If you need a bird for you Aka'mleli lion, please post in this thread. <3 Normal tradition states that you are bonded at adolescence, but it never hurts to get in early.

You will get a natural-coloured bird. This can range from eagles, to ravens, to parrots...maybe even a sparrow! If you would like a certain lineart set, that is the most you can request. I will colour a bird for you as soon as I am able to. These are free.

Also, if you are open to receiving a bird from an in-pride bird breeding, this would be a great place to say so. (cubs/juves should jump on this, to be prepared.)

[b]Aka'mleli Member:[/b]
[b]Bird Lineart:[/b] (CC or otherwise)
[b]Open to receiving from a bird breeding?[/b] (yes/no)