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[PRP] Capturing Moments (Soren/Nergui)

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:45 am

The trip into town had been uneventful and dull, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Not when the last time she'd been out shopping Bastion had accidentally dissipated an altogether unpleasant and pushy sales imp. Needless to say, she'd avoided that store in the maul, and instead went straight to the camera store, purchased herself something that produced instant pictures along with a bunch of extra film, then hurried back to the reserve. She stopped at her home only long enough to drop the film off, then was back out the door again, walking the familiar path to Soren's hut.

Just for the hell of it she paused outside, aimed the camera and snapped a picture. Seconds later a little square slid out the front, and she pulled it free, staring down at the blackness. It was black. "How..?"

She was still staring down at the photograph when she entered the hut, features on the verge or disappointment. She'd been so excited about simply owning a camera that she hadn't been paying as much attention to the sales ghoul as she should have been. Specifically around the time she'd been explaining that the pictures all came out black at first and would develop in the matter of a minute or two. She'd been far too busy examining every square inch of the device.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:55 am

Soren had actually had a stressful morning. It wasn't often that that happened, he was normally duty oriented and didn't let people bother him.

Except for her.

He couldn't stand her. With Astridr around, well, truth be told he'd practically hidden in the priestess' skirts when she came around, and then had finally stood up to her. But he was important as a priestess' personal guardian, and that had saved him from a lot of nagging. A lot.

His life would have just been easier if he would just give in and dissipate her. But there was still a connection between them, no matter how much he loathed it, and she was lame as well. Not for the first time he wished that meant he could put her down. He knew he should be happy to have someone back from the islands, but of all people did it have to be his mother?

Nothing he did was good enough. He had long since gotten past needing her approval but even though she had barely been around when he was a child she still knew the exact words necessary to needle him, to make him feel useless and give him the sense that he was lazing his life away when he could be doing things for the clans.

He was angrily scrubbing out a pan he had used to cook his lunch, an indulgent affair of fried apples, when his door opened and he startled, half dreading the uneven clomp of boots that he wasn't expecting.

When he turned it was to a much better sight than his mother, and he straightened, noting the curious device in the priestess' hands as he dried his hands off quickly and moved toward her. "Neru."

Idek what I'm doing so here have some random Soren ramblings


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:35 am

The priestess blinked, caught off guard by the shortening of her name. It was seldom he addressed her by name, so this was unexpected, but not unwelcome. It left the dark mare smiling, momentarily distracted from the photo still held gingerly between thumb and forefinger. As he moved towards her she transferred the dark image to the hand that held the camera, leaving fingers free to raise up to rest lightly on his collarbone. "Soren."

She'd noticed the angry scrubbing when she'd come in, and it made her wonder as to what could have caused the sour mood. "Is everything alright?" As far as she was aware the stallion got along fairly well with everyone in the Lost clans. Except perhaps his mother. Unless Bastion had taken it upon himself to seek the taller stallion out for some reason.

Raising on top toes brought her up high enough to lay her lips in a soft kiss against his throat, but if he wanted a proper greeting he was going to have to come down to her level.

The camera in her hand was unimportant right that moment. She was more concerned with making sure the guardian was alright, as well as cheering him up if she could.

Never not soren ramblings <3
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:13 pm

Soren pressed his lips to her hair in return, but rather than giving her a proper greeting he was debating her answer. He didn't fully have himself under control, and it was ridiculous. It was his dam, and she would never change. Hadn't changed up until this point. Nothing she did should even take him by surprise at this point. "Yes," he murmured.

That wasn't really fair though. She was open enough with him, and she had already picked up on his anger. "Nothing important," he amended. "Mother was here." It was not the best explanation but it would have to be enough. He didn't want to fixate on her, it would be a waste of his time.

He brushed his finger's over the priestess' arm, "What can I do for you?"


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:44 pm

His assurance that he was alright should have been comforting, but instead the preistess frowned, head tipping back so she could look up at him. Searching his expression for the truth in that one word. He still sounded upset, but she didn't want to pry. As honest as they were with each other, everything they'd shared had been given willingly. There was no demand between them, and that was part of the attraction.

She wanted to press him though, and her lips pursed with the effort not to. Thankfully he amended himself, elaborating, and Nergui ended at the mention of his mother, nodding. He needn't say anything more, that was explanation enough.

She gave him a sympathetic pat on his side, but she was already smiling again, bringing the camera up between them so she could allow it off. "I bought it," she offered excitedly, though her smile faltered a little as she remembered the picture she'd taken. It had been black, and she had assumed she'd done something wrong, or wrost, had purchased a camera that didn't work.

When she looked at it again however she was shocked and delighted to find Soren's hut staring back at her. "Oh good, it does work. Look." She held it up for him. It wasn't a fabulous picture by any means, but the neat little hut was more or less in the center of the frame and it was in focus. "It came out black at first. I guess it takes a couple minutes for the image to show up." Mismatched eyes dropped down to the camera in her hand. "It's like magic."

