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Mlinzi huffed as he made his final steps to his usual resting place. Getting to this location had become second nature to the blind lion. Having made a very noticeable scent and walking path for himself, hadn't been easy. But as he was learning now, it had been worth the time spent. As he flopped heavily into the comfortable nest of flowers and tree needles, he sighed contentedly. Today seemed to be going as expected. He'd made it to his border nest, safe and sound. Now all he had to do was wait, and hope that his rogue land callers would send him a crafter.

The message had not been easy to get out, but he'd managed to find a few willing rogues to pass his message, Though so far he had no luck in the search. Some days he wondered if the rogues had merely been lying to him, to make him feel better. But other days, he thought maybe the crafters were just really rare. Truthfully he had no experience with the job class, so he had no idea how easy or difficult the task could be.

For now, he would simply lie and wait. Maybe today would be the day that the crafters came seeking him out? Only time would tell, and so far today, time had been on his side.

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko