[/b] --[b] Genders if three are rolled:[/b] [b]Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?:[/b] -- [b]If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?:[/b]
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) [img][/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) [img][/img][url=]UNCERT[/url] [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement)
[b]Low Luck?:[/b]
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]
[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on) [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.) [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING) [/quote]
>>> Additional Form Modifiers<<<
Because I like giving people options to work with o3o Bald PoniesIf you have a bald parent/ both parents are bald, they will get hair with a random style thrown into the mix. If you would rather just have a bald kid please add the following to your form. [color=red][b]I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in![/b][/color] Scarred PoniesIf you have a parent (or both) with scars, I wont be adding scars to your children (... If I recognize them as scars -- sometimes they look like markings). If you want your kids to have random scars like their parents do, please add the following to your form. [color=red][b]These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)[/b][/color] Human ClothingI do not like making pants/tight skirts/most shirts/etc on a soquili, and will just figure out how to make them into capes, arm/leg warmers, blankets and additional accessories even if both parents are fully dressed in human clothing UNLESS You add this to your form. [color=blue][b]I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!![/b][/color] [color=white]---[/color][b]Even pants/skirts? D8[/b]: Y/N Bearded PoniesWhile I have no issues with Facial hair, if you don't fill this out I'll likely be a little more hesitant of adding it to even the sons. Please note: Facial hair is NOT 'fluffy fur'. Examples: Facial Hair Vs Fluffy Fur[color=brown][b]FACIAL HAIR[/b][/color] [color=white]---[/color][b]Do you want the facial hair to be passed on[/b]: Y/N [color=white]---[/color][b]Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick)[/b]: Y/N [color=white]---[/color][b]I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83[/b]: (facial hair can be turned into fluff instead!)
Personality/Heritage/RPPersonality/Plot form: This is totally optional and will only give me stuff to play with IF I feel like it. This is not like the personality based breeding, and they will thus not gain edits if they are unedited (though templated items may be added if I see fit) unless I roll a throwback or variant [b]Short Summary of their plotline:[/b]
[b]What are their Parents Personalities?[/b] [i]Mother:[/i] [i]Father:[/i]
[b]Do the parents have professions?[/b] [i]Mother:[/i] [i]Father:[/i]
[b]Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance:[/b] (please post a summary if able to)
[b]What is their family dynamics?[/b] (Who will be raising them and how, do they spend time with their grandparents, what friends of the family will they be raised around etc) PLEASE link to people mentioned here/members who will be spending time with them on a positive note/gifting them, as how they shape up involves them as well.
[b]Traditions:[/b] [b]Herd/Family culture:[/b] [b]Religious Beliefs:[/b]
PLEASE, if you're going to mention Soquili that are not the parents/posted throwback relatives, use the following form. [b]List of Connected Soquili[/b] [list] [*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here [*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here
If you want an open spot to type generic things that'd help me figure out what variations to do (Rituals, gifts they'd be given at a young age or when they come of age (aka become adults), etc) [b]Additional info:[/b] NEW: Skinwalker Form Addition THIS IS OPTIONAL: However if you have a purewalker couple I will not CC you unless you fill out this form. [b][size=18][color=olive]~*~ I want my Skinwalker pairing to have a chance to be CCed! ~*~[/color][/size][/b]
-------QUESTIONNAIRE------ [size=9]It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. I WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.[/size] [spoiler]
[b]Question:[i] If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with [u]insists[/u] on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?[/i] Answer:[/b]
[b]Question:[i] Do Skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?[/i] Answer:[/b]
[b]Question:[i] If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.[/i] Answer:[/b]
[b]Question:[i] Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?[/i] Answer:[/b]
[b]Question:[i] Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups? [/i] Answer:[/b]
[b]Question:[i] In your own words, please explain the nature of Skinwalkers.[/i] Answer:[/b] [/spoiler]
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:12 pm
WINNERS Payment handled by Tefla. If you send anything it'd be a tip. XD Lowluck 1. Page 2 Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lainathiel || Seiana_ZI [Uncert] Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Lorenzo || ATh e a r t + ArrancarYoruichi [Uncert]Open 2. Page 1 Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Keira, owned by -Nessus-Euenos- & Apotropaics Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Blair, owned by Tara de Draiocht (formerly Sparrows_poppet)& Rage Beat CC 3, Page 10 Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Kagali Lillian, owned by sbuggy166 UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Betula, owned by Darkmoon Dancer UNCERT4. Page 9 Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ambien Rose (Marzipanz) [ UNCERT ]Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Gypsy Nightshade (Novablu) [ UNCERT ]BONUS LL CAUSE I FUDGED UP Congrats bonus LL Winners! Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Omen Dragonkin/Andranis) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: (Santaro/ Shadows Cursed) UNCERT