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:01 pm

Soren looked at the device, the very corners of his mouth twitching upward, spurred on by her excitement. As she held the photo up he looked down at it, surprised to see his own familiar hut on the image. "Interesting," he murmured, but at the same time, oddly enough, he looked slightly put out. "Could have acquired it for you," he muttered under his breath. The perfect chance to be useful for her, and it had passed him by. At the very least he could have carried her purchase back to their lands so she didn't have to go through the trouble.

It wasn't becoming to sulk though, and he shook the feeling before it consumed him. Photographs were clever, he had to admit. Especially after seeing the image of the two of them at the student's event. An instantaneous painting was well worth the cost and it was obvious she knew how to work the device. Already his mind was whirring with ideas for what sorts of photographs could be taken. There were so many options...interesting ones. "Did you want to take more?"



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:08 pm

"Isn't it?" The priestess was leaning heavily against his side, one dark hand smoothing along his hip as she admired the picture she'd taken. She was smiling, though it slipped as he pointed out that he could have gotten it for her. It was soft, but she'd heard all the same, and it made her turn enough to wrap dainty arms around his waist, silver and gold searching that handsome face. Honestly she'd been so excited she hadn't thought to ask if he'd like to accompany her. She felt an apology was in order, though not precisesly why. It had her drawing her lower lip between her teeth, chewing gently.

Whatever sullenness had come over him at not being able to purchase the camera for her didn't last long. Of that she was thankful. Stern and serious were quite attractice on the tall guardian, but she wasn't fond of the sulking. Though that may have more to do with her having been the cause, then the emotion itself.

His question had her smiling again, an impish little curl of lips. "I would love to." And to prove it she brought the camera up to focus upon that heartstoppingly handsome face, stepping back for a better angle. "Smile my guardian." More often then not these days that 'my' accompanied his title. A subconsious claim.

@w@ <333
PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:00 am

Pictures of just himself were not what he truly wanted, but if that was her desire he would do nothing but comply. At her direction he did smile, not a grin like most would perform for the camera, but an upward slant to his lips. He tried to focus his attention on the priestess behind the camera, enjoying the pleasure she had from wielding the device, and waited for the flash.of the camera or for her to move it away, keeping an eye on it while it spit out the photograph.

Then he moved closer, wrapping an arm around her, careful not to jostle into her new toy. "Would there be a way to take pictures of us together?" he asked her, using an entire sentence all at once. He wasn't sure if it was possible, it seemed that she needed to be behind the camera. "Or a picture of you?" He would not mind having that around while she was gone, an image of her that looked far more realistic than any painting he could have commissioned. If she would be agreeable with parting with the image of course.


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:27 am

He smiled, a gentle up-tilt of full lips that made the mare's pulse speed as she clicked the shutter on the camera. Light flashed, and the device in her hands whirred and hummed as the picture slid out the slot in the front, and Nergui took it gingerly between thumb and forefinger before a strong arm encircled her. "It'll show up in a minute," she assured him, or perhaps herself. The picture certainly meant more to her then it would to him, a point proven as he asked about the possibilities of capturing the both of them on film.

Leaning into him, she looked down at the camera in her hands. "I think so. The mechanics are simple enough, just point and click." It would be a matter of aim, and holding the camera at such an angle that the both of them remained in frame without either being able to look through the little view finding window. "It might take a little trial and error to get it right."

Her head turned, and she lay the fullness of her lips against the guardian's arm before holding the camera up to him. "The latter is easy enough to accomplish though." Her free hand moved to grab his, and she wrapped it around the camera, placing his fingers in their proper positions. "See, you push this button to take the picture. Whatever you see through that tiny window will be what's in the shot." Dark fingers slipped away, trailing down his arms.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:50 pm

He glanced at the square in her hands, but paid it fairly little attention, his gaze lingering more on her hands and wrists, starting to trail up her arms while trying to listen to her instructions. The idea of photographs was beginning to grow on him, if they could be taken so easily and appear so quickly. It seemed natural that Neru would be the one to think to get such a thing.

As she began to move her hands he surrendered control to her, fully willing to let the priestess direct him. His large hands threatened to dwarf the buttons, and it felt awkward to have them in such a position, but it did seem easy enough. He brought the camera to his face, feeling somewhat silly to be peering through such a tiny portion, and then drew it away from his face as he pulled away from her, turning but not going too far. He brought the camera up to peer through the opening, not quite satisfied because there wasn't enough of her in the small square, and he began to back up to get a better view before pressing the button, holding it down for a moment before releasing it and quickly pulling the camera away.

Possibly too quickly, because he knew nothing about blurred photos, but only time and developing photos would determine that.


