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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
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Timid Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:40 am
The sun was absolutely terrible at this point, yet all he did was roll over and continue to bake. His position as "bird keeper" kept him close to the cliffs where many sea birds nested and where his own familiar promised to come back to. However, with the pride in the state that it was Hal's nerves were a bit shot.

First a group of lions from a pride he'd never seen before interrupted the peace, and what was worse now came and went as they pleased. Enjoying the tomfoolery of his pride to whatever end they needed. Of course, they didn't seem very scary, but it was becoming a bit.... crowded with them around. There were less and less birds nesting on the cliff face and far less perching in trees he had gotten used to visiting.

Now... however. There was talk of dreamers. What ever that was. Without the cloud of insanity, Halcyon had a bit more clarity. That being said, he was still a few marbles loose. His fascination with his old muse being rather... unhealthy, however most did go to him if they were looking for a bird of their own.

"....Pichichu and Nall.... Always taking their time with things." Yawning, the big male rolled to his feet, stretching. Perhaps it was time he started meeting others...? Rolling his eyes he answered his thought audibly, "Naw, just trouble that is."
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:41 am
The days had become slow and hot and the recent turn of events left Kukesha a little frazzled. It was days like these that she found herself wondering what had happened and where did the world make a wrong move. There were new faces, two of which seemed haunting and certain individuals seemed rather on edge. Things she wouldn't have noticed before, but now she seemed more aware.

The thoughts of it all swirled in her brain until she hit a breaking point. Her surroundings became more vibrant, she had bee apparently clutching her eyes shut for quite sometime in hopes of shutting away things. It, of course, had not worked the way she planned and with aches of sitting still far to long she forced herself up. Her legs shivered slightly and she stretched with a great yawn that stretched the shivers across her skin twitching her pelt. Kukesha gave her head a swift shake and began walking.

The silence was gobbling her up and so as she walked she began to hum seemingly distracting herself to the point that where she was going became little in the importance department and before she knew it she was edging near the cliffs of the pride. Never having been there she took it upon herself to adventure a little not sure what these cliffs really kept making her realize how isolated she truly was..

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:57 am
It seemed he had jinxed himself. As he stood, ready to move ahead and do something fairly productive, he found himself staring at a lioness. Not often were there others at this cliff side. Cubs were banned from it and lovers generally found the noise of the nesting birds annoying. No, most came here for him with the request of help for a bird.

Furrowing his brows, Halcyon paused, would he greet his companion or wait for her to find him? As it turned out, he was already on the move wandering towards her. Perhaps he was lonely.

"Ah-hem. Hello?" Blue eyes stared at the lioness, waiting for her to recognize him. Surely this was why she was here. For the birds.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:04 am
Kukesha was startled, extremely startled. Her rump found the ground rapidly and her tail swished behind her in a defensive way, ears pinned back and all before she realized the kindly look of a lonely lion stared back at her. Or she atleast assumed he looked kindly. No one could really assume these days so she stayed her ground, not moving closer or further. A back turned was a battle lost, should it come to that.

Giving herself a moment to gather and relax she realized how dramatic her own mind was being. Surely this gentlelion wasn't going to pull any fast ones. That in mind she inhaled deeply and shot him her best grin, which she thought was the nicest thing in her position to do.

"Hello cliff lion.." She thought her greeting was rather clever and her grin becmae an amused one. Neither of them seemed sure of the situation, as much as she would have loved or rather spent the peak of the heat of the day alone, company was a nice surprise. "My name is Kukesha`Usiku.. what are you doing up here?" She hoped her question would come across as curious, not 'investigation'-like, even with a fifty percent chance he wouldn't appreciate it, she asked anyway.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:24 am
Halcyon stood his ground for awhile, just watching the strange lioness. he had startled her like she wasn't expecting anyone to be around. If that was the case, then perhaps she wasn't looking for him? As the brief moment passed he realized from her questioning that she truly wasn't there for him. A slight pang of disappointment filled his heart.

"Mmm, I am Halcyon. ....I tend to the birds." He motioned his head towards the cliffs and at a couple wobble seagull chicks close by. He also smiled at her, thought not nearly as awkwardly or amused. No, he was touched to be in a place he loved.

"What brings you here? Most lay by the beach when the heat is at is it is today. Are you lost?"
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:25 am
She was studying his face as he spoke, preparing herself for something that didn't end up happening. He actually seemed slightly disappointed, about what she wasn't entirely sure. Though the disappointment did not last, it flitted away like the blink of an eye, she almost assumed she imagined it. There wasn't much time to focus on that as he began to speak. She listened closely, absorbing his words and letting her smile broaden into a warm grin.

"It's nice to meet you Halcyon, Bird Tender." He certainly did belong up here, the love in his words was strength she had not heard before. Confidence seeped from him as he watched the little creatures he tended. From egg to hatch-ling and on, what in-depth work. She let her thought soar, so-to speak as she imagined him up here, all alone tending to the flock of birds. She was half-way through her mental cinematic when he spoke again.

"The beach is over-rated.." She grimaced slightly. Her last adventure at the beach left her paws tender. She had assumed that the soft sand would provide some warmth, but her paws were more delicate than she imagined and it felt like she had burned them, though a healer said otherwise and stated she was over reacting. "My preferences lay with my paws. They take me many places, including this place. I am never lost, so long as I am in the Kisingo'Zaa lands." She felt confident in those words. Her eyes glued to his now, trying to read him. "Why would you imagine me lost? You don't have many lions up here?" She asked, curiosity burning into her mind.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:16 am
Kukesha certainly seemed to have enjoyed his explanation on why he was up here, or perhaps she just drifted off in her own head when he was talking. Either way, Hal was more than happy to give her the benefit of the doubt as he rather enjoyed it when others deemed what he did as meaningful.

Raising a brow as she made quick work at his comment about the beach he was fairly shocked. Being from a pride near the water, it was certainly strange to not like the beach. Even he, on occasion, would find himself down by the waters edge. "That is certainly a view normally not taken. I find it interesting." He was about to question why that was, but was cut off by her comment and distracted by her eyes. Not many locked yes with him as she was doing now. It was... discomforting.

"Many come here to see me. I help others choose a familiar to bond with as I know many birds that reside here by heart. Heck, I raised more than half of them. So, to find someone here not searching for my help is strange." Breaking his gaze from hers he looked up at the sky. Still no sign of his familiars. Perhaps they would meet her before she left, otherwise they'd think he was lying when he told them about Kukesha.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:22 am
Her quick peddle of words were far more rapid than she had meant and the conversation seemed to blow by, he seemed pleased with himself, or perhaps his job? She bargained he didn't get many visitors just for him, or at least less than he would have liked. Her head was given a hypothetical shake when he spoke about the beach...

"Well.. the beach and I don't quite get along.. my paws are sensitive to the heat and I find myself in more pain than pleasure until I either leave or go to the waters. I spend my time in the waters when I'm there." She hadn't meant to cause much confusion on that one, she did love the beach, just hated the sand. At the high of noon in the day it was absolutely dreadful for her paw pads. Her eyes rarely moved from his, she enjoyed focusing on individuals, believing attention should be focused in a conversation.

"That makes sense.. " Suddenly tending birds opened a whole new world. She couldn't imagine tending and loving each individual bird than letting them go, it would be heartbreaking to her. A little piece of her soul would go with each little guy she let away. "That sounds.. almost devastating in its own way." She admitted. "How do you go about each day loving them and caring for them, watching them grow than having someone you may not be familiar with walk off with them?" She asked bluntly, the concern in her voice was audible.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Timid Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:37 pm
His mouth opened and a soft, "Ah", escaped after her explanation on her disdain for the beach. She must not have traveled to the tidal pools that lay with rocks and wet algae. It generally helped those with sensitive feet and the animals found there were rather.... tasty. Perhaps he would have to show her...

