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It seemed as though the male's luck had hit a rough patch. Everything he'd done today seemed to be one disaster after another. Even walking his own, normal path. The path he walked every single day, seemed littered with disaster. He'd fallen, and twisted an ankle. The poor thing was now limping his way to the border.

Having dedication as one of his main traits, was not doing the male any favors today. He was determined to get there, no matter what came of him in the process. And it seemed, fate had quite a lot in store for him. Mlinzi sighed, completely baffled by what could be causing him such trouble. He was following his nose, which never seemed to fail him. Well unless he was sick .... which he quite well wasn't. He had been doing a very good job of staying on top of his nutritional needs. Taking supplemental plants when necessary, to keep his body in the best condition it could be. He could say without a doubt that his nose was not the issue.

But if his nose were not the issue, what was the issue?

Shrugging that question off for another time, Mlinzi put all of his focus on the task at hand.

Getting to the border.