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:11 pm

Delicate hands fell away as he lifted the camera to peek through the window, and she smiled for him, a curve of full lips that could melt the heart of any stallion at fifty paces, but was reserved just for him. As he'd watched her, she too watched him. Mismatched eyes trailing from the three slashed scars that marked one tanned cheek, down along his jaw and throat. Even flawless, muscled inch until finally coming to linger on the chiseled plains of his stomach. He was a feast for the eye, and the mare drew in the lower bud of her lip, biting at the dark fullness. Utterly distracted as Soren continued to maneuver back for an idle shot.

That was the image he'd catch of her. Heat in her eyes and darker flush over ashen cheeks. Silver bangs sweeping over the side of her face. It was the flash that pulled her attention, and Nergui blinked away the after image of starburts as the camera lowered away from her stallion's face.

If she was in anyway embarrassed with having been caught staring it didn't show.

A dainty finger crooked to beckon him close again, and when he was within arm length she'd pluck the picture from the camera's slot and set it down beside the one she'd moments before taken of him. It wasn't black anymore. Lovely red eyes looked up at her from the table. "Now we've got a nice couple of keepsakes." It would be nice to get a picture with the pair of them, and she eyed the camera in the guardian's hand, chin tilting gently to one side as a thoughtful smile decorated dark features. Then she was reaching out cup his hand and the camera in her own, moving him about until his arm was extended and the shutter faced him. A quick peek through the view finder showed Soren center frame. "Alright now, don't move." A flash of a grin, then she was nuzzling up to the guardian once again. Leaning against his body with palms flat to his chest and her chin touching her shoulder as she looked over it towards the camera. They'd handled point. "Now just click."

The smile she gave the camera was nothing shy of salacious.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:47 am

Soren had been so focused on actually taking the image that he had not been entirely focused on just what he was capturing. However, if he had been allowed to choose, the image developing next to his own image was precisely what he would want to keep. And when he saw it, it would probably start to give him ideas.

It was easy to follow her leads, to move close to her, free hand reaching out to run the back of his knuckles lightly over her arm, until she began to position him. It was easy enough to hold the camera after she had directed him to hold still, but as she leaned into him, looking at the camera, he couldn't resist looking down, red eyes intent on the mare as a smile tugged at his lips. He was only half paying attention to the entire bit about the camera, and as the words left her mouth for him to click he simply obeyed, snapping the picture before remembering what he was doing, which was not even looking at the camera. Whoops.



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:16 am

That picture too would join the previous two on the table, and Nergui blinked down at the image of herself that was now clearly visible. Dark fingertips touched the print, then picked it up by the corner to bring it up for the stallion. "Is this what you see when you look at me?" Certainly mirrors existed within their reserve, but the face that looked back when Nergui leaned in to fuse with her hair or paint her lips was not the same as the beauty staring out of photograph. There was a light in those mismatched eyes that the priestess had never seen in herself, one she suspected only shined when she looked at her the guardian.

The picture was handed over so either hand was free, and she took the camera to set it gently on the table before leaning into him once again. Her nails were a feather brush against his sides, sliding up and around until fingertips and palms smoothed over his back and shoulders. "Do I always look so besotted when you catch my eye?" A kiss was pressed to the hollow of his throat, his collarbone, wherever she could reach before she leaned back enough to look up at him.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:43 pm

Soren barely glanced at the photograph, a quick look to assure himself of what was there. Yes, that was her, and now she knew how he saw her, could see for herself why he always seemed to desire her. Why he felt nearly overwhelming surges of protectiveness at times, something he had not felt so strongly in ages. He didn't want to think when.

She moved close, fingers trailing over him, nails teasing him, not full touches but enough to leave his flesh tingling. Her lips moved and pressed against his skin, and his eyes slid shut, basking in the attention and the feel of her against him. As she drew back he looked down at her, voice hoarse when he finally found it to reply. "Yes." It was a look he would have on her always, a look he preferred her to keep. He pressed lips to her hairline, wrapping his arms around her to keep her where she was, trailing his lips to hers so that he could convey without words that he wanted her to keep looking at him that way. That she should not leave. That she should stay with him. For more than just the night.

As much as that scared him.

Lost in my tabs! IDK that could be an ending for now from my end, up to you!


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:09 pm

Nergui's breath caught in her throat, heart pounding and stomach fluttering. Not entirely unfamiliar, he'd garnered reactions of that nature from her in the past, but in that moment, with his voice a rough softness, lips brushing against her brow, she knew just how very much she meant to him, how much he meant to her.

There was a word dancing about on the mare's tongue. A simple little word, so short and sweet, but so hard to give voice to.

But she was tempted as he pulled her closer.

Of course she would stay. For the night, for as long as she could. In his arms, and in his life.

Precious pony babies! I call this a Fin. ; w;
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