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Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:55 am

Troll's Nosy Questions

*Important to note: This is not a shop-ran thingy. This is just me being curious.

I have in the past wanted to spend credits on people but haven't really known who to pick. The easy thing to do is give away baskets but this time I think I want to do it differently. This is where you guys come in! If you are interested, fill out the form in the next post. There is no garantee I'll even pic anyone (which is why it isn't in the contest forum) but who knows what will happen in the next few months.

More info to come later when I get home from work!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:14 am

The Form!

[B]About me-[/b]

[B]Name:[/b] (Gaian name)
[B]I've been part of the shop since:[/b] (Aprox or date of first Soq)
[B]How many soquili do you own?[/b]
[B]Who is your favorite and why?[/b] [url=link]Name[/url] -
[B]Who is your latest soquili?[/b] [img]link[/img]
[B]How did you get them?[/b] (Flatsale, bribe, breeding, custom?)
[B]When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you?[/b] (Was rolled for something.)

[B]RP plots-[/b]

[B]Are you trying for eldership?[/b] (link to soq if so)
[B]What kind of plots are you looking for them?[/b]
[B]Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress?[/b] (If so, what are they?)
[B]Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of?[/b] (The Vitterfolk, the Flock, the Goldenleaf herd, ect. assuming you have permission already.)

[B]Fun things-[/b]

[B]If I had a million dollers,[/b]
[B]What is your current wish?[/b] (A custom, a breeding? Describe or post links to the couple.)
[B]Why are they important to you?[/b]
[B]Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice?[/b] (With Mind's permission of course :p )
[B]Favorite colour?[/b]
[B]Got any music to recomend to me?[/b]

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:40 am

About me-

Name: Amirynth
I've been part of the shop since: Back in Jan '07
How many soquili do you own? A ton
Who is your favorite and why? Malis - She is a troll!
Who is your latest soquili?
User Image

How did you get them? DD's Bribes
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? About two years ago

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? Already have one!
What kind of plots are you looking for them? N/A
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Breeding for Nekali so she can be pulled back to the good side after she gets 'cursed'.
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? The Flock

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I would buy a house with a bouncy castle in the garden and invite every one over for a party!
What is your current wish? Louku, Malis' sister! She looks like this:
Why are they important to you? *insert babble here*
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Yarp
Favorite colour? Purple
Got any music to recomend to me? Queen!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:08 pm

It's now ok to post!

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

20,615 Points
  • Generous 100
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:33 pm

About me-

Name: Teh Roarie
I've been part of the shop since: 2009
How many soquili do you own? 12
Who is your favorite and why? Hototo - He challenges me to think like him. He's so honor bound but so fragile and strong at the same time. He fascinates me.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? Breeding
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? When I was rolled for Sable. But she didn't spark my imagination so I gave her to a friend.

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? With Hoto. *points up* We'll get there eventually.
What kind of plots are you looking for them? Mostly he needs a purpose now. I've finally got all the characters in place so I think I can point him along the path I want him to go.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? To get Hoto out of the flock I need a breeding with Suria
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? The Vitterfolk

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I would buy a car and a place to make a business. I've always wanted to make my own money and not have a boss.
What is your current wish? A custom of my OC Vesi. Quest Thread
Why are they important to you? Ves has lived in my head for I don't know how long. n-n
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Yes
Favorite colour? Purple
Got any music to recommend to me? >_> <____< Le Link
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:37 pm

About me-

Name: Lady Aria Starstone
I've been part of the shop since: I started lurking in 2006. I got my first Soq in
How many soquili do you own? That's sort of in flux. I own 6, one uncerted, plus I have 3 coming from Sirenz when she can and 1 from Sabin in relation to that. ._.
Who is your favorite and why? Aurianna -
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? DD Bribe!
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? In Sirenz's recent flatsale. Last month I think?

RP plots- Currently, working on a backstory for my Miroqi and 1/3's Mencari.