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:14 pm
Low Luck page 1 (Omen Dragonkin/Andranis) x (Santaro/ Shadows Cursed)
page 2
Lainathiel || Seiana_ZI x Lorenzo || ATh e a r t + ArrancarYoruichi Nidra (And be Blue & Lilwolfpard) x Barracus (Faithofthefallen)
page 4
(Audley/Zee Oddwyn) x (Viral/ Hitsuzen) Itzapalotl [GunSniper] x Liquid Bismuth [Ktns]
page 5
Lunar - LunaRei_SilverBlood x Snitch - Death Resurrected ( Sumire/AislingJuno) x (Daedalus/Asahi Kumoru ) Aolani (tefla) x Hina'ea (sage_the_vampirc_angel) (Discord / Skye Starrfyre & The MadHatter) x (Soul-Lexis / Nyhility) (Santeria/ Pollack) x (Nithhogr/ sage_the_vampirc_angel)
page 6
(Yanamari/ She-Ra of Etheria) x (Cian Alastair/ caffeinecraving) Crush | Dihydrogen. x Al'ar | Mameha Otome Haizea (Kettyn) x Cinaed (DemeterJade)
page 7
Final Pyre All Expired (Carhop Calvalier and ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~) x Fenuk' ('Swirly) Enali ver Rash (SkyDragono) x (Itzal/Rhyleigh) Mansi (Kiara Lime) x Khajag (Leez0rz)
page 8
Sherbert (Lestragne) x Darius (Faid Shadowlight) Bailey (Faid Shadowlight) x Laures (dawns_aura)
page 9
Serra (xNephilim Queen) x Orpheo (Lunarflowermaiden)
page 10
Kagali Lillian, owned by sbuggy166 x Betula, owned by Darkmoon Dancer Hi No Tori/MoochiLove x Rayearth/Leez0rz
page 11
Regin/AislingJuno x Knucklebone/ -[The Spoof]- Kimi, owned by Syaoran-Puu x Dardanos, owned by Roniel Targaryen *won once already this month*
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:22 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Epine de Rose 1: Shizukii x Resynn Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shizukii - Epine de Rose UNCERT #1 | UNCERT #2Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Resynn - Epine de Rose UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: hereTeepees: HereThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: N/A 2: Azshara x Sylph Forcas Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Azshara - Uta UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Sylph Forcas - Epine de Rose UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Here and HereThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: (All are from Sylph's side) Father, Mother 3: Marut x Raniero Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Marut - Citrus Cupcake UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Raniero - Epine de Rose UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Here and HereThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Marut - Mother | FatherRaniero - Father | Mother 4: Honeycomb x Azuell Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Honeycomb - Epine de Rose UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Azuell - Uta UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Here and HereThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Azuell's Family - Father, MotherHoneycomb's Family - Father | Mother 5: Tranquility x Solstice Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Tranquility - Epine de Rose UncertName, image, and owner(s) of father: Solstice - Epine de Rose UncertCo Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A Teepees: HereThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations:Lili's parents - Mother | FatherSol's Parents - Mother | Father
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:51 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Sabin Duvert 1: Pooka x Marconius Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Both male -- Genders if three are rolled: At least two boys, 3rd is CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Pooka (Sabin Duvert) [ Uncert ] Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Marconius (Sabin Duvert) [ Uncert ] Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both (And they've been trying for a while) Teepees: Sabin's TeepeeThrowbacks?: Yes! 8D Link to previous Generations:Anju, Pooka's Dad Sirana - Marconius's mom Ansen - Marconius's Dad Rohannon - Ansen's father Sevati - Ansen's mother 2: Nocturne x Messiah Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC, but I'd like to know -- Genders if three are rolled: CC, but I'd like to know Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nocturne (Sabin Duvert) Uncert Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Messiah (Naita and DivineSaturnUNCERT Co Ownership?: Messiah: No agreement typed up, Naita to get basket as per demand of DivineSaturn. Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Sabin's Teepee / Naita does not have a teepee Throwbacks?: If you feel inspired smile Link to previous Generations:Lucifer - Messiah's Father Narcissa - Messiah's Mother 3: Ashling x Breath Taker Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC, but I'd like to know -- Genders if three are rolled: CC, but I'd like to know Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ashling (Sabin Duvert) UncertName, image, and owner(s) of father: Breath Taker (Tsunake) Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: Here Teepees: Sabin's Teepee / Tsunake's TeepeeRPed couple?: No Throwbacks?: Sure :3 Link to previous Generations:Liver Taker - mother Blood Taker - Father 4: Little Red x Bloodmoon Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: All Girls -- Genders if three are rolled: All Girls Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Little Red (Kamiki) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Bloodmoon (Sabin Duvert) UNCERTCo Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: YES! Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Teepees: Sabin's Teepee / Kamiki's Teepee Throwbacks?: Nah Link to previous Generations: N/A 5: Yunai x Kino Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Both Boys -- Genders if three are rolled: All Boys Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Yunai/AlexiaSilver) Uncert WinglessName, image, and owner(s) of father: (Kino/Sabin Duvert) UncertCo Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: XTeepees: Sabin Duvert AlexiaSilverThrowbacks?: Yes Just Yunais IC father
