Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:17 pm
Oh! Hello! Take a look around! Maybe post? Plots are open for everyone!
Not all my babies are in here. So feel totally free to go through my journal and offer ideas here! My Teepee
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:25 pm
Rules & Contact Information ❖ Rules ❖• No means no. I never want to be mean, but if I say no please respect my choices! • Please, offer your own ideas if you like a soquili but your plot doesn't match mine! I really would love to hear your plots, too! • I do RP over guild and prefer it, honestly. I also do Skype, and rarely do in-thread. Just ask! O u O • I do not do insta-romance, unless the characters are simply backstory plotted pairings. Most of my characters need true development and a RP to fall in love! • Please POST offers! I tend to forget to respond to PMs! • Quote me, please. It will make me respond SO MUCH FASTER. Like bam!
❖ Contact Information ❖ • I prefer guild RP, but will do in-thread if really needed. Skype RP is okay.... I suppose. As long as you log the RP, since I forget to! • AIM: Ask over PM, but be aware I never really check it unless asked. • Skype: Ask over PM. Skype is always on, so best reached by it for just pleasant chatter or whatever.
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:41 pm
F a w n General Information - - - - - - • Name: Fawn • Alias: Fawn • Species: Cerynei • Gender: Female • Sexual Orientation: Straight • Mate: None yet • Breedings Open: 4/4 [All Open] • Herd: None
• Personality: A motherly type, Fawn is the kind to gently herd others towards the right path in life. She's stubborn and stern, as well, and won't allow someone to walk all over her just because she comes off as a gentle soul. She is a caring woman, but she isn't a door mat.
Fawn wants children, and while she has considered adopting she firmly believes in finding a mate before allowing children to enter her life. She is the type to believe a child needs two parents, and while she could care less who those parents are she does know she believes firmly in the number. Having been raised by a single parent and not enjoying it, Fawn thinks children suffer if not given both chances at love. She's rather rigid in this belief and can be a total butt if you attempt to persuade her a new view or introduce your own parenting views. Yup, she isn't going to change anything for anyone, and if you want to help her see the world a little more openly you will need to try hard. And be patient.
Speaking of patience, she's an extremely patient creature. She loves to care for others and can, usually, handle most personalities with a smile. She won't let anyone trample all over her, but she isn't about to make anyone change for her, either. She can hold a smile for a long, long time, so it may be fun to try and get on her nerves. It's hard, and if you prevail then you should very well get a medal.
Seeking - - - - - -
• Romance: I really love her. She's my first character here, and I want her to have a lifemate. Maybe a fling or two, but mostly I want her to find love. Looks do not matter, just no bald ponies, please.
• Adoption: She'd also love to adopt a basket or two, but I think she'd be resistant due to her thinking children need two parents. Maybe a basket is dropped on her and she realizes there's no one else for miles, and she's forced to give in and raise the baby? She'd love the child with all her might, and I know she would never let any harm come to them.
• Friends/Enemies: She needs general RP, too. A good friend would be awesome, but also an enemy could develop her in a new way that I'm not used to for her. She's so sweet and gentle, seeing her hostile or approaching someone negatively would be humorous!
Plot Ideas - - - - - -
• Let Me Love You: I'd love if she met a male who needed some proper lovin'. Like, someone to whip him into shape. Maybe he doesn't properly tend to himself, or he lets wounds go unattended to? She's your girl! She also is very nurturing and gentle, so someone more rough may find her a welcoming woman to accept. She's very strong emotionally, so she can handle a little roughness at first. I'd like her with someone who would treasure her once they become an item.
• Why, I Never!: Someone challenges her parental views! She's very uptight about her view that two parents need to raise a child. Maybe a single mother/father approaches her and challenges her views? Maybe this actually changes her? Or maybe this just solidifies her views! Either way, it'd be interesting to see happen!
• Dear, That's Poison Ivy: Someone is hurt and she stumbles upon them. They're either inept at finding herbs to heal themselves, or just don't take care of themselves. Either way, she steps in and does the job.