Are you trying for eldership? Ayidan is one I am working on trying to GET to the point he can be eldered. Sadly, a lot of his RPs get abandoned.
What kind of plots are you looking for them? I'm looking for chances for him to show that despite his shyness, he can meet people, help them, and grow past it. Ones where his quiet wisdom can show.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? My Cloud Dance is lonely, and seeking a mate... 1/3 has a plotted twin custom pair, one of whom is to be her mate.
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? I really don't know the herds/etc well.

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I'd put half into savings so I can save up and RETIRE early and visit everyone! The other half, I'd buy a decent house so everyone who wants can VISIT ME.
What is your current wish? Probably the first thing would be a breeding with my Aurianna and her mate, Marzipanz's Eros.
Why are they important to you? Because Aurianna YEARNS to have her children. She is the Angeni of Motherhood, and children are something so very important to her.
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? But of course!
Favorite colour? Uh. Today it's purple. Ask me tomorrow, who knows?
Got any music to recomend to me? Imagine Dragons - Demons

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25


Fandom Fox

20,600 Points
  • Elysium's Hero 500
  • Marathon 300
  • Perfect Attendance 400
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:55 pm

About me-

Name: Kamiki
I've been part of the shop since: 2005!
How many soquili do you own? uh, a lot.
Who is your favorite and why? Stormwild - That's a tough question because I love all my babies. But Stormwild was my first, my most RPed, and just generally who I always go back to.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? DD gifted a breeding to me with SC <3
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? Wow, uh... *taps chin* I think it was DD's unedited breeding raffle in May smile I got this cutie outta the deal!

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? I already have one, Stormwild, but I'm also trying now with Kumiho
What kind of plots are you looking for them? Currently, Kumiho is wanted to find an exceptionally vain or beautiful Soquili and disfigure them horribly - so they have to live with being 'ugly' for the rest of their lives.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Yup! Balrog and Stormwild mock baby that is UNWINGED as a throwback to Balrog's secret unwinged heritage (his wings are themselves a throwback). This won't just be great RP for the Thunderbird Herd, but eventually this child will try to "earn" her wings so bad, she'll eventually be seduced by the corpse powder and become a skinwalker (condor-walker, hawl-walker, or owl-walker).
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? I love seeing big families and love to take part in any of them. I've loved Reaper's bloodline since the whee early days of Soquili, and most recently I would love to somehow earn my way into the Amachi clan. heart

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers,
What is your current wish? Wow, I have a lot going on. The plot involving the mockbaby and Stormwild x Balrog for skinwalkering is a big one. I'm also serious crushing on my couples Legion x Gogol and Naberius x Vanrui
Why are they important to you? Well, anything involving the Thunderbird Herd is a big deal for me, since they are my main central plot bunny factory <3 But the breedings are mostly just because there is so much awesome potential. With Naberius/Vanrui the plan is to give the 3rd basket to someone who doesn't have any paws in their herd!
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? If you feel confident for it, sure! I know some of my couples are complicated >3 But I have a ton of couples that aren't as nightmarish if you need practice heart
Favorite colour? Purple, surprise surprise
Got any music to recomend to me? All-American Boy - oh if you could crush on a song, this would be it!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:02 pm

About me-

Name: Phail Ninja
I've been part of the shop since: Late 2010
How many soquili do you own? 10 (plus one basket that is on the way!) o_0 How did I pick up so many Soq?
Who is your favorite and why? This is a tough one, honestly I think it's a tie between Sakura and Cyllene. Both have had amazing character progression, and I never get tired of RPing either of them. Their plots are amazing, their personalities are amazing, and I just love them both to pieces. I couldn't imagine Soq without Sakura's loving and Cyllene's crazy-a** spunkiness.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? I won him in a basket contest (hosted by you!) x3
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? Just recently! Cyllene is currently pregnant x3