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:02 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko 1: Bondi x Axl Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Girls -- Genders if three are rolled: Two girls, One boy Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner of mother: Bondi, Owned by Kitsune Mistress Nyoko UNCERT Name, image, and owner of father: Axl, Owned by NovaCracker UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko; NovaCrackerThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: AxlFather, Mother 2: Azure x Unesdala Aisgi Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner of mother: Azure, Owned by Kitsune Mistress Nyoko UNCERT Name, image, and owner of father: Unesdala Aisgi, Owned by Das Tor UNCERTCo Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko; Das TorThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations:Unesdala AisgiFather, MotherGrandfather, GrandmotherGreat Grandfather, Great Grandmother, Great Grandfather, Great GrandmotherGreat Great Grandfather, Great Great Grandmother 3: Oliver x Broc Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Girls -- Genders if three are rolled: Two girls, One boy Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner of mother: Oliver, Owned by Kitsune Mistress Nyoko UNCERT Name, image, and owner of father: Broc, Owned by Redbud-Tree UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko; Redbud-TreeThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: N/A 4: Mother name x Father Name 5: Mother name x Father Name
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:14 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: AmirynthAvalee x Atal'rin Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: One each -- Genders if three are rolled: Two boys one girl Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Definitely! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yush Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Avalee - Kyashi
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Atal'rin - Amirynth
Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: They will be Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: Here Teepees: Rynth's Teepee, Kyashi's Teepee Throwbacks?: Yup! Link to previous Generations: Atal'rin: Ewa'kepi x Mr. Branson Grandparents - Sen'jin x Ysiel Great Grandparents - Kifo x Malis and Keridwynn x Tempest Avalee: Sukari x TroliusShort Summary of their plotline: Avalee is gravely hurt during an attack upon her family. During the skinwalker attack on the Vitterfolk herd, Atal'rin is separated from the herd and makes a wrong turn, drawing him away from the lands. He finds Avalee on his journey and nurses her back to health. After she is able to walk again, she takes him to her herd only to find them vanished. Fearing the worse, Atal offers a home within the Vitterfolk, if they can find their way back. He describes the area to the best of his knowledge and she eventually manages to find the boundaries. Malis decides the spirits have placed them together for a reason and declares them mates. Atal finds no reason to disagree, liking the connection that had been forged between them and ask Avalee if she would like to become his lifemate.
What are their Parents Personalities? Mother: Avalee is, to put it simply, a daydreamer. She can spend hours simply staring up at the clouds with a soft smile on her face, lost in her thoughts. She is a bit lazy at times, taking a bit after her father- and somewhat reserved, like her mother. While she tends to not put forth the effort enough to seek out other soquili, she is very eloquent with words, and holds a certain slow grace to her movements. When pressed enough to actually hold a conversation, however, she tends to be very sweet, and more intelligent than most of her herd. Father: When Kepi went on a spirit journey she ran into a stallion who seemed to not be completely rooted into the ground. She talked with him at length and learned a lot yet all of it seemed a dream when she awoke the next day. Shortly after she found herself blessed with child. The daughter was whisked away by the spirits but the son she kept and named Atal'rin, 'adored by the spirits'. He was quiet as a foal, finding his way around with an unusual sixth sense, his sight missing. Now grown, he is still more quiet than most and has a serene outlook on life.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Father: After Atal returns he will have proven himself capable and may take Malis' hoof-steps and become a powerful shaman.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Home is where the spirits rest. - Where Atal'rin finds Avalee and heals her.
What is their family dynamics? The Vitterfolk are more the protectors of the herd territories while WillowGlen is more the 'family' orientated, taking in others who need shelter or a family to belong to. Atal, being a member of the Vitterfolk will teach his children the importance of respecting the elders of the herds as well as showing the path of the spirits if they show inclination. Atal hopes that Avalee will accept a position within the Vitterfolk herd and would raise his foals within the glades. If she chooses to track down her old herd he will follow her.
Traditions: Each foal goes on a spirit quest, or small journey to find themselves and decides what their path in life will be. Often, there is an adult close by to check on them and make sure nothing terrible happens, but the adolescent is left to their own devices. Some who have been fostered out to other herds will choose to go on their own though they are not required to. The ones who stay closest in ties to the Vitterfolk herd receive a special spirit name that only is known by Malis and the newly grown adult. It is only when they are lifemated may they share such a name, and even then it is only if they wish it.
Twice a year the WillowGlen meet up with the Vitterfolk and share stories, events, discussions and the like. Announcements are made and anyone is invited to join in with the frivolity. These usually happen in the spring when there is a growth in the number of children and the autumn when many soquili are gathering together to prepare for the winter months. Herd/Family culture: The territories of WillowGlen encompasses a long stretch of river surrounded by lush grassland within the Easter Lands. This is open to any soquili who wishes to graze and the area is kept protected by the Vitterfolk. While Imogen, the leader of WillowGlen accepts anyone within the boundaries of her share of the lands, Malis does not. She will tolerate soquili upon the open plains around the river banks but if a soul should travel too far north into the forests, they would more than likely meet one of the trolls who patrol the boarders. After making sure any guests know to keep to themselves and making sure they have business being there, they will usually be given entry. For this reason, Malis keeps a watchful eye over the goings on within the Vitterfolk herd and is not as accepting of deviance or disrespectful behavior. Religious Beliefs: Malis has a strong connection to the spirits. She is able to hear them speak and will often commune with them. She also teaches the youngsters in her own beliefs. For this reason the Vitterfolk primarily all believe in the spirits and the shamanistic teachings. Vanya x Voodoo Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: One each -- Genders if three are rolled: Two girls, one boy Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Definitely! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yush Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vanya - Lolternative
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Voodoo - Amirynth
Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: Here Teepees: Rynth's Teepee, LOL's Teepee Throwbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: N/aShort Summary of their plotline: Vanya 'captures' Voodoo when he wanders into the harpy's territory by accident on his way to find Malis. (He never realizes how close he gets!) She draws him away from the river and keep him entertained for a while where he gets to mingle with the other males in the Flock before annoying her so much with his constant blather about Malis that she lets him 'escape' (aka: kicks him out of the Flock) He will not know that he left children in his wake until much much later when he finally traces his tracks back after finally meeting up with Malis.
What are their Parents Personalities? Mother: To put it simply (cause her personality is loooooooooong), Vanya's vain in every sense of the word. Her vanity can sometimes get her in trouble with other mares, but for the most part she's pretty harmless. She's a very non-confrontational mare, always trying to solve arguments before they escalate. However, when threatened, she's more than happy to be confrontational. When it comes to her sisters, especially her daughters, she is fiercly loyal; regardless of their status or relationship with her. She has a slight (read: huge) obsession with collecting beautiful things. Pets, trinkets.. men. The men she's collected are part of her harem and she looks after them all with kindness and loyalty. Father: Voodoo is a quiet stallion with a thoughtful expression, who always seems a little off. That is until you get him talking, then it is hard to get him to stop. He is a little on the kooky side and has an odd sense of humor. He is quite stubborn and isn't the brightest tool in the shed and yet when he puts his mind to thinking he has moments of lightning brilliance. Voodoo came from the same village as Malis, his path crossing hers quite often. He once pursued for her hoof in mate-ship but one day she randomly disappeared. Out of sight, out of mind, he all but gave her up for lost until on day a young foal showed up who looked very familiar. All at once the memories flew back and he decided hunt down the prize he had coveted so many years ago.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Vanya's a dancer in the Flock and, when she isn't performing or training, she also crafts jewelry for her sisters. As dancing is a huge part of Harpy culture (all females are given dance training as soon as they can walk), Vanya is highly regarded in her skill and dedication. She takes everything associated with dance seriously and does her best at all times. Father: Leading the Horde and trying to impress Malis. The Horde is a small group of soquili who were gathered together by Voodoo after he heard Malis was now the leader of a rather influential herd of her own. His goal is to impress her with his 'leadership skills' so that he may mate her and take his rightful place. This is something that would -never- happen but in his own dream world he is already the love of her life she just doesn't know it yet! The Horde does not have any stacked territory though their base was in the jungles to the west. Currently the small band wanders from place to place as Voodoo tries to track Malis down.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Tusks and Claws. - When Vanya and Voodoo first meet (unfinished)
What is their family dynamics? The children will, for the most part, be raised by Vanya. If Voodoo stays in the Flock, he will have a part in raising the children the same way Taarab did with Vanya's first batch. The children will be around many harpies within the Flock (and I'd like to list them all but.. <_< XD) For the most part; the following will be interacting with the children the most:
Vanmoriel, Vaniania, Vanwyn; Three older sisters of the foals; they will dote on their siblings and do anything to protect them. The Vanya family is quite close knit and so they will ALWAYS have a relationship with each other and will ALWAYS be there for one another. Taarab, Astraeus, Hadyn Star, Eryi; Members of Vanya's harem, they will most likely have many interactions with the foals. They won't live together until the foals are a little older as Vanya will want more room in her home and time to bond with her children alone. However, when she wishes it, the males will be welcomed back and will be a part of the foals' lives, even if not a major part. Risuleri; Vanya's best friend, this mare will be like an aunt to the foals and will be involved in their lives as much as their siblings will. Vanya trusts this mare with her life and would entrust the same with her children. The Flock: The children will have many other interactions with members of the Flock depending on what paths they choose; roles, relationships, etc'.