Then again, that would mean she would come back to see him. Perhaps she would, perhaps not. The ability to speak to another lion was sort of enjoyable, especially when it wasn't about giving up a member of the flock to a new face. Perhaps one day she would even come back to meet her own familiar there. Maybe... He'd be okay with that.

Perking his ears at her while she went on, Hal shook his head. He had someone else ask him that before, the answer he gave was simple. "They have to pass requirements before adopting a bird I have been tending too. I match them both based on personality and imagination. If I don't like them, they will be chased off. It is hard to give them up, but I rather they grow. They are adults when they leave and like children have their own stories they must take reign of. Do you understand?"

He smiled, assuring her it was alright. Her concern was accepted, but not necessary.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:38 pm
Understanding swept over his face, explaining the beach was the right way to go. She was sure, had she not spoken so quickly he would have asked about it. Then there was a look on his face she couldn't place, he had gone into thought about it than came to as she continued to speak about his precious birds.

It was her turn to become understanding. "I hadn't thought about that.. like cubs they need to find their path." She felt dumb, just thinking about the simple connection she hadn't made, she was thinking in a possesive fashion, knowing the individuals that lurked around no she became a little less trusting. "You know what you're doing, and must be very capable in reading people. I admire the position you're in. I wouldn't have the trust or heart for it." A giggle seeped from her lips.

"Do lions visit you.. for just you sometimes?" Her question was a little more personal than before. Before was talking jobs, besides the beahc omments. Those were just, unusual. Certain she had made something of a friend in the last little bit, she would certainly want to continue visiting him, that would depend on his opinion of the matter. His question would answer this for her, or at least she hoped.


Timid Conversationalist


Timid Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:56 pm
Halcyon just smiled, he was happy to hear she understood his words so easily. Sometimes it took a lot of effort explaining how he could barter with lives without remorse. "Thank you, Kukesha, if I may call you that? It isn't for everyone, that is definitely for sure. Everyone has a passion however. When we had our muses for instance, we could easily figure out our passion. All you had to do was have a broad idea. Especially for the obscure muses like grass or waves."

Having had clarity given to him after the curse was lifted was a beautiful thing, however, there were moments he wanted to have the old life back. Chirping and singing, hearing and understanding the birds and a better way than ever before. Yes, that was the life. Now, however, he felt he had more weight in the world. He was doing something for himself, could care for the creatures he always loved.

Cherishing the memories that flooded him, Halcyon almost missed the question Kukesha made, however he had caught enough of it to understand what she asked. "Not particularly, they still think I am as I was when the curse was still upon us. When madness was at its peak and our muses strongest."

Why she would ask a question like that, Hal had no idea but it did make him realize segregated he truly was from the rest of the lion population. Turning blue eyes up at Kukesha he looked at her almost longingly. "I'd be alright with you visiting though. The birds would probably enjoy it too."
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 pm

His smile was warm and fond, she admired it lightly and watched as his lips parted to speak again, only than did she let the warm fuzzies float away from her mind and belly. Kukesha felt her ears perk, he had said her name, it was odd to hear, they had spoken all that time and only at this point had he decided to use it. She felt a soft pleased grin sweep across her face. "I agree.. it was nice to have the ability to see and do things that seems now to be so strange." She said, her words became softer near the end. Her feelings about muses were slightly strange themselves. She still believed in an inkling that they existed. She still thought hers was calling her sometimes, but decided it was best to move on. The future was a beautiful thing and she appreciated that.

Loneliness was becoming more and more clear as Kukesha and Hal had spoken. "You can certainly call me Kukesha by the way.." She had relished him saying it and realized she hadn't granted him what he had asked. A blush burned on her cheeks lightly at her mistake and only flourished when he spoke again.

"I would like that as well. Perhaps sometime soon?" She offered, not a question, but more of a statement. She smiled widely and turned to head back from the cliff. She was leaving with a promise, one she knew she would have to keep, and one she would not mind keeping.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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