Should we have a single breeding form? |
Yes |
92% |
[ 50 ] |
No |
5% |
[ 3 ] |
I have my own thoughts on this (Post them) |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes : 54 |
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:24 am
Okay, this is... Actually getting to be a hassle for the COLORISTS, from the looks of it... gonk
The forms for breedings are actually very large and time-consuming to put together... To fill in. And this becomes a problem, because literally every colorist has a different form set-up, so people keep having to move things around, fill things in differently, take things out for this form or that form... I think it's gotten time for a universal and uniform breeding form for Soquili. No more changing the forms to suit, because that's only causing headaches by now - If a colorist doesn't do something, like they're not doing RP couples or Low Luck(As an example) or something, just have people put "N/A" for that part of the form. Heart's note in her breeding thread seems to highlight why this is becoming a problem sad People are using old forms, and... Why is this something that's gotta be a problem? sad It might make things less of a pain for the colorists, too, because they don't have to spend quite so much time checking that forms are the CORRECT form because it'd all be just ONE form across the board.
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:31 am
Haha, I was just about to start a suggestion thread for the same thing.
I think having a universal form would be an asset for EVERYONE involved.
Now, I don't think there's a problem with colorists adding their own "special" sections/headers for certain things (like, personality, plot, etc that you could plunk on top of/after) but all the basic information is generally the same and it would be nice if there was just a block, uniform form that you could use.
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:39 am
I think a uniform breeding form would be lovely for colorists and owners. I agree with Kamiki about the headers as well. As a personal suggestion, I always think its a great idea when colorists use the Soq/owners names in the form for easy copy/pasting as it seems like it would be much easier to put together the lists, perhaps that could be part of a universal form for convenience's sake?
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:21 pm
You've got my vote. It takes me anywhere from 5 to 10 minuets to fill out a form some days. Something I could copy-paste would be much, much easier.
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:29 pm
I totally agree! I always have to double-check to make sure I've included all the info and even then I feel like I've forgotten some little detail. D8
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:44 pm
I look at this and somewhat agree. A universal form might be handy but to be fair though 5-10 minutes isn't a lot of time.
If you guys are just careful it shouldn't be too much trouble to adjust one form to match another.
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:56 pm
I actually don't think breeding forms take too long to fill in (barely 5 minutes actually - and like Tefla said 5-10 minutes isn't too long anyway). I personally keep a filled-in breeding form for each couple in my teepee and then just copy and paste all the relevant info into the new form.
It's really only a hassle to the colorists when people entering don't read and fill in the forms correctly... so I'm not opposed to it, but I don't really see a need for it unless the colorists themselves want it.
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:23 am
But not everybody is going to have 5-10 minutes available. As an example, say User A has to, because of how life worked out, suddenly work 2-3 jobs. They're going to have time to literally only CHECK Gaia between jobs, eating, and sleeping, and if they still want to breed their Soquili and happen to catch an open thread... It'd be much faster to be able to slap on the headers asked of by the colorist, and the copy/paste the form.
We do that now with custom forms, why not breeding?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:42 am
I keep thinking about this myself and going through all the stuff on the forms that isn't part of a special event breeding (Mind's backstory/plot extra stuff, edits for Easter/Halloween/etc)
Entry Line: Both parents, both owners (Makes for a quick copy/paste for colorists) Parent/Owner 1 Parent/Owner 2 Low Luck Lifemate RP Unedited Y/N Co-owner Teepee Throwbacks Y/N Throwback Link Breeding Agreement
I think that is literally all we need, right? Only tack on special things for certain breeding events and the like. With a standard form then owners can keep a copy of the code in notepad or their teepee and can easily copy/paste + whatever special header the colorist wants and you're set to go in less than 2 minutes or so. No having to worry about adding or removing areas for whatever reason or having to move them around to be in some special order.
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:29 am
A uniform breeding form would also be a huge help for people who access Gaia mostly from a mobile device such as their phone or a tablet. Just saying, what takes 5-10 minutes on a regular computer can take three times that on a mobile device as well.
I also keep my own "Base" form in my teepee, similar to what Mameha posted, but I don't see any harm in streamlining it a bit. heart
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:41 am
Kamiki A uniform breeding form would also be a huge help for people who access Gaia mostly from a mobile device such as their phone or a tablet. Just saying, what takes 5-10 minutes on a regular computer can take three times that on a mobile device as well.
I also keep my own "Base" form in my teepee, similar to what Mameha posted, but I don't see any harm in streamlining it a bit. heart This c: *as I post this from a boat going deep sea fishing lol*
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:51 am
I see the debate from both sides. The only issue that I see is the fact that LL was not listed on all forms, yet heart requested it. Its something that I usually do anyway. Obviously not everyone does this though.
I guess if your entering for a LL slot, taking the time to list ALL your tries individually in a breeding form, and kept in your teepee or whatnot is not THAT much of a hassle. Are there other things (aside from the occasional optional forms for special breedings) that is at the heart of this?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:03 am
Hey guys -- could you point out what was so non-universal about her form? It seems to be the same one that DD and I use from what I can tell, and the only difference is the headers... Which are to help her tell what list your in and we all use them and we cant just have a universal header because it sort of defeats the purpose of the header, which is to make our lives easier and thus less likely to burn ourselves out/hate doing things other then "All one type so we don't have to make multiple lists"
MOST of the time the other stuff is either optional or so you can post multiple ponies into a form.
So am I missing something major? Since from what I can tell from her comment she's talking about people not using Headers or that "Parent (owner) x Parent (owner)" code that most of us have used since Sabin started doing it a couple years ago.
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:35 am
I think one of the problems comes from HOW they're set up - One colorist will have the breeding agreement up in the middle of the form, right under the ponies, while another will have it wedged between the Low Luck/RP space(s) and Throwbacks, and another will have it down at the bottom. This is part of what makes it such a pain in the buns. And then there's the factor of including or excluding edit status, RP qualification, etc...
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:40 am
Breedings can differ from breeding to breeding. Somethings are needed and some things are not.
When it came to my form, some people used the form where it was like Mind's 'post all your couple' things which didn't need the entry line of the potential parents and just a username. If people wanted to use whatever form they wanted to, go ahead, but at least check that there is the same information on both (it can be more, but not less, kind of thing).
Honestly, the only reason why I said I wanted people to use my form is because it's not the first time where a colorist looks for something specific in the form and it's not there. Like I think people once was left OFF a list because they didn't have an unedited section of their form when their couple was unedited.
edit; Think of it this way: you spending 5-10 minutes checking over your form leads to us not having to check over everyone's forms for 5-10 minutes each.