Traditions: Vanya doesn't have many family traditions, besides a naming tradition (that being, all names start with Van). However, the Flock has a few different traditions. Any mares who capture stallions and bring them to the Flock for breeding stock receive a trophy from that stallion. This could be a lock of hair, a feather or a posession of the stallion's.
Festivals are quite common in the Flock, too; any excuse to dance is greatly appreciated. In a single year, the Harpies hold 7 official Festivals; that being festivals that happen on a yearly basis. Other festivals/celebrations may be held in the event of a great victory, the strengthening of the Flock, a competition for mares or a parade for stallions.
Herd/Family culture: As a member of the Flock, there are certain things that the foals born from her are required to participate in. While it's taken Vanya sometime to accept some of these traditions (mostly because of past experiences), all her children have partaken in the practices of the Flock. Females are taught the ways of the Flock from a young age. While most foals are raised by nannies, Vanya chooses to raise her children herself and only sends them to the nannies if she has other duties to partake in or if they have classes they must attend. When old enough, females choose a job and join the ranks of the harpies.
Males are kept seperate from females and are simply taught that women are to be respected and they're simply there because they're useless without the females. Despite holding no rank, most males in the Flock are treated well. When they come of age, a select few may be lucky enough to be selected by a female for breeding or company.
The village of Yojamba, where Voodoo is from, is one of many small villages/herds that are scattered within the jungles of the South Americas. There are different breeds of Trolls (Mind has a cerynei-troll while all of mine are regs) and I'm counting them as like the different tribes in WoW. Malis is specifically a Zandalar troll in WoW which were the original trolls before the Gurubashi and the Amani evolved from them (Another reason why mine are traditionally regulars) Culturally, they are similar to the WoW trolls. They are a warrior-based race with a strong tie to the spirit realms. They are a matriarchy though many villages are ran by a joint male and female or a tribe of elders. Spiritual leaders are just as important as war-time leaders. The trolls are naturally territorial so there is often little scuffles between the nearby villages but any mini-battles are fought with honor and respect, there are enough dangers within the jungles to not have unnecessary deaths. Each foal goes on a spirit quest, or small journey to find themselves and decides what their path in life will be. Often, there is an adult close by to check on them and make sure nothing terrible happens, but the adolescent is left to their own devices. Often villages will foster out to different villages so that there is no inbreeding of families as they can get rather large. Trolls traditionally mate for life though there is sometimes exceptions to the rule though they are looked down upon by some elders. While it is common for adults to spend their whole lives specializing in a certain path there are a few who become more of a 'jack-of-all-trades' and they are usually the ones who will travel from village to village spreading information and announcements.
Religious Beliefs: Harpies hold the belief that they are descendants from the Angeni of Birds of Prey and a grounded stallion. They're the result of punishment; the Great Spirits punishing the mare for abandoning her duties to be with a stallion.
Some harpies believe their 'Mother' is still alive, given the almost immortal status of Angenis and this is who most turn to when in danger or simply needing guidance.
The Jubilee Call is a festival held for the Great Mother on the last day of Winter. This was said to be the day she left her children, the first Harpies and went back to her heavenly home. The harpies dance and sing thanks to the mother for a good year. Irlina x Gypsy Rogue We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck! Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: One each -- Genders if three are rolled: Two boys, one girl Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Definitely! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yush Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Irlina - Amirynth
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Gypsy Rogue - Meepfur
Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: Here Teepees: Rynth's Teepee Throwbacks?: Yup! Link to previous Generations: Irlina: Mother x Father Gypsy: Mother x Father Maternal Grandmother x Maternal Grandfather Maternal Great-Grandmother x Maternal Great-GrandfatherShort Summary of their plotline: Irlina has tried to persuade her mother to stand up to Warlock and bring back her sister to no avail. Stubbornly, she decided to do something about it, almost causing her sister to be killed in retribution. Retreating and conserving resources, Irlina meets up with Gypsy Rogue and in a fit of 'independence' decides to run away with him. It is around this time she will finally grow up and come to her senses.
What are their Parents Personalities? Mother: Irlina is the fiesty one between herself and her sister. She is protective of her little sister and will always to what she can to make sure both Santiel and her mother are taken care of. She worries that the nightmares she has been having are getting stronger but during the day she is a happy filly who is always ready to learn about life and the spirits. As she gets older, her stubbornness starts to show through and she begs her mother to do something about the trouble they are in. At her refusal, Irlina storms off and decides to complete her 'life's lessons' in the big, wide world and hopefully she will find a way to help break her mother and sister from the agreement. She meets Rogue, is swept off her feet, and finds out that not everything is as it seems... Father:
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Student at this time. Father:
What is their family dynamics? The Vitterfolk are more the protectors of the herd territories while WillowGlen is more the 'family' orientated, taking in others who need shelter or a family to belong to. Irlina, after being raised by Amirynth with her sister, with in the seclusion for the glade, has not quite developed the strong ties that usually form within the Vitterfolk. Depending on how the story goes, she may end up raising any children away from the Vitterfolk and WillowGlen territories. I am assuming, for the purposes of this raffle that she would stay within the Vitterfolk.
Traditions: Each foal goes on a spirit quest, or small journey to find themselves and decides what their path in life will be. Often, there is an adult close by to check on them and make sure nothing terrible happens, but the adolescent is left to their own devices. Some who have been fostered out to other herds will choose to go on their own though they are not required to. The ones who stay closest in ties to the Vitterfolk herd receive a special spirit name that only is known by Malis and the newly grown adult. It is only when they are lifemated may they share such a name, and even then it is only if they wish it.
Twice a year the WillowGlen meet up with the Vitterfolk and share stories, events, discussions and the like. Announcements are made and anyone is invited to join in with the frivolity. These usually happen in the spring when there is a growth in the number of children and the autumn when many soquili are gathering together to prepare for the winter months. Herd/Family culture: The territories of WillowGlen encompasses a long stretch of river surrounded by lush grassland within the Easter Lands. This is open to any soquili who wishes to graze and the area is kept protected by the Vitterfolk. While Imogen, the leader of WillowGlen accepts anyone within the boundaries of her share of the lands, Malis does not. She will tolerate soquili upon the open plains around the river banks but if a soul should travel too far north into the forests, they would more than likely meet one of the trolls who patrol the boarders. After making sure any guests know to keep to themselves and making sure they have business being there, they will usually be given entry. For this reason, Malis keeps a watchful eye over the goings on within the Vitterfolk herd and is not as accepting of deviance or disrespectful behavior. Religious Beliefs: Malis has a strong connection to the spirits. She is able to hear them speak and will often commune with them. She also teaches the youngsters in her own beliefs. For this reason the Vitterfolk primarily all believe in the spirits and the shamanistic teachings. Nekali x Kahanu Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: One each -- Genders if three are rolled: Two girls, one boy Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Definitely! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yush Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nekali (Amirynth)
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kahanu (Akira-Kisho)
Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: Here Teepees: Rynth's teepee Throwbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: N/AShort Summary of their plotline: Nekali captured Kahanu and then wasn't quite sure what to do with him after she brought him back into the Flock. Still, she found him to be a useful ally with hunting after she tought him to be more quiet. If they are able to score a breeding before she is 'cursed' then Kahanu and the resulting foals will be instrumental in saving her and bringing her back from the dark path. Pamuya x Pippin Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: One each -- Genders if three are rolled: Two girls, one boy Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Definitely! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yush Name, image, and owner(s) of surrogate mother: Pamuya - Rhyleigh
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Pippin Aramiss Nicole Tyrenna Del Kisora Ravine Thadimus the third - Amirynth
Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Lovemates Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: Here Teepees: Rynth's Teepee Throwbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: Note: Rainbow Cullen - Syaoran-Puu *Rainbow is added in just in case you'd like to add in an item from him (like a scarf or maybe a feather of his) item-wise.
Short Summary of their plotline: Pip has spent most of his adult life traveling and spreading the joy of passions across the soquili lands. In Rainbow, he finally met his match! Rainbow reflected his own beliefs like a mirror and soon they found themselves almost inseparable. Both enjoy flirting with others, mostly to make the target feel better about their own self confidence. Pamuya got caught up in one such 'tag-team' and ended up joining them in their mission to spread love and acceptance across the lands. She has agreed to be their surrogate and looks forward to having a family.