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? Yes! Sakura is.
What kind of plots are you looking for them? At the moment, she is trying to finish up some plots with Sya (who needs some time before she can finish the RP) in which Sakura gets kidnapped. This snaps her out of her scared-to-live state, and she decides to face her fears (after escaping her kidnapper) and go out and seek her long-lost father, whom she has been waiting for to return all these years. She will go on a long quest and ultimately discover that her father was slain by Syntyche, a purewalker. Sakura will then help to defeat Syntyche, allowing her to come to terms with everything and feel free of her past finally.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Siblings of Sakura's are much loved, as it allows her history to be more fully explored via family dynamics. After all these plots take place, she is going to fall in love with an insecure male, who makes the mistake of taking corpse powder to "strengthen himself" in order to protect her, but it obviously backfires as he becomes a skinwalker. I'm trying this out with Uta's Chandar at the moment, but if that falls through, I'll need to find myself a new mate-turned-skinwalker. Apatite's breeding (with Ilyrana) is also important to his long and complicated plot that revolved around a love-hate relationship with Cyllene. It's a very drama-filled plot, and uber fun to RP out x3 On top of that, before their plot can continue, I need to get Cyllene's half siblings - forms for these can be provided if you are curious x3
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? The Flock would be amazing to get into, but I've pretty much given up on ever owning a harpy xD Of course, being a part of the Miakoda herd and also Balrog/Stormwind's herds would be a huge honour, but I haven't asked for any permission for those *too shy* At least I have Hakkar! xD *snuggles my Hakkar* Those four are the main families I want to be a part of here *nods*

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I don't even know what I would do xD Take a good, long holiday and travel the world with my boyfriend, firstly. Then get through university. And save for a fancy wedding. The rest would go either towards my future, or to helping my family. I'd probably give some to charity.
What is your current wish? A custom - Zhan Shi Lao Hu. But I also really want to get Alanna.
Why are they important to you? Zhan Shi is a concept that has been growing in my head for over 3 years now. She is, in some ways, my perfect hero and idol. She's the kind of person I enjoy reading about in books. She grew into this character, complete with a long backstory that I am just itching to RP out. It will be a lot of fun to RP out, and who knows, maybe she too will be elder material one day?
Alanna, on the other hand, was my first ever idea for a custom. She is a cosplay of one of my favourite characters, who I grew up admiring as my idol. She has a special place in my heart, and those books are something I still constantly go back to and re-read, even though I know them almost word for word.
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Of course! xD
Favorite colour? Tough one. My instant reaction is a bright blue, but I've become very fond of greens and oranges as of late.
Got any music to recomend to me? Doctor Jones - Aqua. xD

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol


Dangerous Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:02 pm

About me-

Name: II--Gen3sis--II
I've been part of the shop since: June 2009
How many soquili do you own? 14 solo owned ; 4 co-owned with me
Who is your favorite and why?Matania -
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? You co-owned her with me lol
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? October 2012 when I was rolled in Neza’s breedings and obtained Patricius

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? Indeed Matania
What kind of plots are you looking for them? It’s a very long plot involving revenge, protection, and growth from a naïve young mare to a strong leader who finally forgives herself for her past in order to stop darkness from spreading.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Just one custom is absolutely needed. Her antagonist, The Dragon Lord Tiamat.
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? The Vitterfolk. Lol Why? Cause Trolls are still awesome!

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I wouldn’t be drowning in student loan debt.
What is your current wish? Just to have the ability to move my main plot along regarding Matania. So when that happens, it happens. However, besides that I would LOVE to get my pure water suti twins!
Why are they important to you? She’s been my original character since Aion Online first came out back in 2009. She holds a very special place in my heart and has a very filling backstory. She has a fully history, family, friends, and goals. Overall she’s one character that I know will always have a story to tell regardless of circumstance.
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Of course!
Favorite colour? Black, red, and silver. In that order. lol
Got any music to recomend to me? The Lumineers if you like more folksy toons. Yoji Biomehanika if you like techno/hardrock. If you like instrumental/writing inspiration Epic Score, Two Steps From Hell, Audiomachine, and other various trailer music groups are great.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:09 pm

About me-

Name: NovaCracker
I've been part of the shop since: Oh Gog, I had to look it up, but, since July '09. Helloooo.
How many soquili do you own? 11? More if Familiars count. So. Many. Familiars.
Who is your favorite and why? Caiomhe - And this was hard-- I love all of my Soq, especially The Twins, but Caiomhe, once RPed, has possibly the most interesting story next to Itzel. Her personality is based on Welsh Water Horses, whom are either tricksters, or plain killers like the legendary kelpie. Instead of turning into mist, she lives in misty areas and uses water and her colours to hide in mist, or water, to seem like she does. She's calm, serious, and intense at times. Somewhere, she may eventually get me questing a brother, but for now, she's fun alone.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image Cronolopgically speaking in terms of arrival, hur.
How did you get them? Mixer, she came after my twins did. heart
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? ....... May! biggrin

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? Not currently, not unless I somehow had thismax stats thing and the idea happen.
What kind of plots are you looking for them? Depends on my Soq. Currently most of my Soq would like any kind, though I've got Blythe who I'd like to coax from shyness and Portobello's shadow.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? OH GOD NEVER ASK THESE THINGS.

I'd like to get Shinsei's sister. She's my babbu OC and I would never really want to see her not be here. Shinsei, my second or third Soq, is her brother. His sister's a wind. I keep at her when I can.

I'm also toying with talking to Redbud-Tree about bringing an RPed couple to Soq to get them for play. An OC, who's a twin, and Eridan Ampora from Homestuck, but given my funding normally that would be a long time-- Eridan would be a Mutant alone. Probably Kelpie to boot.

Otherwise,,, Eh. One of my Soq has a mate who's coowned, bone owner is MIA on Gaia so I'd like to somehow get them babies, even if she's getting a surrogate. >_<
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? I haven't found any herds yet! But knowing me I'd create one. Possibly dwarves.

Or Homestuck trolls. Please send help.

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I would probably travel, finish off my Sims collection, buy my girlfriend and myself new computers, maybe buy a car, and then if there's anything left, hit up Lush. And then relax.
What is your current wish? Either Shinsei's sister, or the tenacity to get Twins (Male./Female pair) for myself and Das Tor and Eridan Ampora for Redbud Tree. I kind of suck.
Why are they important to you? Nova... Is a very old OC, one of my first decent ones. Dylan and Kouji are adopted younger siblings and fraternal twins. I created Dylan with Das, who made Kouji, and the two pretty much can't be apart RPly without the existing character feeling 'incomplete'. As for Eridan, Redbud and I were RPing one day, and evidently the characters, Eridan and Dylan, hit it off RP-wise. They've had development, chemistry, and shenanigans that would be fun to bring to Soquili, especially with poor Kouji persistantly saying they're a match made in heaven (Or hell. How annoyed he is determines where it was made.)
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Sure. Hell, I'm happy to toss ideas and things for generic concepts. I have the time.
Got any music to recomend to me?

If you don't mind hearing about Homestuck,or just want a good song, Cascade from the 8th HS album is BEAUTIFUL as well as Gold Pilot for all the associated story shenanigans, are very peaceful and or plain pretty. They're very well composed orchestral peices overall, and nice for most inspiration. For NON Homestuck...

Indian Chanting from Enigma is a very pretty peice of work, honestly, and very soothing to frazzled nerves. Similarly, Angels by Era is also very relaxing and calming-- very much.... Good for meditation. As for less sleep-inducing music, might I recommend [URLhttp://youtu.be/WLTI2rWAlV4]Turn me On from David Guetta Ft. Nicky Manaj or Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO?

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant


Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:12 pm

About me-

Name: Lestragne
I've been part of the shop since: uhh a long time..i used to lurk long before i got my first SOQ. Then i took a gaia break came back and managed to finally receive my first that was a co-own.
How many soquili do you own? 14.5
Who is your favorite and why? I cant pick i love all my soq so much therte plots and personalities. It would be impossible for me to ever pick a favorite from them.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? Entering the art contest
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? uhh..that would be last years October breedings my lifemate couple Kamau and Umbra won a slot.

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? not right now
What kind of plots are you looking for them? N/A
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Yes i need Rougar to progress his and Kaiser's story. They were both orphans but Rougar watched his parents get killed infront of him. He vowed revenge on those that did the deeds but he was only a foal. He travled long and far after that eventully meeting a frail and week colt whom he brefiended. He taought his friend his own ways not wanting to see him die as they were two of the same. Kaiser was never evil he never wanted to become a monster he watched ROugar grow deeper into the darkness. Eventually they made a blood pact Rougar had found a dagger and cut himself and his friend and they shared there blood. He still has the same dagger to this day long after he abandoned his best friend to the elements. He knew Kasier could fend for himself and he left never looked back and to this day Kasier seeks out the one who he once knew even if he himself has also lost himself to darkness through not as far gone. Kasier clamied responsibility for the death of a great leader and he never looked back. Rougar lives to seek those who killed his parents locked him up and tourutred him he claims they helped him grow stronger. On the other hand Kasier seekes ROugar to show him what he is really worth..

That is just one of the many plots i have waiting on Rougar lol i love him and his deep twisted history;
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? I would love to be apart of any big family or heard. I really love all the lines and the history involved in all of them.
Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I would buy all my soq quests lol

What is your current wish? ROUGAR ive been trying for 4 + years and i cant get him and it keeps bringing me down. I have so mant plots around him and yet he is so far out of my reach. I want my boy so bad and its like been an impossible fight with the dice i keep loosing the battle. He is in so many of my plots and he has a background a history and everything i have his personality down all i need is him.
Why are they important to you? He is the "blood brother" of one of my other stallions he has a whole history and plots just waiting to unfold. I am like wanting him and will not stop trying till that day when i can yell in joy that he will finally be real and my dreams will come true. I was trying for him before i took a break from gaia and then i changed his concept up and started trying for him again. It would mean everything if i was finally able to have my big stallion evil boy of awsomeness.
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Sure anything if it means i can finally get him lol im so desperate its not funny
Favorite colour? Blue
Got any music to recomend to me? how about some dance music
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:20 pm

About me-

Name: CitrusCupcake (was Sayuri_Nitta)
I've been part of the shop since: Since late 2005, my first Soq was a co-own of first Kalona, Izusa
How many soquili do you own? Err, counting co-owns? XD
49-52, depending on if you do hehe - Basket makes 50 of ones that I got myself through customs, breedings etc
Who is your favorite and why? Hmm, hard to say - between Aishwarya, Ardia & Izusa
Aish always has a special place as she was my first proper edited custom, and I think she has a timeless elegance, Ardia was my first fully owned & she's had a lovely big family, plus I was lucky enough to get her to Elder, and Izusa..well, she's just wonderfully nuts wink
Who is your latest soquili? User Image My last one that's not a basket
How did you get them? Bribe Breeding
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? Last time I was rolled for something was in the naturals raffle but I did drop a heck of lot of gold in that - last non gold thing would be in the Sugar Rush race when I won the lovely Pixarella
RP plots-
Hmm..lots? XD
My gryph mare is trying to snare her first male to take back to the flock, I have some budding relationships getting started, a plot where two lovers got broken up by a prejudiced father recently got resolved so that they are together again, my recent breeding resulted in the mother dumping the baskets off with her mother (the baskets grandmother), one of my mares is learning to be a thief..you get the gist hehe

Are you trying for eldership? I have thoughts to trying with Izusa , but that'll take some serious planning/plotting & roleplaying
What kind of plots are you looking for them? Izusa mainly needs to sort out her mental state fully, and look to becoming stronger and more focused
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? I'm currently trying in the Wishing Star for a mother for my unicorn mare as I'd really like to develop her back story more and get her out of the deep black hole she is in
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? Off hand possibly the Vitterfolk I think, I've someone in the Flock, and in the Black Skull herd

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, Pounds? (I r Brit hehe) I'd buy a decent house for myself and my fiance, and one for my mother & stepfather as they are renting and that's so expensive
What is your current wish? I have so very many couples that I want breedings for it's honestly hard to pick, but right now it would have to be Aranea & Enyalius
Why are they important to you? Kalonas really are amongst my favourite breed of Soquili and I have wanted a male one for a very long time, he would probably be of great use to Izusa in her plottings ^_^
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Absolutely emotion_yatta
Favorite colour? Hmm..any sort of purples
Got any music to recomend to me? Porcelain by Moby (I'm not one for current music, getting older and it's all starting to sound crap to me lol )


Tiny Bookworm

24,415 Points
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
  • Tipsy 100
  • Streaker 200


Fandom Supporter

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:22 pm

About me-

Name: XxXPandamoniumXxX
I've been part of the shop since: 7/14/2008, when I first received Heha-Nimsup <3
How many soquili do you own? 9 with all the co-owns and Soq I actually own.
Who is your favorite and why? Astraea - I adore her family line and she is the Soq that has become the dearest to me through her RPs.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? Mal's Natural Raffle
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? That natural raffle at the end of June.

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? I want to for either Gabriel or Astraea, but it will most likely be Astraea.
What kind of plots are you looking for them? Anything and everything. I love plots that meld into other plots and right now Astraea is having family drama plots because she is in love with a pawed/clawed stallion. It's forbidden withing the family she is in. So from there she will adopt children and start a song bird army with him. Then they plan to travel the world together. c8
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Kind of. If they won a breeding that would be stupendous, but they aren't at that point. I could see an adoption of a basket or child happening since eventually they will be adopting children from another breeding of mine. As for customs..me and her future mate's owner were thinking about getting a custom mock-baby of the both of them.
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? She is already part of her father's herd. The Maheo Herd and is a mystic or dancer in that.

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, I would probably buy my mom and dad a better home in Maine since that is where they want to live. Then I would save the rest.
What is your current wish? Leaning towards mock-child more between these two... Mikasi'Nell x Astraea. I would say a breeding since she really wants a big family, but I'm fine with anything including adoptions. <3
Why are they important to you? They are so adorable to Rp and love each other very much even if they are awkward about it. They beat around the bush even though they clearly care deeply for one another. It's just so...ugh cute! <3
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Of course. xD Practice makes perfect!
Favorite colour? Purple. ALL KINDS OF PURPLE
Got any music to recomend to me? A song for how I feel right now.. xD Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:25 pm

About me-

Name: Candle Wick Ghost
I've been part of the shop since: I got my first soquili in 08' but lurked for quite some time before that.
How many soquili do you own? 23
Who is your favorite and why? Amaltheia - She is just so driven and motivated, it's always easy to make posts for her and she is super fun to RP.
Who is your latest soquili? User Image
How did you get them? Breeding.
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? DD's June Breedings.

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership? Yes! With Amaltheia
What kind of plots are you looking for them?

Plot Thread

Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? A couple... I think, but one is described below in fun things~
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? Primrose herd, permission granted to quest Shoshana's brother by lysia_nyteblade.

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers, THIS <3
What is your current wish? A custom, which would actually have to be a bribe. He is a clone Venusaur Cosplay, who will be Amaltheia's eventual lifemate.
Why are they important to you? Aloeus will play a big part in Amaltheia's life by helping her on her quest to elderhood. He feels like an outcast; banished and shooed away by many due to fear, he grows bitter and isolates himself. Taking to scaring away the locals and all who dare approach him.

Amaltheia will see past this. It happens after she has her breeding with Nym who charms her in to believing she and her sisters are Nymph's of their respective attributes. She begins to believe he is the Greek God Pan in mortal form and in turn, when she returns home starts delving deeper in to her faith and in to her pregnancy.

Eventually she believes that she has been blessed by a God with his children and when they're born, she will raise them to believe they're Demi-God's. Their father being the supposable Greek God Pan.

Her sister Lun will try talk sense in to her however her mother, who is also fond of their Greek culture and heritage, will encourage her.

This is when Aloeus comes in to the picture. After Amaltheia has had her foals, she will take them to explore. Stumbling upon this creature, they will 'tease' him in an attempt to play with him but he won't have any of it. His grumpy attitude will have them running back to Momma's side.

Investigating further, Ama gets past all that bitterness and pushes to learn more about him and how long he has been hiding out in the forest, managing to outsmart the patrol for so long. Using his back plant to blend in with the foilage. She comes to learn that he doesn't even have a name and thus, names him herself. Aloeus means Father of Giants and she then explains the meaning and jumps straight in to details of her background, Greek Mythology and her journey to becoming a wise and respected adviser for her herd. Ect.

After several trips to see him and bringing her children with her for days out, they will get close, he will open up to her and her children, as well as become the father figure in their lives, he also offers to help her on her quest in order to find his own path and hopefully, role in The Vanaras herd as well.

Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? Sure thing! ;D <3
Favorite colour? Blue!
Got any music to recomend to me? Poets Of The Fall - Diamonds For Tears

Candle Wick Ghost

Romantic Lunatic

11,600 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Flatterer 200


Peaceful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:44 pm

About me-

Name: dawns_aura
I've been part of the shop since: I started lurking around in 2008-ish
How many soquili do you own?Lessee I have Laures, Lady Liliah, Zorana, Li Ronen Xolani, Giolladhe, Semuan-Ya Vasszuraj (co-owned her with Nyx), Fei Yen Li, Raveena, Koemi, Padmsundara Anasuya, Keilani, Amritamalini Jyesthila, Chatura Adri, Linaiha, Will-o-th-Wisp "Wisp" and a basket ( Lynnesse, parents are Laures and Bailey who were trying since Feb. 2011) --16
Who is your favorite and why? This is a very tough question, Laures and Linaiha are my most active muses whom I can write at any time, Laures was my first soq, or Giolladhe, my first and thus far only custom…. But I think I'll go with Laures
Who is your latest soquili? not including basket on the way- User Image
How did you get them? Twisted Halloween breedings
When was the last time Lady Luck smiled upon you? Heart's breedings this month

RP plots-

Are you trying for eldership?Laures, Lils, Giolladhe and possibly Linaiha
What kind of plots are you looking for them? Mostly experiences that will allow them to grow and realize their potential. For Giolladhe, any leadership type plots. For Laures disasters, dealing with past hurts and regrets -his and others- and learning to go on. For Lils, opportunities to heal those who are injured (physically, mentally, emotionally) and opportunities to teach. So pretty much anything.
Are there any plots/ideas in general you have that need a breeding/custom to progress? Giolladhe and Lumriel's ( they have been trying since 2011) to help Giolladhe realize how little he actually knows, to teach him more patience and how to deal with different situations and his disability and help him grow. It will also open up Lumriel to return to the stallion she truly loves who is to be her Lifemate.
Is there a herd/group/family that you would like to be a part of? none as of yet

Fun things-

If I had a million dollers,
What is your current wish? There are two customs I am torn between right now.
One is a tribute to my brother (he was my best friend growing up and he protected me from a lot of the expectations of my father -long story there- who just got back from a tour in Afghanistan.

Edit Category: moderate
Soquili Species: Angeni
Body Build: draft (alternate/leg down lines) non-roman nose
Gender: male
Starting Stage: adult
Concept Origin: new concept
WIP Needed? please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: white darkening to black at the fetlocks, markings- a series of runes carved on his inner left foreleg (a pale, flesh tone, just slightly darker than his base coat) (( see ref for runes))
Face: left eye color-this , right eye color- this
Mane: Length-long, color- black at base lightening to white at the tips, Style- edited (fluffy and with a slight wave) style ref
Tail: style- long, see above ref. color- black at base lightening to white at the tips
Hooves/Fetlocks: fluffy
Reference Image(s):
Runes- x < - - - - uruz, thurisaz, algiz, and dagaz

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): n/a
Wings: color- dark grey, almost black , style- 2
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: He should be Fluffy. The fluffier the better. Just no chest fluff or cheek fluff

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: talisman worn on a braided leather cord, silver cuff on upper right foreleg
Reference Image(s) for Items:
Cuff:x < - - - should be a bit wider than this

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Lesha'Aven "Haven"
Owner: dawns_aura
Breed: Cleric
Temper: sheltering
Tag Background: cc
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): cc

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: Sanctuary
Justification for Domain Choice: What is a haven? A place of safety and rest, a refuge. A sanctuary. A place that offers peace and healing. Even in times of peace, though more prominently in times of upheaval, this is needed.
As a soq, Haven is a calm collected stallion who offers his home as a place of healing, safety and peace.