• O-Oh My....: Despite how uptight she views parenting and love, somehow.... she lost control? She meets a male (maybe even her future mate!) and she does a daring thing- a one night stand! This ends up in baskets, and Fawn is horrified. She'll seek the father out and ask him to help parents. I'd prefer if this plot linked to "Let Me Love You".Offers Made - - - - - - • DraconisSiirexus: Offered for general RP! • Natisuri: Offered on potential mate plots with Nato. Unsure of how this is going by doing RP. • CitrusCupcake: Offered on potential mate plots with Kuusamo. Unsure of how this is going by will be doing RP!Breeding Slots - - - - - - • One: Open• Two: Open• Three: Open• Four: Open
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:55 pm
L y r i c A m a c h i General Information - - - - - - • Name: Lyric Amachi • Alias: Lyric • Species: Normal • Gender: Male • Sexual Orientation: Straight • Mate: None yet • Breedings Open: 4/4 • Herd: None
• Personality: Quiet and a loner, Lyric tends to stick close only to family. He appreciates his family, but he also likes his own time and will seek it. Eventually, this will lead him to wandering off and returning back with either a mate, or injuries.
He likes to dance, though he prefers doing it in solitude. He doesn't like being watched and the only audience he'll ever permit is his future mate and Pachelbel, who he admires greatly. It isn't that he's just shy, it's more because it conveys the emotions he calmly keeps bottled up and doesn't like others being able to read him so easily through his movements. It's something sacred to him, and if you ever are allowed to view him then you are clearly someone equally as sacred to him.
He's quiet and doesn't speak much, but he does have a softer side to his family. He can and will leap up to defend his family, and will physically insert himself between fights. He may be a loner, and he may be quiet, but Lyric will allow no harm done to his family if he can help it. He believes in honor and that men must live by their codes, and his code is family. You will not break his family if he has any say about it.
He's a tad shy, but mostly because he's a loner and is unused to most communication with strangers. He'll warm up quickly, but the initial meeting may be a tad short and awkward.
Seeking - - - - - -
• Romance: I'd like if he found a lovely mare to fall for. Colors and edits matter to an extent. They need to be patient enough to handle the fact he will be quiet at first, and probably a quiet person in general. I don't think he'd like someone extremely rowdy, but a louder soul wouldn't be immediately pushed away. They also need to tolerate he won't dance for them until later on, when he's completely sure he wants to. Heck, he may never dance for this person, if they're unlucky.
• Friends/Enemies: He's a character I plan to RP a lot, so I'd like any and all encounters. Friends would be lovely, and he'll surely need them in the future if I get my say in plots. he is going to need a few friends to support him. Enemies would be good, as well, and I'm sure he could use some drama.
• Family: Have family for him? Throw them at him! I want him to actually know his family, whether it be on good terms or not. I just want him to have people he can turn to if s**t hits the fan, and people he can tell his future kids about. Family is semi-important to him, and while he isn't the type to linger around too long he would never mind a visit.
• Drama!: Awh s**t wait, drama? Yes. This boy needs stories. He needs some action. Heck, he needs some grief. Throw heavy drama-plots at him if you think he suits your needs.
• Travel: He needs to explore the world, and he feels like he needs to now. He'll both need a tour guide and maybe a traveling companion time to time.
Plot Ideas - - - - - -
• Oops, How'd I Get Here?: As a foal I want him to get lost several times. He can't stay put, and he's known to just get lost at the drop of a hat at this age. Maybe someone escorts him back home, or they give him a reason to run. Or rather, he meets another foal! Either way, I'd like him to get lost and meet someone, anyone, and have a story to tell when he gets home.
• Close Your Eyes!: Lyric doesn't dance for people. He keeps it something personal, and he doesn't like sharing it. However, as an adult this doesn't always seem to work out. Sometimes, if he's unfortunate, someone will stumble into the hidden clearing he's dancing in and spot him. Maybe this someone could become a friend? Or perhaps attack him due to him being on their territory? Maybe they could become smitten with his dancing? Or even better, become smitten with him? Offers Made - - - - - - • Epine de Rose: Offered on "I Don't Understand". Currently being RPed! • Kyrieko: Offered on "Oops, How'd I Get Here?". Being RPed now! • ~Kiana_Nala~: Offered to have her unicorn meet Lyric! Will be RPed. • DraconisSiirexus Offered for general RP with Lyric. Will be RPed. • Epine De Rose Tossing Ziggy at Lyric so they can be friends. Eeeee. Offered on "Close Your Eyes!" and considering some other plot ideas! <3Breeding Slots - - - - - - • One: Open• Two: Open• Three: Open• Four: Open
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:40 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:41 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:42 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:42 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:45 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:45 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:47 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:47 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:48 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:49 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:50 pm