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:31 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Kamiki 1: Edana Hatetalon x Heinrich vonCoren Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: all female -- Genders if three are rolled: all female Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Edana Hatetalon (Lunadriel) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Heinrich vonCoren (Kamiki) UNCERTCo Ownership?: n/a Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: Not yet Link to Breeding Agreement: hereTeepees: Lunadriel: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2810389 Kamiki: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10721921 Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: n/a 2: Miyuki x Faris Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1 male, 1 female -- Genders if three are rolled: 1 male, 1 female, and random Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Miyuki (Kiara Lime) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Faris (Kamiki) UNCERTCo Ownership?: n/a Lifemate?: Yes! Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Kiara Lime: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13285139 Kamiki: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10721921 Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Faris' Family - FatherMotherMiyuki's Family - FatherMotherGrandfatherGrandmother 3: Coeur d'Alene x Eamonn Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: no preference -- Genders if three are rolled: no preference Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Coeur d'Alene (Kamiki) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Eamonn (Upside.-.Down) UNCERTCo Ownership?: n/a Lifemate?: No Low Luck?:Link to Breeding Agreement: hereTeepees: Mother's, Father's Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Sire, Dam, Grand-sire, Grand-dam, Great Grand-Sire, Great Grand-dam, Great-Great Grand-sire, Great-Great Grand-dam 4: Viper x Obeah Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 2 girls -- Genders if three are rolled: 2 girls, 1 boy Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Viper (-MoomoolatteCha-) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Obeah (Kamiki) UNCERTCo Ownership?: n/a Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: hereTeepees: Moos: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18150547&page=1 Kamiki: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23028101&page=1 Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Obeah's Father: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Mer/certed/brigitte.jpg Obeah's Monther: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Mer/certed/quetzalcoatl.jpg 5: Spinel x Hashashad Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1 boy, 1 girl -- Genders if three are rolled: 1 boy, 1 girl, 1 random Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: YES -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Spinel (Kamiki) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Hashashad (Sabin Duvert) UNCERTCo Ownership?: n/a Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: hereTeepees: Sabin: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10696381&page=1 Kamiki: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23028101&page=1 Throwbacks?: sure Link to previous Generations: n/a
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:49 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Tara de Draiocht Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: no pref -- Genders if three are rolled: no pref Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes~! 1: Thalatte Cullen x Paris Cullen 2: Shaman x Enqueri Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shaman- Tara de Draiocht Shaman Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Enqueri/Tara de Draiocht Low Luck?: 1. Co Ownership?:No co-owners Teepees: Tara'sUnedited?: Nope RPed couple?: YesYes Throwbacks?: no Link to previous Generations: Lifemate?:yes Link to Breeding Agreement: here 3: Keira x Blair Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Keira, owned by -Nessus-Euenos- & Apotropaics Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Blair, owned by Tara de Draiocht (formerly Sparrows_poppet)& Rage Beat Low Luck?: N/A Co Ownership?: Apotropaics & -Nessus-Euenos-Teepees: -Nessus-Euenos-, Sparrows_poppetThrowbacks?: Yes. <3 Link to previous Generations: Keira: Evelyn, Kaen, Kerrigan, Ozzie, Sadiki Iah, Aderes, Torey, NaliniBlair: Padraig, InaliLifemate?: No. Link to Breeding Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11630811&page=173 4: Renesme Cullen x Rune Cullen Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Renesme Carlie Cullen - Syaoran-Puu -- UncertName, image, and owner(s) of father: Rune - Tara de Draiocht Low Luck?: No. 1. 2. Co Ownership?: N/A Teepees: TaraRPed couple?: YesThrowbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: Rune's Family TreeRunes G-pa Rune's BroLifemate?: Yes. Link to Breeding Agreement: Here 5: Aelita x Cassiel Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Aelita Camellia/Akuma_Kessaku & Faithofthefallen) Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Cassiel/Tara De Draiocht) Low Luck?: No. Co Ownership?: Co-Ownership Agreement for Aelita Camellia. Akuma Kessaku and Tara de Draiocht will get a basket and in the event that a third basket is produced it shall go to Faithofthefallen. Teepees: Akuma’s Teepee RPed couple?: No. Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Cassiel's Family: Parents: Mother x FatherGrandparents: Grandmother x GrandfatherLifemate?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: Breeding Agreement
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:56 am
Unlucky in Love LOWLUCK 1: Omen Dragonkin x Santaro Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: I suppose so :> If Shadows posts later saying no, I can change this xd -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: If you want ~ Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Omen Dragonkin/Andranis) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: (Santaro/ Shadows Cursed) UNCERTCo Ownership?: No Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24Link to Breeding Agreement: AgreementTeepees: Andranis' Teepee Shadows' TeepeeThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Omen's mother Omen's father