The other are plot/rp twins from the Deep Forest basket contest Mind held.

Edit Category: up to heavy (?)
Soquili Species: (these are mock breeding twins, with complete colorist control)
Gender: Female and Male
Body Build: standard for both
-- Male Leg Up or down: leg down
Starting Stage: basket
Concept Origin: Mockbreeding allowed from Mind's Deep Woods Basket contest
I, Mindsend, give rights to the following People to use Auliimeli and Singeri (And Auliimeli's grandmother Anjanas for Throwbacks) for a mockbreeding, as long as they use One or both their submitted characters for it and either get the design okay'd with me before or let the colorist have control over the design like an actual breeding.

pinkdog, Kamiki , Kirowyn Love, Faithofthefallen, AlexiaSilver, dawns_aura, Mahogany Sunset, Kallysto, Moon_Princess_Yuki, JetAlmeara, LydaLynn, o-Nightwing-o, Baby Pandah, Akuma_Kessaku, Nyx Queen of Darkness , Ryuukishin, stormflower , NovaCracker, Kitsune Mistress Nyoko, vballlvr5 , SinfulHoliday (female only since she only finished the female's plots), Lunadriel , and musicaloner7

WIP Needed? Yes please

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse:
Female- Lonicera Sempervirens
Male- Lactarius Indigo

Owner: dawns_aura

Female- Tender-hearted
Male- Independent

Tag Background: cc
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): cc
Mock-breeding between
User Image x User Image
With throwbacks to grandmother Anjanas
Also plot ideas which you may or may not use to influence their design-
For the male twin (Indy)
Plot ideas:
-I am a knight: From foalhood, he feels the calling to become a knight, much like his father.

-Never back down: He gets into a situation way over his head, but refuses to back down or ask for assistance from anyone.

-I will protect you: He sees someone smaller or slighter than himself and is determined to protect them, regardless of whether or not they wish his help.

- I will never forgive you: In which he finds a rival…

-There are more things in heaven and earth…: In which he is forced to recognize that his worldview is narrow and that there are other things in the world. It shakes his faith and causes him to question and perhaps consider leaving on a quest to learn the truth.

And female twin (Loni or Cera)
Plot ideas:
-Who am I to be:She will attempt to learn at various points in her life the knowledge of the members of her family to try and figure out just who and what she wants to be. Early on, she will try to become a knight like her father, but she finds she is not capable of harming another in defense of herself or others. She also does not quite have the temperament required to be a priestess like her mother, but that is closer to the type of work suited to her personality.

-Teach me to be: As a young adult, she will wander the kawani lands and find those of many different types of professions to teach her- healers, midwives, artisans, thieves, spiritual guides, whatever… some she will enjoy, but some could potentially lead her into trouble.

-Things aren't always as they seem: Learning to look beyond the obvious

-Help me, I'm in too deep: In going learning from one of her teachers, she gets into trouble. At first, she believes she is capable of handling it on her own, but quickly discovers she's in way over her head, and needs someone to save her.

-I am me: After much wandering and many teachers, Vera grows into the strong confident mare she is meant to be, and returns home to be herself and play her part in the herd.

-Helping Hooves: Got some one injured who needs tending -physically or just safety and time-? Someone lost who needs to find their way? A foal separated from their family? Vera's your mare. She will do whatever is in her power to offer aid and assistance.

-Like mother like daughter… or perhaps not: A free spirit, she sees and admires the open relationship her parents have, and thinks perhaps that is what she would like to find for herself, but perhaps there is a stallion (or mare) out there to help her realize that a committed relationship isn't necessarily a bad thing.
For the 10% difference allowed, I would like them to have a swapped palette, different hairstyles, different breed/mutations/accessories at colorists discretion.

Why are they important to you? See above
Are you ok with being a potential guinea pig so I can practice? yup.
Favorite colour?I like earth tones
Got any music to recomend to me? Umm, I don't tend to favor specific artists, I just listen to whatever songs catch my interest at the moment. I have quite the long playlist which I would be happy to send at a later time if you wish. Though for now, two of my current obsessions are Sanctuary , and Domino both by Alana Grace
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