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:04 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: ATh e a r t 1: Louvia x Alaric Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1:1 -- Genders if three are rolled: 2 females, 1 male Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Louvia || ATh e a r t UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Alaric || ATh e a r t UNCERT + WINGLESSCo Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes! Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: I don't have the link, but they're on the first page under LM and I own both XD Teepees: TeepeeThrowbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: Louvia's Mother + FatherLouvia's Maternal Grandmother + Maternal GrandfatherAdditional Info: The only thing I ask is not to have Louvia's skull on her spear to be passed on -- That is unique to her. Meaning you're free to add your own decorations, but not the skull please! 2: Yalei x Lumen Anor Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1:1 -- Genders if three are rolled: 1:1, third is up to you Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Yalei || ATh e a r t [ UNCERT] Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Lumen Anor || Nyx Queen of Darkness [ UNCERT] Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes. Low Luck?: No. Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: ATh e a r t || NyxThrowbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: Yalei's Mom + DadYalei's Paternal Grandmother + GrandfatherLumen's Mom + DadAdditional Info: As a personal preference, if none of them end up with four clawed legs and only two clawed, for the two claw'd, I'd prefer it if they had 'makeshift' claws like Yalei has. If not, I'd prefer JUST the regular hooves (Yalei's front legs) or Cerynei hooves (Lumen). 3: Tarala x Topher Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1:1 -- Genders if three are rolled: 1:1, third is up to you Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Tarala || ATh e a r t [ UNCERT] Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Topher || elvyralani [ UNCERT] Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes. Low Luck?: No. Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: ATh e a r t || Elvy doesn't have one Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: Topher's MumTopher's Dad 4: Mother name x Father Name Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1:1 -- Genders if three are rolled: 1:1, third is up to you Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) UNCERTCo Ownership?: Lifemate?:Low Luck?:Link to Breeding Agreement:Teepees: Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: 5: Mother name x Father Name Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1:1 -- Genders if three are rolled: 1:1, third is up to you Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) UNCERTCo Ownership?: Lifemate?:Low Luck?:Link to Breeding Agreement:Teepees: Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations:
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:06 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Roserain 2: Visani x Hael Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: yes <3 -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure :3 Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Visani | Of The Epidemic UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Hael | Roserain UNCERTCo Ownership?: Nah Lifemate?: Nawp Low Luck?: Not Yet Link to Breeding Agreement: In the old threadTeepees: RoserainOf the EpidemicThrowbacks?: Sure <3 Link to previous Generations: Hael's Mother - CleoHael's Father - Aquilo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Cleo x Aquilo Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: yes <3 -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure :3 Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Cleo | Roserain UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Aquilo | JadedTiger22 UNCERTCo Ownership?: Nah Lifemate?: Yes! Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: In the old thread - Aquilo's updated cert is one post above the agreement Teepees: RoserainJadedTigerThrowbacks?: Sure <3 Link to previous Generations: Nada - both are gen 1's 4: Mother name x Father Name 5: Mother name x Father Name
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:07 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Faithofthefallen 1: Jessamine x Relic Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: one each -- Genders if three are rolled: no preference Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yeah, I would be thrilled Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Jessamine (Faithofthefallen and -[The Spoof]-) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Relic (Kettyn) UNCERTCo Ownership?: Faith and Spoof's Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Spoof's Kettyn's Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: NA 2: Veryna x Vorpal Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Any -- Genders if three are rolled: no preference Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yeah, I would be thrilled Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Veryna (Naggeela) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Vorpal (Faithofthefallen) UNCERTCo Ownership?: NA Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Faithofthefallen's Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: DragoonXanti 3: Ophelia x Florian Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Any -- Genders if three are rolled: no preference Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yeah, I would be thrilled Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ophelia (Insane Butterfly) (maskless) UNCERT| UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Florian (Faithofthefallen) UNCERTCo Ownership?: NA Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: FaithoftheFallen || Insane Butterfly Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Florian: Father x mother 4: Vesper x Erynion' Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Any -- Genders if three are rolled: no preference Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yeah, I would be thrilled Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vesper (Faithofthefallen) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Erynion (LOLTERNATIVE) UNCERTCo Ownership?: NA Lifemate?: Yes Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: hereTeepees: Faith's Lolly's Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Silvera (Ery's Father) Aethereal (Ery's Mother) Lady Requiem (Ery's Grandmother) Legolas (Ery's Grandfather) 5: Vervada x Kaiser Knochen Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Any -- Genders if three are rolled: no preference Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yeah, I would be thrilled Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vervada (Faithofthefallen) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: Kaiser Knochen (Lestragne) UNCERTCo Ownership?: NA Lifemate?: Nope Low Luck?: Nope Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Faithofthefallen's Lestragne's Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: NA
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:13 am
And that's the power of Love! USERNAME: Andranis 1: Omen Dragonkin x Santaro Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: I suppose so :> If Shadows posts later saying no, I can change this xd -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: If you want ~ Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Omen Dragonkin/Andranis) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: (Santaro/ Shadows Cursed) UNCERTCo Ownership?: No Lifemate?: No Low Luck?: Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24Link to Breeding Agreement: AgreementTeepees: Andranis' Teepee Shadows' TeepeeThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Omen's mother Omen's father 3: Xiuying x Tengfei Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 50/50 -- Genders if three are rolled: Uuuh... Boy, boy, girl? Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes :> Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Xiuying/Andranis) UNCERTName, image, and owner(s) of father: (Tengfei/ Andranis) UNCERTCo Ownership?: No Lifemate?: Yes (Xiuying's cert's just in need of update, but it IS on Tengfei's heart ) Low Luck?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both :> Teepees: Andranis' TeepeeThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: N/A